Directed by daughter Jackie, son-in-law Robert, and son Bill. Bill forgot to take pictures of the directors.
Not able to attend but calling in granddaughters Lisa and Kelly, grandson Robert, and son Grover. Also calling was her brother Frank and his wife Velma and their daughter my cousin/sister Dixie and long time friend Maxine.
Sending a very funny card Mom's second cousin, Christine. Sending letters were first cousin Ruth and long time friend Alice.
Wishing a happy birthday by either my blog or on Facebook, Bev A, Pat, Dona, DanaRae, Mary Z, and Ernie.
She didn't have a clue and cried when she arrived to twenty awaiting friends and relatives. Sis and I succeeded in pulling one off on their Mom. Mom said she didn't want a party, afterward "I don't know why, it was just such a great night."
The very accomdating manager at Claim Jumpers.
The servers did an amazing job.
This is my nephew Greg. He is all they way to the right. His wife is an oncology emergency nurse and couldn't be there last night. Also in the picture are his daughters Chelsea and Katie and their really nice boyfriends. The bunch drove up from Eugene to be part of the celebration.
This is my niece Kristi and her solid as a rock husband, Ryan and their two children, Natalie and Carson.
These are long tim friends of Mom, Ted and Betty. Ted used to sing in the choir with my dad. They have been friends for over thirty years.
This is Mom's beautiful first cousin, Belva and her delightful husband Don. They drove up from Albany to help Mom celebrate.
These are current neighbors of Mom, Larry and Gloria. They befriend Mom when she first moved to King City.
This is one of Mom's friend, Marion and her husband Rod. Mom has known Marion since 1974.
I'm so glad the party was a success and you guys pulled it off.
Mom didn't want a party for her 90th, but since she was moving, I talked her into a reception at the complex for the residents. What she didn't know, until the night before, was her sister and nephew and Lake were coming and I never did tell her old Tupperware friends from NC were coming, so they were a surprise. She said afterwards she was so glad she'd agreed.
What a great picture of her you got. Just looking at all the pix, it's obvious a good time was had by all. Beautiful people, beautiful smiles and I'll bet lots of beautiful and fun memories were shared by one and all.
It's such fun to put faces to some of the names you mention. Is Greg the nephew who sometimes stayed with your mom over the summer and fall?
I'll wait for your regular check-in to do mine. Thanks for sharing the big event with all of us.
I ended up falling asleep for a couple of hours today.
I remember your Mom's 90th and how surprised she was. I think at their ages surprises are probably best because they usually aren't sure if they are up to it and would worry for days until the event. The surprise way is just quick.
Yes Greg is the one that stayed with Mom.
Thank for letting me share the even with you!
It looks like a wonderful party, and your mom looks beautiful and very happy. Good on you for all the pix; it's good to be able to put faces with names.
Thank you, Pat!
I agree all the pix are nice to have for us to put faces to all these folks you tell us about. Your mom looks happy. I am glad you pulled it off and it looks like you all had a good time. Thanks Bill, for sharing it with us.
Hi Dona
Thanks for letting me share the pictures with you!
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