Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Goals For The Next 12 Months

I had a great birthday yesterday. I got birthday wishes all the way from next door to Singapore. The dinner with Mom was absolutely wonderful. The place is called The Yamhill Grill. The food was great and the service was even better. The waitress made my day when she asked if it was my 49th birthday because that is how old she was and she thought we were the same age. God love her. I got wonderful gifts including some nice money, books, and the wonderful quilt. Now that the birthday is past it is time for me to set my goals for the next twelve months.

Before sharing my goals I want you all to know that I would love to hear what your goals are. I would really like to learn more about all of you that post here.

The one word that best describes what the next twelve months will be like is recommitted. I am recommitted. Recommitted to my goals. Those goals are:

1. Get to 185 lbs. That is the magical number I adopted in November when I started my commitment to better health. Seemingly a major goal back then, it seems very doable now.

2. Get off all medication. When I set that goal in November I was on six medications, now I am on two. The goal daunting in November seems doable now.

3. Take up golf again. I was a decent golfer but quit because so much was going on in my life that I didn't have the time to play weekly.

4. Finish my book. Both the first and second drafts. Send it to several publishers or an agent.

5. Continue my quest to meet a life partner.

6. Take a trip that requires flying.

7. Learn to swim. I swim a little bit but not well, just well enough not to drown in the bath tub. I want to learn to swim well enough to feel safe in pools.

8. Take some dancing classes.

9. Join some single groups, like dinner for eight.

10. Take a cooking class.

There you have my goals, what are yours?

May your dreams come true today and in the future.


Pat said...

Wow, that's a long list of goals. But all seem achievable, so have at it! I know you'll manage most if not all of them.

Me? I have absolutely no goals at all, except for the same ones I always have about getting organized and getting the house and yard in shape. Probably will have the same amount of success, too (i.e., none to speak of). I'm living one day at a time these days and it's enough at the moment to be walking on two feet again.

SymplyAmused said...

I'm so glad you had a great birthday, Bill! My main goal is to get into shape but I have no willpower. As for finding someone in my life, I figure if God has that in store for me, it will happen : )

William J. said...


I really understand you living one day at a time with your Mom and your own recovery from your ankle injury. I'm so glad you are walking on two feet again!

As to me I am real goal oriented person and I get more accomplished if I set a goal.


William J. said...


I think you have a lot of will power just have to much on your plate with school, work, and kids. You would have to have will power to manage all of that.

Thanks for being happy about my nice day yesterday!

I also thinking finding someone is something you can't force but in my case I have a better chance of finding someone if I don't hide in my house!


Mary Z said...

You've got a great agenda planned, Bill. You'll have fun accomplishing them.

Like pat, I don't set long-term goals, just enjoy the moment and do the best I can.

William J. said...

Mary Z

I'm sure I will get to the place where I take things as the come but for now I have to set goals to accomplish anything.


Kaye R said...

I knew you'd have a great Birthday, Bill.. now you'll have a succession of happy un-birthdays!

I have a few goals: 1) see if I can really get a small jewelry business going on eBay; 2) loose 20 pounds, again; 3) turn a small part of my garage into more closet space (I'm a shoe and clothes horse, but don't tell anyone!); 4) put an ad on I'd like to date, but that aint happening when I just go from work to home, work to home ;) I have a few trust issues... but who doesn't once you get to this age? lol

Hang in there, Bill. You're goals are obtainable. You've already made great progress since your last goal setting!


William J. said...


As always nice to see you here.

I'm betting you are going to reach all your goals. I would love to see you in business for yourself. The 20lbs is doable. The one is exciting. Any man that doesn't know how lucky they are to know a woman like you is an idiot.

I'm impatient where my goals are concerned. I want to acomplish them yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Bill!

William J. said...

Thank you, Lisa.