Friday, June 18, 2010

Sex And Cancer

Not much today as I am off to an accounting seminar about bankruptcy. It is the last one that I have to attend for a few months and boy am I glad that my education month is almost over!

Interesting article about selfishness and sex. The article pretty much destroys everything I had learned before I read the article. Basically the article states that your sex life and your partner's sex life will be better if you ignore their needs and concentrate on your own. Doesn't that go against everything we have learned for years? You can read the article here:|htmlws-main-n|dl3|link5|

The other article is on cancer but this one doesn't surprise me as much as the above article does. This article states that when doctors find cancer and it is in the early stages that the doctors have a tendency to overtreat it. You can read the article here:

As always your comments are appreciated.


Yesterday's answer was Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson, Andrew Jackson's wife.

I was born in 1917 and died in 1977. I am often remembered for the quote "Nobody's free until everybody's free." I attended the 1964 Democratic National Convention to fight for the right for the Freedom Party that I helped found to be seated. My plain-spoken manner and fervent belief in the Biblical righteousness of my cause gained me a reputation as an electrifying speaker and constant champion of civil rights. Without my knowledge or consent, I was sterilized in 1961 by a white doctor as a part of the state of Mississippi's plan to reduce the number of poor blacks in the state. In addition, at the time black people who registered to vote in the South faced serious hardships due to institutionalized racism, including harassment, the loss of their jobs, physical beatings, and lynchings. Despite that I was the first volunteer to register. I later said, "I guess if I'd had any sense, I'd have been a little scared - but what was the point of being scared? The only thing they [white people] could do was kill me, and it seemed they'd been trying to do that a little bit at a time since I could remember." I traveled on a rented bus with other attendees of Bevel's sermon to Indianola, Mississippi to register. I began singing Christian hymns, such as "Go Tell It on the Mountain" and "This Little Light of Mine," to the group in order to bolster their resolve. The hymns also reflected my belief that the civil rights struggle was a deeply spiritual one. I was falsely arrested and beaten close to death by white jailers. It took me a month to recover. That didn't stop me. I formed a new party whose purpose was to challenge Mississippi's all white and anti-civil writes delegation to the 1964 Democratic Convention. I kept up my activism and ran for Congress in 1964 and 1965 and was seated as a member Mississippi's legitimate delegation to the 1968 Democratic Convention where I spoke out against the Vietnam War. I continued to work on other projects, including grassroots-level Head Start programs, the Freedom Farm Cooperative in Sunflower County, and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Poor People's Campaign. I was also inducted as an honorary member of Delta Sigma Theta sorority. I died of breast cancer in 1977 in Mississippi. My tombstone reads, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired." I had an opera written about me. Who Am I?


Pat said...

Re the sex article, I'd go with a combination of the two. I liked the comment that to have good sex you need to be enthusiastic about it. Also that some people are hung up about whether they're doing a good job. That's a pleasure-killer, for sure. For both partners, I would think.

I think the other article should be required reading. I'm sure there's a lot of over-diagnosis and overtreatment going on, especially for people with good health insurance. Second opinions before doing anything drastic should be mandatory.

Lady DR said...

I'm back, as of 11:00 pm last night, after the drive from h7ll. Once I get unpacked, organized, unkinked and rested up, I'll check in.

I skimmed the messages and will be adding several to my prayer list as of tonight. Otherwise, I probably won't even try to catch up on the last week's messages.

Lordy goodness, but it's good to be home!

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I also think rating the performance is a romance killer. Just appreciate other. And like you said be enthusiastic.

Do I ever agree with you about second opinions. I also agree with you about the article being required reading!


William J. said...

Hi DR!!!!


I moved update to Saturday this week so tomorrow I am looking forward to you bringing us up to speed on the trip!
