Friday, June 4, 2010

Let's Dance, Let's Talk.

Let's dance:

Who would you want to dance with? For me it would be either Kym or Anna from Dancing With The Stars or S.D. a lesser known celebrity that I won't use her full name out of respect. I also wouldn't mind dancing with Sandra Bullock or Betty White. My guess is Pat is going to say Antonio Banderas and DR might go with Garth Brooks. Dona. Connie, Mary Z, Mary, Ellen, Belva, and the rest of the crew her I'm not so sure about.

Let's Talk:

Should nuns be allowed to speak out on social topics? Read the following article before you decide:

What brought the survey about is bishops have criticized the women for taking public stands favoring the new health reform legislation and last month a Sister of Mercy was publicly rebuked by the Bishop of Phoenix for allowing an emergency abortion at a Catholic hospital to save a mother of four in danger of dying from a rare heart condition.

I'm going with the majority here. I'm not for censorship of anyone or of any kind. I would love to hear whatever is on the Nuns or anyone else's mind for that matter. You?


Yesterday's answer was Louisa May Alcott. Which most of you said I made it way to easy. Easy is my middle name.

I am an educator born in Massachusetts in 1866 and died in 1936 in New York. I was the daughter of an Irish immigrant. I had one brother who was crippled from T.B. During my childhood I was subject to poverty and physical abuse by my alcoholic father and at the age of five, trachoma struck. Two years later my mother died and my father abandoned us to an orphanage in Tewksbury where my brother died shortly. Despite being left in a orphanage with no formal educational facilities I prospered. When the state board of charities chairman visited the orphanage I literally threw herself in front of him crying, " I want to go to school." I graduated valedictorian and began teaching. My most famous student was seven years old and highly undisciplined. First, I had to teach her obedience, followed by teachings of the manual and the alphabets. I tutored her through The Cambridge School for Young Ladies and Radcliffe College. People were amazed at my teaching skills. Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Henry H. Rogers and John Spaulding were only a few of those who met my famous student and I and supported us. Throughout my student's formal education and after I was often viewed with suspicion and speculation. Many believed that I was trying to control and/or use student. After my student's formal education I continued to assist her by accompanying her on her travels and to various lecture tours. I married a Harvard instructor and the student lived with us. The owner of The Dahn Report was once given an award named for my student. Who Am I?


Pat said...

You got it right for me. Let's dance, Antonio! {g}

That nun in Phoenix was more than "rebuked", as I understand it. She was excommunicated, which I consider just another huge blot upon the Catholic Church. Of course nuns should speak their minds, if they aren't too brainwashed by rules and dogma. All Catholics should speak their minds, including priests. If they did, perhaps things would change.

Lady DR said...

Oh, yeah, I wouldn't turn down a dance date with Garth (g). If he's not available, I'll go with Toby Keith.

As to the nuns... Yes, I think they should be allowed to speak out on social issues. I think they have a much better grasp of the reality their people are dealing with than the bishops. I was upset to see Pat's statement the nun from Sister of Mercy was excommunicated. Here is a woman who understands that it's more important for a husband and four children to have a mother than to give birth to a child, who will have no one to raise him/her, given the medical situation. That's reality. I seriously doubt the Catholic hierarchy has a clue how many of their "children" are sick and dying, because they can't afford medical care, while many of the sisters see it on a daily basis.

I'm going with you and the majority. Censorship of the nuns is totally out of line, particularly as they're often on the front lines. As I recall, Sister St. Theresa wasn't shy about pointing out some of the ills of the world.

Bev Sykes said...

The nun wasn't only publicly rebuked she was EXCOMMUNICATED. Outrageous.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I thought it might be a good guess!

I pretty much new the nun was excommunicated but I was going by what the article said. I didn't want to change the article since I didn't write it.

Brainwashing is a good point! However, most nuns I've met have been pretty independant.

And you are right speaking out sparks change!


William J. said...


I forgot about Toby Keith!

There is no doubt in my mind that the nuns have a better grasp of reality than the bishops or priests. When is that last time a nun was in the nuns for sexully abusing an alter boy?

I think the nun made the right choice and more people lived with that choice then if they had made a different one.

Good point on Sister St. Theresa!


William J. said...

Hi Bev

Like I told Pat I was going with the article. I wasn't going to correct an article that I hadn't written.

I knew she was excommunicated from your Facebook posts. I think that is criminal. She did what was right.
