Monday, May 2, 2011

Hell Awaits

Bin Laden is dead. A small special unit of U.S. Troops performed a special operation last night in Pakistan. The US has his body and checked his DNA. Bin Laden is dead.

The feeling I have right now must be a lot like the feeling many had when they found out Hitler was dead. I really am reluctant to celebrate anyone's death but the world is a safer place without Osama Bin Laden in it. The relatives and friends of those lost on 9-11 now have closure. The death won't bring their loved ones back but the man that caused their death received the justice he deserved.

Some expect there to be retaliation attacks so I am happy that our friend Mary is safely home. The irony is that she was in England on 9-11 when the attacks happened and home from England only a few days when Bin Laden was killed.

I remember 9-11 like it was yesterday. I remember the horror of the attacks.

North Tower Collapses:

The South Tower Collapses

I remember thinking what evil person could cause such a tragedy.

The Pentagon:

I remember crying for our losses and for what the world had become.

Flight 93:

I don't like celebrating anyone's death but forgive me I am going to celebrate this one. Hell awaits.

Outside the White House last night:


I was born in 1908 and died in and died in 1981. I was born under another name than I am known by. I was an American pacifist, vegetarian, and peace activist. I was the first woman to walk the entire length of the Appalachian Trail in one season. I then changed my name and walked across the United States for twenty-eight years. I stopped counting miles when I walked more than 40,000 km (25,000 miles) for peace. I was born to a mother that was a tailor and a father that was a carpenter. I was quoted as saying: "In order for the world to become peaceful, people must become more peaceful. Among mature people war would not be a problem - it would be impossible. In their immaturity people want, at the same time, peace and the things which make war. However, people can mature just as children grow up. Yes, our institutions and our leaders reflect our immaturity, but as we mature we will elect better leaders and set up better institutions. It always comes back to the thing so many of us wish to avoid: working to improve. ourselves." I walked three decades for peace. My only possessions were the clothes on my back and the few items I carried in the pockets of my blue tunic. I had no organizational backing, carried no money, and would not even ask for food or shelter. When I began my walk I had taken a vow to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." I was killed in a car accident while I was crossing the United States for the seventh time. Have you walked, taking STEPS TOWARDS INNER PEACE? Who Am I?


Lady DR said...

Like you, I'm not in favor of celebrating anyone's death, but I am willing to celebrate the removal of evil and I think this fits, although I'm sure there are many of his followers who don't share that feeling. I'm equally sure there are many who are willing to step into his place and continue to perpetrate what they consider their religious duty. I pray the day will come when we can find tolerance for all beliefs and lay down arms and not demand revenge or retaliation or demand others believe as we do.

Blessings to all those who've suffered and the families of those we've lost in the insanity since 9-11.

William J. said...


It definitely fits, he was truly evil. And he didn't even follow the teachings of his own religion. I don't know maybe some of the followers will now leave his terrorist group and go home to normal. Maybe with him alive they were afraid to leave and now they aren't. Someone has already stepped into his place. He had already picked a second in command before he died. He now becomes the most wanted man in the world.

I also pray for the day when we can find tolerance for all beliefs and lay down arms and not demand revenge or retaliation or demand others believe as we do. When that day comes it will truly be the "United" States.


Blessings to all those who've suffered and the families of those we've lost in the insanity since 9-11

Pat said...

I don't know what to say about Bin Laden's death. I'm not sorry he's gone, but it's always a little disturbing to think of deliberately hunting down and killing anyone. I heard late last night that he had already been buried at sea, supposedly in keeping with Muslim tradition. That was surprising, to say the least, as the general rule is that Muslims should be buried in the ground, facing, I think, Mecca. So I just looked up Muslim burials at sea, and this is what I found first:

***If a person dies on a ship and if there is no fear of the decay of the dead body and if there is no problem in retaining it for sometime on the ship, it should be kept on it and buried in the ground after reaching the land. Otherwise, after giving Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan and Namaz-e-Mayyit it should be lowered into the sea in a vessel of clay or with a weight tied to its feet. And as far as possible it should not be lowered at a point where it is eaten up immediately by the sea predators.***

This info is from a site on worldwide maritime funeral providers, and carries the caveat that there are different opinions among those of the Muslim faith. Apparently some are saying this breached Sharia Law.

So why the rush? Was his head so mutilated that there was no way they could show anyone the body? One theory seems to be that nobody wanted him buried in a known spot where a memorial might be erected. I'm sure the speculation will continue for a very long time.

I'll join you two in wishing for ourselves and for the world tolerance for all beliefs.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Some interesting stuff you found. Thanks for posting. The stuff about Islam that you found does make you wonder why they buried him at sea so quickly.

Hunting down to kill someone also disturbs me 99% of the time. Just think how many lives would have been saved if someone had hunted down Hitler and succeeded in killing him. I don't like the idea of it but there are exceptions to the rule.
