Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Heart

Let's all keep DR in our thoughts today as she undergoes surgery. And also for her sister-in-law who is seeing a specialist today. Let's us know how you are DR when things settle down for you.

The good story:


For Dona. Some good recipes here:


Last night on Dancing With The Stars they had a team competition. One team was Team Tango, one team was Team Paso. Michael, Aaron, Mark, and Mia were Team Paso. Kelly, Joanna, and Donny were Team Tango. To find out which team won you are just going to have to wait for my update next Sunday. However, I was very impressed with how Michael Irvin got his team together and helped the team focus on their task. When there were discussions about several things he called everyone together and gave them a little speech. He basically said argue all you want but we are a team and when we perform we perform with "one heart." I loved that. That can be translated to places far more reaching than the dance floor. In marriages fight, discuss, but then come together and live with one heart. In the work environment, discuss, propose ideas, but when the project deadline approaches pull together with one heart. I really liked that statement.

If you have been part of teams tell me what made the teams that you were on good teams. And tell me what made the teams that you were on bad teams. For me a good team has a good leader, role players, those that will step back and let someone else perform as task that they are not as good at, willingness to suppress individual goals for the betterment of the team, positive delegation, and good communication whether it be at work, in a marriage, on the football field or basketball court. The bad teams have no direction and bunch of members looking out for themselves instead of each other. Your turn.


Yesterday's Answer: Antonia Coello Novello

Busy today with Mom and work assignments so instead of a Who Am I it is fact or crap day. Don't over think them. My blog, my answers rule:

In 2007, the Vatican created a new set of ten commandments, this time for the rules of the road when you are driving.

The Guppy Syndrome says that attractive women are attracted to married men.

Simon Bolivar was once President of three countries simultaneously

The TV dinner was invented as a way to get rid of excessive turkey inventory after Thanksgiving.

Oregon born Billy Idol picked up his English Accent while studying astrophysics at Cambridge.


Lady DR said...

Thank you all for the good thoughts and prayers. I'm home and none the worse for wear, although half my face is numb and I look like I've been through the wars, with all the tape to try to keep pressure on the lip for 24 hours(wry s). No restrictions on activities EXCEPT as little talking as usual, tiny bites of soft food and don't open mouth any wider than necessary, to prevent pulling on/out stitches. No talking? That will be the toughie! No word on s-i-l until tonight or maybe tomorrow.

Bill, thanks for the feel good story. I suspect with many of the poor, especially the homeless, their pets are their only family and a source of unconditional love. Good for Pongo's owner for recognizing that caring for them is caring for the homeless, as well.

William J. said...


Thanks for checking in with us, now go to the comfy couch and relax!!

I loved the good story because of the people he helped.


Pat said...

DR, so glad to hear everything went well with you. No talking is really hard, but I know you can do it! For 24 hours? Stay on the computer until bedtime, and don't talk to the computer.

Bill, nice story about the Pongo fund. Something that is mostly overlooked, so good for Chusid for doing all this.

I missed DWTS completely last night, but will try to see who gets booted out, at least. I agree with your take on teamwork. I haven't really ever worked with a team, but if I did, I'd hope they went by your rules.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

My guess is Mark and Michael are going home tonight.


dona said...

DR, so glad you are doing well enough to check in. NO Talking?....hope you had good luck with that. (that might be a hard one for me) :)

William J. said...

Hi Dona

I couldn't even go without talking!
