Oscar nominations are going to be announced tomorrow morning. President Obama's State of The Union address is tomorrow night. Today Oprah is announcing she has a half sister. Jack Lalanne, the fitness guru, passed away at age ninety-six. Then there is the Walmart shootings in Washington and the shooting of two officers in Florida. Not to mention the bombing in Russia. Hard news is going on everywhere. Everywhere but here. I think we all need a break from the troubling news, politics, and secrets of the day. I hope to provide that from hard news today. Sure that hard news will always be the Elephant in the room. However, the elephants may not have tusks:
I'm sure we all think some of what we read in newspapers and what we hear from our televisions is rubbish. Now we now what to do with any leftover rubbish:
The obvious is sometimes fun. It never ceases to amaze me what companies do and what they think they can get away with. I saw this court decision coming from miles away:
Comment at will. The picture that follows the Who Am I of the day is from Mom's surprise party. It was taken by cousin Belva and is of Sister, Mom. and myself. Thanks Belva!
I was born in 1901 and died in 2000. During my life I was a prolific and popular writer of Romantic novels. Using a tried and tested formula, I tapped into a populist demand for romantic novels, usually with women ending up happily married to some chivalrous man. Outside of writing I was a vivacious and outgoing personality, rarely short of an opinion on any subject. My father died during the First World War, leaving the family in difficult circumstances. However, with my natural charm, beauty and energy, I became a feature on the 1920s social circle. I attracted forty-nine proposals of marriage before finally accepting. My first marriage ended in divorce after six years. My second marriage was successful and we had two children. I was awarded a position at the Daily Mail where I gained a column to write on issues of the day. In 1923 I wrote my first novel. I wrote an estimated 723 books during my life. During the Royal Wedding of Charles and Diana in 1981, it was feared I would upstage the young couple through my relationship with Lady Diana. However, I avoided attending the wedding to avoid taking the spotlight. I was also a defender of old fashioned beliefs; I believed that women should remain chaste until marriage. I believed men should have experience. I suffered great personal loss in both first world Wars. After helping my brother become an MP, he became the first MP to die during the conflict at the battle of Dunkirk. Later my elder brother died. I was one of the top 10 best selling authors of all time. I also hold Guiness World Record for the most novels written in one year. If you are not sure who I am by now maybe you should find out what THE TEMPTATION OF TORILLA is. Who Am I?

I'm so glad someone got a pix of you and Sis with Mom and that you could share it with us.
Yes, I'd say we have more than enough hard news, more than I care to contemplate. How I'd love to see us try to live by such precepts as "Love one another" and "Do unto others," just as starters.
Sigmund Freud deserved booing. IMO.
MAMMOTH tusks? How strange. I just heard about someone who wanted to clone a woolly mammoth. Not a good idea.
Wish they had picture of the rubbish hotel, and about the lawsuit, don't know for sure, but he probably shouldn't have been fired.
Yes, plenty of hard news around. More than enough.
PS: Great photo!
Isn't my sister an attractive lady?
I'm with you about love one another and do unto others and I'll throw in "whats best for all of us not just me or my group."
Hi Pat
I'm not a Freud fan either.
I couldn't figure out the value of tusks. There must be a market for them.
You can see the hotel here:
The think about the lawsuit that just makes me shake my head is the timing of letting him go. They didn't think anyone would notice?
Thanks, Pat
Thanks for the link, Bill. The hotel looks very "trashy" in the main photo. Apparently I don't have the right Flash to see anything more on this little machine. Primitive computing at its best.
Hi Pat
I thought the hotel was trashy too!
I probably would like some aspects of primitive computing and frustrated by others.
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