Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Trendy Update

Since this was a pretty boring week for me as most of it was spent in a recliner watching TV, reading, and recuperating I'm going to look forward and to what I hope will be my personal trends for 2011. Those are:

Better health.

More walking.

Less Free Cell.

More writing.

More saying yes.

More fun.

Less anger.

More Risks.

Less fear.

More outings.

Less isolation.

That is a good start. What are your hopeful trends for 2011?

We all like food so here are the food trends predicted for 2011:

On the agenda this week. Today lunch with Mom and two work assignments. Monday shopping for walking shoes and a new computer. Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Thursday morning at Mom's. Friday housecleaning.Saturday the company holiday party. One I wouldn't normally go to but this is my year of saying yes.

Besides sharing your personal trends of 2011 you also get to update me on your lives. What went on with you last week and what will go on with your next week? This is your day so post whatever you damn well please!


Pat said...

Good for you for going to the company party that you'd usually avoid. I hope you thoroughly enjoy it. It's a good start on your "saying yes" resolution, at the very least.

Your personal trend plans for the year look excellent. I could make a list of all the things I *should* do, but if history is any indication, I probably won't do many of them. We'll see, and if I manage to get myself in gear, I'll report any progress as we go along.

Lady DR said...

I like your personal trends for 2011 and will adapt several of them, if that's okay (g), especially the health, saying yes, more fun, less anger (altho I've been doing pretty well with this). My list also includes:
More organization, mostly of domestic duties, tasks and projects
Less procrastination
Better time management
More serenity and contentment

Interesting article on food trends and I loved some of the comments. Also read the linked article "7 things I learned about food," which was interesting.

Aside to Pat - don't bother making a list of what you "should" do, 'cause it won't happen, if it's not something you want to do, at least in my experience. (shrug)

Good job on saying yes to the company holiday party. The only thing I ask is, are you still taking care of the leg and do you still need to keep off it for a bit each day?

I had a fairly productive week, but still relaxing. Monday was spent getting Skeeter groomed (wonderful woman recommended to me) and tracking down Himself's birthday present. Tuesday I did the chiro. Wednesday line dance class was a riot, primarily because no one's brain worked and it was largely chaos, at the least the first 30-60 minutes. I finished the rewrite, which "only" has to be proofed and my own work analyzed. Cleared some clutter, made my first (and last) pot of turkey vegetable soup, started the recipe organization project. We're doing a three night movie date, watching the Potter movies I gave Himself for Christmas.

Next week's agenda is the standard - four lunch hours at the pool, line dance, four afternoons of editorial and hopefully finalizing the current project for shipping out, possibly meeting with a potential local client, getting the editing schedule set up for the first quarter of the year, hopefully more progress on decluttering and organizing the recipes. Next weekend will be taking down of Christmas.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I avoided the should do in my post just for the reason you stated. I didn't go goals or resolutions either. That is a setup for failure. Trends are just what you hope to happen for you and serve as a guide for how to try to live the year.


William J. said...


Of course you can adopt any of my trends that you want. And I want to adopt less procrastination and better time management.

I thought the return of canning and men doing it was a pretty cool food trend in the article.

I still have to elevate my leg but haven't been doing it much as I should. If it isn't healed by Saturdy they will do a culture.

Your weeks always sound so productive. How did Skeeter do with the grooming?

Happy birthday to Himself!

I just could never get into the Potter movies but everyone in S-16 love them.

Your next week sounds even more busy than mine.


Lady DR said...

I think I'm my own worst enemy with the procrastination issue, as it just sets one up for feeling potentially overwhelmed -> anxious.

Please listen to me, my friend - get that leg up as often as you're supposed to, so you'll be all well and healthy (one of your trends) and not end up with problems with the darned cellulitis! This is your cyber sister/twin speaking.

Skeeter did really well with the groomer. Himself's birthday is the 5th and he needs to decide on where to do dinner. I think I'll give him his "toy" after my second cup of coffee, when I'm coherent and he can play all day, if he so chooses.

I'm not so much into the movies. Really enjoyed the books, but the movies... ho hum, despite all the special effects. However, it's a lovely opportunity to share a couple hours with Himself, while Skeeter lays beside me in the recliner and I play with my looming projects (g).

William J. said...


I think we all are our own worst enemies in a number of sectors.

I did put my leg up for most of yesterday and today is the first day the horrible sting pain has lessened to just a small tiny little pain.

Go glad to hear that Skeeter did so well with the groomer! I bet the little one looks great.

OK, the fifth we will be able to wish everyone a happy birthday!
