Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good Or Interesting?

"They usually have two tellers in my local bank, except when it's very busy, when they have one. " Rita Rudner

Ayn Rand authored yesterday's quote. Today only the good and/or interesting stories. You get to decide.

First up is a story of love.

Good or interesting or both?

Next up is a story of pain and suffering leading to a ton of help.

Good or interesting or both?

I've never walked on water but apparently some houses do just fine on water.

Good, or interesting or both?

Hope you day is both good and interesting. Comment Away.


Lady DR said...

The love story is good and interesting. I think it points out that critters develop relationships and need them, just like people. I was somewhat appalled to learn the one zoo -owned by the gov't -had been operating for 22 years without ever meeting standards. It should have been shut down long ago.

I hadn't heard of the incident in TX and found the story both good and interesting. What challenges the children and the family face and how wonderful there's such a nationwide outpouring of moral, practical and financial assistance.

The house on the water is interesting. I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be in a house that big, on a floating cement slab, if that's the case. What the heck happens to all the pretty breakables if there's a storm that causes any kind of tides or rough water?

Lady DR said...

Btw, I also checked out the swimming pools in the sidebar and the ship of floating condos. Talk about conspicuous consumpiton...

Pat said...

So happy that the lions got reunited, and it sounds like a better place for them into the bargain. So... good.

Good that the Berry children are getting help. Sad story.

The "floating home" is gorgeous. A bit much for me, though. I've always wanted to live on a houseboat, but I've envisioned a much more modest one. Also good, I guess, for someone who wants a big one. They don't give a price, but it's probably just a tad out of my range anyway.

All the stories are interesting.

William J. said...


I remember a store here in Portland where the traffic on a bridge here was completely stopped. A goose had been run over. Her mate was next to her and would not move. Geese mate for life and will not separate. Finally they had to tranqualize the goose and take it to a different place and release it. After 22 years it is about time for any zoo to meet standards or be closed.

I hadn't heard of the Texas incident either. It is a really sad story but the aftermath restores my faith in Americans.
Makes me want to do something.

The only thing that probably would hurt the house is tsunmai. And that is possible but unlikely. Low water levels could cause a problem but low water levels isn't a problem this year since it is the wettest weather in 117 years. Still I am with you, I don't think I'd be comfortable living on a house in the river.


William J. said...


That is definition of conspicuous consumpiton. On the house in the article I wonder what their property tax is since there wouldn't be any land value.



It it was me I'd buy it and turn it into a restaurant.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I don't think the lions should have ever been separated and now I am glad they are back together.

The Berry children is a sad story but that so many people stepped forward to help is heartwarming.

Because of Portland's Market I would guess that the floating home is in the one to two million dollar range. It would be hard to put a value on it because there just wouldn't be any comparable sales.
