Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Week Behind, The Week Ahead.

Thia has really been a good week at times and a tough week at times. The tough times were the reminder of 9-11 and then some tense moments with caregiving. Those kind of moments that all of us that are caring for an elderly parent go through when you say to yourself "I just can't do this anymore." Of course then you suck it up and continue to do it. Most of the tense moments are from watching mom's memory decline and be reminded of having to watch dad go through the same thing. I really don't want to watch a second parent going through memory loss but there really is little other choice. I did start doing memory exercises with mom and those seem to be helping.

On to the good, I had a nice breakfast this morning with two friends, Ted, whom I've talked about before and another friend, Doug. Doug is in charge of purchasing medical equipment for a hospital association here in the Portland area. He is a really nice man. His daughter is a freshman in college on a music scholarship and his son is a junior in high school. Doug is your ultimate good dad and husband. I really enjoyed both Ted and Doug this morning. We covered a lot of ground and both were not surprised that I did well in the comedy class, especially Ted, whom said "you can do anything, I've always thought you would be the ideal comic." I appreciated the support.

Tomorrow will be a long day ending with the joy of the class that I am so looking forward to. The day will start out with me picking up Mom at 7:30 a.m. for an appointment with her eye doctor at 8:15 and the eye appointment will be followed by her eye glass fitting. By the time we get back to Mom's assisted living center it will be about 11 or so. After dropping mom off I will head home and do my walk. I usually walk really early in the morning but won't have time with the early doctor's appointment. The walk usually takes about an hour.

The afternoon will be filled with reading, writing, driving range, and maybe some blogging. Then at a bout 6 I will take off for The Pearl District in downtown Portland for what I know will be the highlight of my week! Class two of the comedy class. Last week we were instructed to wear clean socks to this week's class! Now that really kind of sparks my curiousity. Does that mean most the class will be conducted without shoes? Does that mean during the class there will be an exercise where will smell each other's feet? And just who doesn't wear clean socks anyway? My socks are always clean! Of course there will be a full report on the blog about the class and clean socks!

The rest of the week will include a return visit of my sister and her husband. However, this time they will stay at mom's instead of with me. They are coming back to finish off the remodeling of mom's house. They want the house to be in prime shape when mom moves home.

What are your plans for the week?

Hope this is a great week for all of you!!


Pat said...

Can't wait to hear how the clean socks are used for comedy!

This week, let's see. I started off by getting up early because I had left a message for the plumber that my kitchen was plugged up again. I discovered it Saturday, so I've been eating takeout and sandwiches so as not to have to wash dishes over the weekend. My plumber, bless him, arrived at 11 (so I could have slept in, but oh, well) and everything is fixed, yay!

Tuesday, three friends and I are going to lunch and to explore a newish trendy shopping area. Wednesday, free day except for some financial stuff that I hope to accomplish by phone/mail/fax. Thursday is my book group. Friday? Can't remember, maybe another free day. Saturday I do a shift at the library's used book store.

And you can insert in there a daily visit to mom, sometimes in the daytime, sometimes in the evening, depending on other commitments. So a pretty good week, all things considered.

William J. said...

Hi Pat!

Wow you getting up early, that is unusual! Sorry your kitchen was plugged up but I am really glad the plumber fixed it!

What is the name of the new trendy shopping area? You got my curiusity

And it does sound like a really good week for you!

I hope the visits with mom aren't to stressful and you week is even better than good!


Lady DR said...

Good week, tough week. Sounds pretty typical, especially taking care of your mom. I'm so sorry to hear her memory is beginning to fade, as I recall how very difficult that was for you with your dad.

Like Pat, I'm real curious about the clean socks issue. Like you, I guess I figure everyone wears clean socks.

My week -- For the first time in as long as I can remember, Mom doesn't have a medical app't of any kind! (I, OTOH, have the semi-annual dental and annual PAP, oh joy and delight). Mom and I were going to do some fun stuff, but her physical (and emotional) state are such she says she doesn't want to do anything but get groceries and go to the Hallmark store, which is somewhat concerning.

The PAC pool is open!!!! YEA! I was there this AM and will probably try to go every day the next couple weeks, to do some much needed catch-up on mental/
emotional well being, then maybe do four days there and one day of line dance, if I can schedule such. I must admit to being a bit disappointed in the renovations -- the pool is only 3-1/2' deep, was 4ft , a bit deeper in middle)which means I have to redo my routines for the class. They wasted a whole lot of space (sayeth the space planner for the State of AK) and reduced function. Two toilets, total (used to be four). Four showers (used to be ten -- can't wait to see 20 women circulating through four showers after aquatics class winter term (grin). But, key issue is, I have a pool available and they've extended the hours, increasing my options.

Other than the pool and doctors, I'm hoping to book some make-up editorial hours and make time to spend at least half an hour a day with the guitar. Too many months without practice has brought me back to beginner status, I'm afraid. Need to get back up to speed, in the event I can rejoin the Monday group I used to facilitate.

Do keep us posted on Mom and I'm really looking forward to a report on tonight's class.

Pat said...

Hi, Bill,

I don't think this shopping area has a name, but it's close to Montrose, where we're having lunch at a place called "Three Drunken Goats". You just have to try a place with a name like that!

Visits with mom are not terribly stressful. Daytime visits are quite pleasant, but she gets crazy at night, so that can be stressful if I don't keep my sense of humor. It manifests itself in constant questions about the train we're on and when we'll leave and lots of stuff involving going somewhere unspecified. It's hard to answer questions that make no sense.

Kaye R said...

I'm also waiting for your review of tonite's class! That may also be the highlight of MY week!

MmmMm.. My week: I learned today that we may get to house or host some employees from the Texas Coastal area. Not sure how many or for how long... but we're ready. Tomorrow, I relocate my office. They've reconstructed the area I'm in and I've been in a temp location for a few weeks. Will be good to be 'home.'

After reading a blog on a jewelry site this past weekend, I've decided to name my jewelry items, starting with flowers or flowering plants. I've already have a list of almost 250 names including their meaning. Who knew daffodils were for chivalry and snapdragons for indescrection?

If I survive past Wednesday, I think I'll have a bowl of ice cream!

Everyone have a great week!

William J. said...


Good week, tough week is typical for all of us with the responsibility of a parent.

The clean socks had to do with Lassie and Timmie not to mention the chocolate river.

I'm so glad you had a week where you didn't have to go to the doctor!

I am sorry that your mom doesn't want to do things but that is so typical of what I have often experienced with my mom. They just don't want to do anything, one they don't want to burden on us (but by not doing things it makes the burden worse) and it is often a chore for them to move. Bless my dad's heart even when he had dementia and couldn't walk he was already to go when anyone was willing to take hime some where.

Great on the swimming! No you have to had swimnming to line dancing as the things you are going to teach me.

That sounds like a really small pool and I'm not sure it is big enough for twenty women. But like you said at least you have a pool!

I think a half an hour a day with the guitar should be required for your mental health!


William J. said...

Hi Pat

I did a little research on Three Drunken Goats and in a couple of articles that I read they are referring to Montrose as the new food village! The name does attract a certain amount of curiousity and the reviews that I read except one were very good.

I'm glad the visits with your mom are stressful. You just have to have your humor you lose that you lose everything.


William J. said...

Hell there Kaye

You there is so much about IKE that we don't think about, like where will workers go that their office was to damaged for them to work in. Your comment about the housing of workers from other areas really brings that home! I am the new influx of workers will be easy for you and your co-workers.

Congratulations on getting your office back!

I'm glad that I live on Daffodil Street instead of Snapdragon Avenue.

Ice Cream! Mom and I love the frosties at Wendy's!
