Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Heads Up

If there is a post other than this today it won't be until later this afternoon. I'm leaving right now to take Mom to the orthopedic surgeon to explore her options. Sis and her husband are going back to Utah as soon as they sign papers for a house they made an offer on. That makes the doctor appointment today mine.

Would appreciate good thoughts, positive vibes, and prayers if that is your cup of tea that we get good news for Mom at the doctor.

Also send some of the same in DR's sister-in-law's direction. She has a cyst on her spine. She sees her doctor on November 3 to discuss surgery and other options. DR herself is having surgery that day so send everhthing her direction too.

The answers to yesterday's fact and crap:

Religions are true.

Eastenders story is crap,

Walt Disney and Roy Kroc story is true.

The Prince Andrew story is crap.

Isle of Woman is fact.

Will have a new trivia question in my next post which will be either mid to late this afternoon or first thing in the morning depending on Mom, the doctor, and how well I am dealing with the news we get at the doctor's.


Pat said...

Lots of good vibes coming, Bill. For your mom to get a promising options report, and also for DR and her SIL. The old vibe machine is really crankin' them out right now!

Lady DR said...

Have been holding good thoughts all day, Bill, for the app't with the orthopedic surgeon. I'll be checking back later, to see if you've posted any news on the app't. Hon, don't worry about trivia -- we can all live a day or two without it or we can find some on our own to send to you. Right, guys? Is there any good reason we can't keep our eyes out for "Who Am I" or other such quizzes to send to Bill, so he's got a bit of a "stash" to use when he's got a plateful?

So, wow, Sis and husband found a house so quickly and are ready to sign papers? This is promising?

Thanks for asking for prayers for Alice and myself. My surgery is minor -- removal of basil cell from the upper lip. I'm more concerned that Alice's may be much more major, so all light, vibes, prayers are appreciated.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

The vibes worked. The appointment lasted for over a couple of hours so there won't a blog entry until tomorrow.

While there they did an unxpected procedure on Mom's hand and she can now move it and the hand has now pain.

There is something they can do for the hip but it depends on the heart doctor's approval.


William J. said...

Thanks DR

Your vibes worked see note to Pat. I will post more about the doctor's appointment tomorrow. It was pretty good news.

I love it if everyone would send me trivia and who am I's and any good news stories.

Sis called. While they were on the way to Utah they got a call and the bank accepted their offer, so they are definitely moving here.

I've got 11-3 on the calender for both you and your sister in law


dona said...

I am a little late for most of the vibes/good thoughts for moms doc appt today, but will still send them through for the hip deal and also for DR and her SIL. Glad they could do a little something to help moms hand & I hope it will last.

I agree with not worrying on posting trivia each day too Bill, we can all live without it each day. And I think its a good idea for us all to Pitch in a bit on finding some things for your stash.

WOW on the house find and approval!

William J. said...

Hi Dona

Never to late for thoughts and prayers.

Thanks so much for your support!

I love all of you here!!


Lady DR said...

Gosh, so far it sounds like good news! How encouraging that they were able to help your Mom's hand/wrist motions at today's app't. Will hold good thoughts on the possibilities for the hip, as I know I frustrated Mom gets with her pain and lack of mobility.

Good news on Sis moving to Portland, right? Any idea when that might happen? Will they be up to their ears in renovating the house for resale or will there be some balance, so she can help with Mom?

Thanks for putting Alice and I on your calendar, given all you have on your plate at the moment.

Okay, guys, you heard Bill... he's open to our contributions. Finding stuff could be as much fun as answering his questions.

William J. said...


I just talked to mom and her hand is doing well. She can move it and has no pain. I have good thoughts about the hip too. Amazing doctor.

Sis moving here is good news for me, I wonder how good of news it i for mom and sis. I might talk about it at some point on the blog but they are to much alike and they cause each other a lot of stress. Truthfully, they both used to cause me stress until I quit taking things personally and just decided they were being who they were, not if I can get mom thinking the same before sis gets here. I am guessing they will be here right after thanksgiving. There will be some balance and the house is two or three doors down from mom. They will live with mom during the remodeling.


Lady DR said...

Great news on the hand/wrist movement continuing to be good.

Okay, on the good/bad news issue. I remember we talked -- several years ago, I think -- about the interaction between Mom and Sis not always being positive and you feeling like you had to go in and "clean up" after each visit. I'm holding good thoughts you and Mom can talk before Sis moves in and maybe establish some guidelines that will be helpful? Things are certainly moving quickly, if they'll be there before Thanksgiving. Now, you say Sis and b-i-l will be living with Mom during the renovations? And that would be for how long? And would the caregiver still be there? Oh, my friend, I can see where you may be scurrying in the next month to try to make things as positive as possible.

Hang in there!

William J. said...


I was over there already this morning and Mom's hand is really doing well.

I think Mom and sis could get along just fine if they could, one see that the thing that upsets them the most about the other is the exact same thing that they are doing themselves. Two, just not to take things personally.

It is going to be after Thanksgiving. Probably two or three months before sis and brother in law move into their new house.
