Saturday, June 4, 2011

Food, Old People, & Bad People.

The food pyramid is out:

What were prehistoric women and men like?

The five worst people in history:

I'm not so sure I would agree with the high school's choice. My five worst people would be; Hitler, Ted Bundy, Ben Laden, Wesley Alan Dodd, and Jack The Ripper. Who would your five worst be?

Comment away.


The answer to the last president was James Polk.


Pat said...

Does anyone really pay attention to the ever-changing "food pyramids" and now "my plate"? We all know we should eat more fruits and veggies, don't we? I guess maybe putting out new visuals might help encourage some people to shape up. Maybe.

Interesting about prehistoric men being couch potatoes. Who knew? {g}

I never heard of Wesley Allan Dodd, but just looked him up and he is definitely a "worst" type. I'd go with your first three and maybe Dodd, but Manson should probably be in there. It's too hard to limit "worsts" to five when there are quite a few serial killers to choose from. Actually, when you look at the body count of their phony wars, maybe Bush and Cheney really should be in there somewhere, too.

Hope you're feeling better today, Bill.

Lady DR said...

Saw the new food plate in an article a couple days ago. It's a nice visual but, as Pat says, we've tried pyramids and we all know what we "should and should not" eat, but not many people follow it. And I do think it would make life easier for folks trying to do nutrition to understand portion sizes. 3 oz of meat is the size of a deck of playing cards, a helping of veggies is about the size of your fist, the tradeoff between fruit juices and fruits, that sort of thing. The bottom line is, until someone really wants to change their eating habits, all the pretty pictures and pyramids and media isn't going to change them.

Yes, I was aware of habits of prehistoric men/women, thanks to all the ghostwriting I did for Bob. Much of the research indicates that the chimps and bonabos were largely vegetarian, until they devised ways of bringing down meat. The women were the gatherers of berries, nuts, vegetation and the like and took their children with them, while the men sat at home. Various anthropological studies indicate that even when hunting began, the women may have been involved, with the elders staying behind to watch the children. It appears, from the beginning of time, the females were the gatherers, the nurturers, to some extent the organizers and decision makers.

I don't agree with the school's choices and I think it's not a list that should even be considered for a high school yearbook. A discussion in class, perhaps, but how did they come up with the list? I'll go with your first three, don't know anything about Dodd. What about Khan, the Mongrel war lord, who decimated so much of the early world? Manson, as Pat pointed out? Sadly, there are just way too many candidates.

Hope you had a restful day yesterday and again today, altho it seems you were scheduled to do some Mom time this weekend? Did they, by any chance, come up with the source of the severe indigestion?


William J. said...

Hi Pat

I didn't pay attention until I read the article and I probably am not going to pay any more attention to the food pyramids after reading the article.

Who would have thought that men were couch potatoes from day one. What a shock.

I should have thought of Manson, truly one of the five worst of all time. Yes, the body account in the Irag war is astounding when you count civilians.

I am doing much better today!


William J. said...


The source was mostly stress. I didn't realize it could cause that but it can. Since it lasted for two days they couldn't pinpoint what caused it other than stress but I am cutting out diet pop.

Nobody follows the food advise of the government. Portion sizes has always been my complaint too. I agree someone has to want to change their eating habits before they will.

When you think of it, it is amazing how much you learned from Bob. They would almost have to be vegetarians because of the dearth of meat. Wow women hunted. You always hear that men appear to be the gatherers.

I completely agree that the five worst is not appropriate for a high school year book. Classroom yes, year book no.

Kahn would be a good choice!

Here is where you can learn of Wesley Alan Dodd.

He molested fifty children. He was the last man to be put to death in Washington. He was sentenced to death for killing three children. He raped and killed them, then had sex with the boys after they were dead and video taped it. It was the first time in my life I supported the death penalty and his quote is the reason why:

"I must be executed before I have an opportunity to escape or kill someone within the prison. If I do escape, I promise you I will kill prison guards if I have to and rape and enjoy every minute of it." While in court he said that, if he escaped from jail, he would immediately go back to "killing and raping kids."

I did have restful days, including over twelve hours of sleep on Friday.


Lady DR said...

Stress can do wondrous (awful) things to the body and mind. I think trying to reduce stress (are you back to walking?) rather than cutting diet soda may be more a priority.

Men were considered hunters and women gatherers (women's work, crawling around, collecting berries, nuts, etc), but there was very little hunting, ergo...

Okay, I agree, Dodd makes the list in spades. But, there are just so many. I'm ever so glad you always include the "good guys" in your posts here, to renew my faith in mankind.

William J. said...


I am going to walk and cut out diet pop just to be safe.

It is amazing how much I learn from you and Pat. On a daily basis.
