Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Health Notes

The answer to yesterday's Who Am I was Saint Valentine. Today before heading out for the grind I am just going to talk about health today.

First up is the signs of stress and how to handle it.


Next up is what I perceive as a good sign. Certainly it would be less expensive to rehab at home then at hospitals or high tech gyms.


Last is an article I found surprising. What do you think causes about 10% of the deaths in the U.S.?


On a non-health note I was disappointed in Jeopardy last night, I thought they spend way to much time explaining the computer and not enough time playing the game.

Looking forward to your input.


Pat said...

I'm totally stressed out, but have none of the symptoms the article mentions. Quite the reverse in a couple of instances. What does this mean? That I'm not really stressed? Or am I just odd?

Home rehab sounds like a much better option for a lot of people. I wonder how costs compare and whether most insurance helps with it.

I agree they spent too much explanation time on JEOPARDY. I hope tonight is more game. I was impressed with "Watson". He sure knew a lot about Beatles songs. After an extremely strong start, though, I was surprised he ended up tied for first place for the night. I thought he was going to cream those guys. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out, and of course the type of questions will limit the computer's ability to analyze, so I hope the questions aren't loaded one way or another.

Lady DR said...

Pat, it's quite possible you're not showing the stress symptoms mentioned because you've learned to cope long term, take care of yourself (which most stressed folks don't do). One of the things they don't mention is that stress will usually attack the weakest point in your system, when it reaches overload level. That can be anything from items mentioned to unexplained lower back pain, fatigue, muscle aches, digestive issues, you name it. Since few of us are aware of where are "weak points" are, we don't make the association.

Bill, interesting articles. I do wish medical professionals were more versed in stress and anxiety and would look for causes, rather than issuing prescriptions based on symptoms.

As to the home therapy, I'd really like to see more of this, see insurance companies basing coverage on individual situations, rather than making arbitrary decisions. With 20/20 hindsight, I wish I'd insisted on Mom having therapy at home after her release from the rehab center and after she broke her foot and after the geriatric doc ordered therapy. For one thing, it would have meant a lot less traveling, which was tiring for her, she could have done it in comfort and without getting "dressed up to go out" and an in-home therapist would have spotted things she could do as she watched TV or whatever. I think another important factor with in-home therapy is that the patient learns what he/she can do in the home and would be more likely to continue doing those things, as they would become part of the routine of the day. Few have the money, to say nothing of the transportation and such, to continue going to a high tech rehab facility or a gym with similar equipment, once the insurance runs out.

The alcohol survey and article was interesting. A few years ago, they contended women were more prone to abuse alcohol, particularly if they were home during the day and it was easily accessed and they felt trapped by non-satisfying demands and so on and so forth.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I am also stressed out and have none of the symptoms but I don't think the article covered all of the symptoms just ones that we really haven't read about before. I also think when medical afflications or reactions to drugs or illnesses being general is a little dangerous. I might react different to stress than you do due to experiences, gender, and body chemistry.

I am guessing home rehab is cheaper than a hospital or a rehab center especially if you were required to stay overnight at the rehab center.

I am also hoping they get through double jeopardy and starting a second game. It is irritating that they can only get through half the game in one night. I was surprised that once the computer repeated an answer of Brad.


William J. said...


It surprises me how many times someone goes to a doctor when stress symptoms and the docotor either misdiagnoses it or says it is nothing.

I'm with you about insurance companies basing reimbursements on individuals but I can of fault the doctors for that too because they let the insurance companies make medical decisions for them.

As to your mom you can't look back, you did what you did based on what information you had at the time. Good point about the patient looking to navigate at home.

I was really surprised by the alchohol article because I thought drinking had decreased everywhere.
I was sure wrong.
