The answer to yesterday's Who Am I was Katherine Hepburn. This is going to be an easy week for all of you.
I've been thinking a lot about old things. Possessions, thoughts, and of course our elderly. Since this is Mom's birthday week it really has hit home. I think we should treasure both our elderly friends/relatives and the old treasures we have. I love this picture of a purse made by Sitting Bull for my great grandfather.
In honor of our treasures I am sharing articles about finds today:
Wouldn't be fun to own the sword?
Amazing find, no?
Next up really isn't an old possession or elderly treasure but it is a long time in hiding story:
Both your comments and your thoughts are treasured by me so comment at will. I'd also be interested in some of the things that you own that you treasure.
Gorgeous beaded purse. So what's the story about that???
Hi Mary Z
Great granddad was a stage caoch driver through the Dakotas and befriended Sitting Bull so he could get his coach safely through the territory.
I will try to find and post some pictures of pow wows being held on my granddad's property, with him standing in the background.
When Sitting Bull was arrested a jailed Granddad visited him frequently and while in jail Siitting Bull made this purse for him. It has been authenicated and valued at six figures.
Nice to see the purse again. It is truly a treasure. I don't think I want the sword. I already have a saber that belonged to my husband and don't quite know what to do with it. Someday I'll hang it somewhere, if I ever get around to it.
I wonder what they'll do with the old guy they finally found. It seems a bit much to go through a trial and maybe jail time for a 30 year-old victimless crime.
Hi Pat
Do you know what era the sword is from or who it belonged to? It may be really valuable. I'd have it appraised.
I would give the guy a pass and let him go free. He hasn't caused any trouble in his freedom and is a low risk to commit a violent crime. They need jail space for more violent criminals.
Don't know anything about my saber, but I imagine it was a prop from a play. I also imagine Ray would have known if it was valuable.
I would also let the guy walk, most likely.
Fun to see the purse again, Bill. I knew about it, but not about the pow wows held on your great grand-father's property.
I'd give the elder guy a pass, for all the reasons you and Pat mentioned.
Agreed on both elderly friends and relatives and old treasures. When Mom left AK, she gave each of us certain "treasures" and when she moved to AZ, she gave me a few things she didn't think the others would want, but I would value. One of my goals for this year is to study these and decide where I really want to display them and how - pieces of crystal, the old earthenware pitcher Grandma always had filled with mild for Daddy and Uncle Joe, when they came in from the fields at noon, various other items. I'm thinking of keeping an eye out for an old display cabinet of some kind, that will let me keep them in sight, but semi-protected, although there are some I want to have out as decorative pieces. It's part of my declutter and focus mission for the year .
Pat even if the sword is just a prop it still might be valuable for one of two reasons: The play it was in. How old it is.
If you want a tax deduction have it valued and give to a school drama department.
Sometimes I repeat things on the blog is to catch the attention of new readers. That is why I will also repeat entries like the one I am going to repeat Friday. Besides that it makes the day easy for me!
I found a picture of a powwow The Sioux had on my great granddad's property and will post it Friday or Saturday.
We all agree on the elder guy.
Our mom's are a lot like, the reason she gave me the purse is she thought I was the only one in the family that would value it.
I love your goal of studying your treasures. Crystal might be something I would keep. An old display cabinet would be absolutely perfect.
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