Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Fox In The House & Angry Cities

The answer to yesterday's Who Am I was Frances Williard. Tomorrow on the blog is update day. Tomorrow is also one of my favorite Sunday's of the year, Oscar Telecast date. As part of my entertainment update I will make my Oscar picks and give little snippets of nine of the ten best picture nominees. The only nominated picture I didn't see was 127.

Let's start out the day with a story I just loved:

Do you think you might be surprised at what was living on top of buildings in your city? Check out this article:

Do you wonder, how in the heck did the fox get to the top of that building?

How angry is your city? According to Men's Health Magazine New York isn't as mad as Los Angeles, and Portland isn't as angry as either. New York was the number fifty-eight on the angry list, Los Angeles was in the thirties and only two cites in the top one hundred were less angry than Portland, Oregon. Read the article here:

And see the rankings here:

Comment away.


Lady DR said...

Interesting article about the doctor and the hospital. I liked the closing question, especially.

I can't imagine how the fox got to the top of the skyscraper! We do have fox around here, although rarely see. They are shy. When Skeeter saw a pair running down the neighbor's drive, from woods behind to in front of our property, her only response was a somewhat quiet and confused "Woof?" (This was several years ago, when she was bright and alert.

The angry city list was interesting, particularly as I spotted several in the Carolinas. I can understand them - Charlotte is a traffic nightmare, among other things. Anyone who's ever tried to navigate the "Inner and Outer Beltlines" in Raleigh-Durham would understand. (I once had a Raleigh native explain to me the reason the cities have grown so fast is people can't figure out how to do the beltways and just give up, buy a house and settle down.) Columbia - it's the state capital - who wouldn't live there and be angry?

William J. said...


I loved the last line and it gives pause for thought.

That is a puzzle, how the fox got into the building let alone on top of it. I don't think foxes are harmful to dogs, chickens are more their style.

That comment the Raleigh native made is hilarious. I was surprised that LA and New York weren't angrier.


Pat said...

Very nice story about the hospital. Why can't we do it? We're broke and we just don't care.

The fox was an excellent stair-climber, the building was unfinished and unenclosed, and he was happy he'd found a good source of food without the stress of hunting. Too bad he got evicted, though once the building was occupied, he'd have been SOL.

I always question those rankings of "angriest", "happiest", or whatever, and take them with a gigantic grain of salt. I do love the Raleigh native's comment, though.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I kind of like the city ratings. Well, I liked it when I found I'm live in a not very angry city but I didn't like it much when were the least manly city.

The fox was pretty dertermined and pretty darn smart. I also was sorry they evicted him.
