Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Update

The answer to yesterday’s question which you couldn’t Google but still many of you got was my Mom. Today let’s do a few what do these three things have in common questions.

Besides being illnesses what to Hepatitis, Jaundice, and Cirrhosis have in common?

What to the characters Perry Maonite, Rock Quarry, and Cary Granite have in common?

What do a shoulder, A fan, and an ice skate have in common?

What to Danke, Tack, & Grazie have in common?

What to Joe Besser, Jo De Rita, and Shemp Howard have in common?

My update:

Event just attended: We had a family get together last night to celebrate my nephew’s daughter going off to Slovakia as an exchange student. We had a great time playing a game called “Catch Phrase”. The game has a circular thing that stores a timer and several phrases. You sit in a circle. Every other person in the circle is on a team, and the ones sitting next to them are on the other team. You hit the timer and then hit the button that brings up the catch phrase. You then have to give clues so members of your team can guess the phrase. As soon as your team member guesses the phrase you hand the circular thing to the person on your left, who then calls up the next phrase and gives clues. When time runs out a buzzer rings. You don’t want to be holding the circular thing when the buzzer goes off because if you are holding it when the buzzer rings your team loses. My sister, My Nephew’s Wife, My Niece, and I kicked butt. My mom did amazing. I will tell you folks this is very fun, often funny, challenging game!

Book I am reading: DAMAGE CONTROL by J.A. Jance

Books I just finished: FINGER LICKING FIFTEEN by Janet Evonovich, KIDNAPED by Phillip Margolin.

MovieS I just attended: PUBLIC ENEMIES. PROPOSAL


Nights at Mom this week: None

Days at Mom’s: Three

Dinners and Lunches out or cooked for or with mom: Four

Number of times going to Mom’s for an emergency because something didn’t work like the telephone: One.


Guilty Pleasure TV: THE SUPERSTARS, reruns of BOSTON LEGAL

Where Mom is going: Monday she is heading to Utah for two weeks. So I get a real break for the first time since 2001.

What I am looking forward to: Two weeks on my own.

What I have planned for the two weeks: Don’t have a clue. Maybe I will get up some morning and take off for parts unknown. Or maybe I will do a Staycation,

Acts of Kindness: I am sure there were some, I just don’t remember them.

That was my update. Now give me yours.


Pat said...

Nothing much to update again. Things crawl along and nothing much changes.

Book(s) I just finished: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. There's almost another book after the Ring is destroyed and the King is crowned. Who knew?

What I'm reading now: Jeffrey Deaver's short stories in "More Twisted". I like his stories, but am just marking time until I select another whole book, and will put aside the stories for marking time again. Next? Need to read something by one of the Bronte sisters for book group. I loved Jane Eyre (Charlotte) and Wuthering Heights (Emily). Will probably try something by Ann this time.

TV is kind of a wateland right now. I'm watching The Fashion Show, but don't like it nearly as much as I did Project Runway. Both hosts are annoying. Also watching Top Chef Masters, So You Think You Can Dance, America's Got Talent, Raising the Bar and In Plain Sight.

Guilty Pleasure: I watched the first episode of Big Brother (how desperate for entertainment is that??). Will see how long I last with this group.

Didn't go to any movies, but saw Burn After Reading on cable and liked it pretty well.

No memorable meals, no memorable visits with mom, no acts of kindness. Must work on that.

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful two weeks of freedom, whatever you do with them.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

So there will be another Lord of The Rings book?

I tried FASHION SHOW and NEW YORK PREP but couldn't get into either.

I was really impressed with the last singer that had on AGT this week. She actually had a better voice than Susan Boyle in my opinion.

I think I will have a good two weeks no matter what I do. The reason I didn't plan anything is I never thought it would happen and didn't want to be disappointed.


Mary Z said...


William J. said...

Hi Mary Z

Welcome back!


Lady DR said...

The family celebration sounds like a lot of fun. Hope your niece will keep you (and, thereby us) updated on her experiences.

Sounds like things slowed down a bit for you this week and I'm holding super-positive thoughts and sending vibes for a great two week break for you. Lord knows you're past due!

We pretty much follow routine around here... sort, wrap and pack. Run errands for Mom, took her shopping one day, mailed more media stuff, took her lunch one day and dinner one night. We did haul a bunch of stuff to the Hope Chest for both Mom and I (act of kindness)and I did make some progress, including removing pictures and filling nail holes in two rooms. I seem to be accumulating all the things Mom doesn't want to part with, doesn't want to take, wants me to have. I see a major reorg of the house and some priority decisions, once she's headed to AZ (wry s).

Fourth of July was a nice break, which I think I commented on. The line dance program went well and the residents appeared to throoughly enjoy it. Under the heading of "everyone's a critic," I took Mom as my guest. She was not enthusiastic after we left.
(1) it was more fun to watch the class, when we did an entire dance; (2) line dance should be done to country music (we used music from the 40s and patriotic/mitlitary music) and (3) Barbara (leader) needs to change her line up, because all the best dancers and show-women were in the second row (that would be Nancy, Dee, Wendy and me). I've stored the last as a compliment and will share it privately with the other ladies and chalk the rest up to the fact it wasn't one of Mom's better days, but she was determined to get out of the house.

We're at three weeks and counting and I continue to be ambivilant, although I think I'm getting better about accepting it all. This is good, since I can't change anything.

dona said...

Bill, I hope your 2 weeks is wonderful. A much deserved break for you & you should enjoy it.

No real update for me. I just spent a week babysitting, seems the regular needed a vacation. I enjoyed having the time with my grandchild but am exhausted. Having to play tag with dad for the bathroom in the mornings is always challenging, but it gets absolutely ridiculous! Don't get in his way when he needs to go golfing! Geez. Oh & can everyone pray for me a second bathroom please.....??? :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Pat said...

Bill, no, there won't be a 4th book. The author is dead, after all. What I meant was that the book went on for a long time after the main plot was resolved. There were more battles and some more characters' lives got resolved. Actually there is a fourth book, but it comes before the trilogy. It's called THE HOBBIT, and tells how the first Hobbit, Bilbo, got the Ring in the first place. I understand somebody is making a movie of that one, too.

I must have missed that singer on AGT, but I did see the male basso that they had ballyhooed on promos for a week. He was very, very good, but since we knew he'd be good, it didn't quite have the punch of the Susan Boyle surprise.

I understand your not making plans until the last moment. Just in case of disappointment. Lots of good vibes coming for a great two weeks.

William J. said...


Believe it or not my niece has a lot of rules to follow and one of them is to have little contact back home. So we won't find a lot out other than that she is safe until she returns.

Believe it or not I am already felling kind of lost.

You are going to have to take a week to just rest after your mom moves!

Of course the line dance went well, your group is great at it!

Gosh how that would annoy me if my mom had not been more positive if I had taken her to one of my peformances. I do like that she thought your line had the best dancers in it!


William J. said...

Hi Dona

Even if I just stay home go to movies, take day trips, visit friends, eat out, walk, it will be an interesting two weeks!

Dona, you just keep doing things for others, I hope people start doing things for you. I know the Shankster but it would nice if so many people that you help would return the favor.

I am not only going to pray for a second bathroom for you, I am going to pray for a big house with servants!


William J. said...

Hi Pat

I think the singer on AGT was last, she was also a cancer survivor and blew everyone away. She was better looking than Susan Boyle.

I didn't relize the author was dead! But sometimes that doesn't stop a series. I think Ludlom (sp) is dead and The Bourne series keeps going.

Thanks for the good vibes!!!


Lady DR said...

Dona, sounds like you had fun with the babysitting, but I understand the exhaustion -- seems to be a common comment from almost anyone I talk with who does babysitting for more than an hour or two.

Hear you on the bathroom. Has to be frustrating as can be. I shall visualize a large house with three bathrooms for you. Meantime, maybe you could rent a porta-potty to put by the house -- do you think your dad would catch the drift? Some of them come with sinks and faucets (wry s).

Bill, I'm surprised the niece isn't encouraged to communicate -- do they feel that such would interfere with her "integrating" into the family and culture, do you think?

Yes, I hear you about already feeling a bit lost. My moods, feelings, thoughts seem to go up and down like a bad EKG line lately. Relief, guilt, cocnern all will be well in AZ, knowing there's nothing much I can do from here if such isn't the case, not knowing if anyone will share with me if things aren't right... about the only thing that helps is reminding myself that "what is, is" and that the best I can do is "observe, accept, not judge or force." I know it's going to be hard, because I'm sort of sharing your feelings about Mom being gone, long term. OTOH, I'm reminding myself there comes a time to accept that we need a break, a change, that others are perfectly capable (although not necessarily in the same ways we've been) and I keep trying to accept the idea of "for the greater good of all involved." It's not necessarily easy. I hope you'll be able to give me some pointers about what you learn in your two weeks of "freedom" that I can apply to the big change I'll be making.

>> You are going to have to take a week to just rest after your mom moves!

LOL. I told Himself tonight that the first week or two Mom's gone I may do nothing but sleep late, go to the pool, come home and take a nap. He suggested this was not a good idea, it would be better if I sorted his transistors and such!

As to Mom's reaction -- I was initially hurt and quite disappointed, but then I realized she wasn't having a good day and nothing would have made her happy and concentrated on the compliment on the second row of dancers. When she's not on the top burner, she says what she thinks and d*mn the torpedoes, so to speak. I've leraned to adapt, most of the time. What throws me off is things I think will irritate her do not and things I think she'll appreciate, she doesn't, from stuff Himself does for her to stuff I do to entertainment offered. She can, on occasion, be hurtful, yet I honestly don't think she realizes it. I've come to realize it's pain or frustration talking, as often as not.

Have a good break and do share how it impacts you. I may need a lot of hints and advice in about three weeks!

William J. said...

Hi Dr

I guess in this particular exchange program they really want the students to experience living in the country. There is also a lot of homesickness and many times students get there and break their contract and go back home. So they want the to experience the family, the country, and not feel like they can leave at the first site of trouble. So they limit the contact. I think it is limited to once every three months.

You hit the nail on the head as I am feeling all of those emotions plus concern. The only thing is mine is for two weeks yours is forever, maybe.

I will try to give you some pointers and I think the key is to stay busy.

I like Himself's suggestion!

Like your Mom, my Mom can say the most hurtful things and then she denies saying them two seconds later so I think it is a case of them not knowing what they say!


Lady DR said...

I kinda thought we might share the same feelings about "losing" responsibility for parents. Any pointers appreciated.

As to you agreeing with Himself's suggestion -- uh, have you ever seen boxes that hold hundreds of different colored or "taepred" transisters aor diodes?

The good news is, I've got editorial work starting to come in, so I may be able to avoid the little wires and such he wants sorted g).

dona said...

Thanks for the wishes for a bathroom/house with bathrooms!

House with Servants?? I don't know what I would do with Servants..probably end up caring for them! LOL

Dad has gotten wind of getting another bathroom...I don't think its possible with this home. I don't think this home came with one as I can remember when little having to use the OUTHOUSE while staying over nite here. YECH! Bad nightmares over that too. Ok that's a wholenother story.

But the one that is here was "put in" and did I ever say here that there are NO CLOSETS here either? Strange. There is a middle hall that is used/converted into one and dad mentioned putting a toilet in there once...I vetoed that immediately. If you all could ever see this place you would just take my word for it. :)

The portapotty? I think the millionaire that lives directly behind us might have a say in that too! LOL

We have managed for 6 years like this but for some reason its all getting to me big time in recent weeks.

Yes the babysitting was very exhausting. At a year old he moves faster than my old worn out knees can follow. But as my first and only grandchild I could not say no.

To Bill and DR, I sure hope the both of you can go on with things you like to do with yourselves and significant others after your mom's are moved out/vacationing.

Just keep on remembering that during this time I will be living vicariously through you both! :)

dona said...

Oh and I saw that singer on AGT last week too! She was so good. I don't usually watch it but frequent it since the Susan Boyle thing. And Bill is right, this lady had the whole package. Hope she will go far.

Lady DR said...

Dona, having been raised on a farm with an outhouse as second choice in a family of six, I hear you on the horrors (wry s) Maybe, if you covered the portapotty in wood siding, the millionaire neighbor would thing it was a gazebo or yard ornament (G).

Hear you on the closets -- our house, when we moved in, had two closets in the bedroom - each a little less than four feet wide - and a 3' coat closet. The latter lost half the space or more when we had the a/c and new furnace put in. That was the sum total of the storage areas of any kind here. We still have only the two 4' bedroom closets for clothes, although I made them double decker, and I figure it keeps us honest on how much clothing we need. I designed and Himself built a storage closet into my office in the sun room and another in the craft room, large enough to hide the washer and dryer. Now you know why each season I go through clothes and donate!

William J. said...


OK, I will give you a pass on organizing Himself's wires!

Enjoy the editing project!


William J. said...

Hi Dona

No, no, no. She servants are supposed to care for you! I am adding a cook and a housekeeper too!

One bathroom and no closets? We just can't have that after I win the pwoerball.

It doesn't surprise me that after six years it is starting to bother you. Those things just kind of build up over time until you can't take it any more.

I plan to report on daily what I am doing!


William J. said...


I am glad you caught the singer. I'm rooting for her to win now!!


dona said...

Bill, I hope you just have fun on your days...its nice to hear what you will be up to each day but I think everyone here would agree that it would be ok if you didn't sign on here for a few days...we would just holler at you later. :)

DR, The Shankster LOVED the Gazebo idea.....If it gets worse he may consider that as an option!

Each season I do the same as you on the clothes situation. With my mom still here the first year I had to keep all our clothes in the room with us so I cut it all down to enough to wear or rewear for a week at a time. I use every baggage I have loading it up with winter items when summer is here and vice versa, its a chore, and then each season as you I tend to find I don't really need something and donate.

I think I used to be a pack rat...although I didn't consider it pack ratting...(correct term?) I even had my bell bottoms from the 70's and clothes I wore in high school and even my 6 inch tall, platform suede shoes I wore to Kiss Concerts! I kept it all! Of course I had to give it all away upon coming here...a real wake up, I guess I didn't need to keep those things, but still loved looking at them ever so often. If you ever see a strange looking kid with a knit poncho, bell bottoms and platform shoes can bet they were mine! :)

William J. said...

Hi Dona

You went to Kiss concerts and wore platform shoes and bellbottoms? It is OK I went to Neil Diamond concerts and just go rid of my leisure suits and Nehru jackets a couple of years ago!

I'm sure I will feel the need to post the next couple weeks, maybe not every day but definitely enough to connect with my favorite friends!
