Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Contemplating Bellybuttons.

"Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you." ~Annie Dillard

Started out to be a bad morning when I thought my laptop was stolen but then it became a great morning when I found out that it was only misplaced. That left me to tired to do much except contemplate my belly button:


Are you contemplating your belly button now?

Now in order to be equal next up are two questions to consider, one about women, and one about men. First up women:


Next up men:


Questions for the day outie or innie (innie), Do you think woman are impacting the economy (Yes, in spades), and you think there are fewer do it yourself men out there? (Yes and more do it yourself women)

Looking forward to your answers


The answer to yesterday's Who Am I Was Mercy Otis Warren.


Pat said...

Innie, and I wash it thoroughly in the shower.

Of course women are impacting the economy.

Don't know about DIY men. My dad and my husband were both good fixers, but now I have to rely on professionals and occasionally my SIL when he's here. I can fix a few very simple things myself, usually in a Rube Goldberg manner, but not many.

Lady DR said...

I have an innie and, given the time I spend in the pool and daily showers, I suspect it's relatively clean. (g).

I'm not surprised to hear there are more women starting/owning businesses over the last number of years (then again, maybe I'm not objective (wry s)). The job market hasn't been kind to anyone, but especially women who either have been out of the workforce to raise kids or who have hit the "glass ceiling" in their firms. I'm also not surprised the numbers have dropped on stats, for all small businesses, given the economy.

Fewer DIY guys? I really haven't kept track. My bro and cousin are still DIY, but learned from their dads. Himself is DIY, most skills he learned himself, one way or another (and which I really appreciate). I'm a DIY person myself, for the most part, but not as much as I used to be, since I've had Himself to take over a lot of that. Daddy taught me lots, passing on skills as if I was a boy. I no longer have my own electric drill, nor am I sure how comfortable I'd be with it. I do see more ads for "handyman" services in flyers and coupon mailers and the like, which leads me to suspect a lot of folks would as soon hand the duties over to someone else. Given the hours many folks work, it may also be a case of "time and motion and priorities."

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I wash my in the shower.

I thing women are impacting the economy more than men right now because there are more women in the work force.

I am probably getting better at during thinks myself over time which would make me the exemption to the rule. I really never wanted to try to do things before and now I do.


William J. said...


Innies dominate the Dahn report.

The thing that bothered me about the article even though so many women were starting small businesses a smaller percentabe of them were getting financial aid.

I actually thought the economy would increase the number of the DIY people regardless of gender. I know I do things now that used to be done by experts. We both learned to do things that were normally taught to our opposite genders and I think that has benefitted both of us in many ways.
