Friday, March 7, 2008

Spring Forward, Fall Back, Friday Night Plans

Yup, this is the weekend that we do that semi-annual annoyance of playing with time. Sunday morning at 2 a.m. is when we set our clocks forward one hour. I wish they would just leave the darn clock alone, I don't care if it is standard time or daylight time just pick one for heaven's sake and then leave it the same all year. There are recent reports that have stated that daylight savings time really doesn't save that much energy as people turn on their air conditioners earlier and keep them on longer. That defeats the purpose of using the lights less.

About daylight savings time from

"Daylight Saving Time was instituted in the United States during World War I in order to save energy for war production by taking advantage of the later hours of daylight between April and October. During World War II the federal government again required the states to observe the time change. Between the wars and after World War II, states and communities chose whether or not to observe Daylight Saving Time. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act which standardized the length of Daylight Saving Time.

Arizona (except some Indian Reservations), Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa have chosen not to observe Daylight Saving Time. This choice does make sense for the areas closer to the equator because the days are more consistent in length throughout the year."

One of my favorite TV shoes is/was Friday Night Lights but with the writers' strike it hasn't been on for the last three weeks so it has created a void in my weekends. Tonight to fill that void I am considering going to Tonya-Nancy The Rock Opera. I've tried to go to it several times and each time one of Mom's caregivers called in sick and that did away with my plans. Tonya-Nancy the rock opera is an opera about the saga where Tonya Harding's ex husband and a gang of thugs whacked Nancy Kerrigan on the knee hoping to disable her and get her out of the competition for the Olympic's. I'm really hoping I can make it tonight.


Mary Z said...

Our Lady Mocs won their game this afternoon big-time, 78-33. Just a tiny bit of a mis-match, but that happens sometimes in the tournaments. We'll take our wins, no matter what!

I hope you get to go and enjoy the rock opera tonight. That's not my favorite form of production, so we pretty much stay avoid them, no matter what the subject matter. I'll look forward to your review, though.

Changing the times doesn't bother me. But if I had to choose one, it would be DST. I like having those extra hours of daylight in the evening. Also we live at the extreme western edge of the eastern time zone, so that means it stays light until nearly 10 p.m. in the days close to the solstice.

William J. said...

Hi Mary

Looks like the Lady Mocs are in it to win it. Sounds like a very good team.

Looks like the opera is a go. It isn't usually my cup of tea either but nothing ventured nothing gained.


Sian said...

I can't wait for "British Summer Time" when our clocks change - it's always the last sunday in March. In the UK the concern is more about accident rates than saving energy. Road safety campaigners say that it reduces road accidents, particularly involving children on the way home from school. Personally I do a happy dance once the clocks change in Spring! And begin hibernation preparations when they change again in autumn! Sian

William J. said...

Hi Sian

We always used to be the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October until they changed it two years ago. They wanted to save energy, intersting about the accidents accross the pond. Here they say the day they change the clock in the fall is one of the most dangerous days of the year to be on the road.


Anonymous said...

How was the Opera offy? I'm going to Seattle soon....Aren't there some posters on here from Seattle?

William J. said...

Hi, Lisa

Typical another change in plans so I didn't make it.

I'm not sure if it is going to be in Seattle, I heard a rumor they were going to extend the performance here.

Seattle is a nice city but their airport is a zoo!
