Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Friends

I had a really nice dinner out last night with friends of over thirty years. Dr. T and his wife Kris. They were my first clients. I didn't have an office when I first started out so I would go to their home to do their taxes and she would always make me chocolate chip cookies. My dad would refer to her as "the cookie lady." Dr. T was once mentioned as one of the best young doctors in Oregon but sometimes life takes a cruel turn. He had to retire from medicine when he came down with MS. He looked great last night. During my last couple of years of owning my practice Kris worked for me. Her and my Mom were the two best employees I had.

On the problem I have/had at work I've kind of changed from being frustrated by him to kind of feeling empathy for him. A couple of things that happened yesterday made me think he is losing his memory and that means I will be more understanding in the future.

I'm starting out the day with a story that Pat is just going to love:

Stupidity knows no bounds.

Continuing the theme from yesterday and why there was an International Women's Day.

I like the point she made about men not being forgetten. However, I never thought that I just thought we all should be equal and treated equally.

Have an unusual talent? Want to try something different? Want fame? Then check out the following article:

Comments are appreciated.


I was a social reformer, children's author and illustraror. I was born in 1866 and died in 1943. I was educated by governesses and grew up isolated from other children. I was widely respected in the field of mycology. The rabbit made me rich in my thirties and I bought a farm. Over time I bought property around me. I married at age 47 to a local solicitor. I became a sheep breeder and farmer while continuing to write and illustrate children's books. I published twenty-three books. My uncle tried to introduce me as a student at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, but I was rejected because I was a woman. When I was 27 and on holiday in Scotland I sent a picture and story about rabbits to the five-year-old son of my last governess who was the first to notice the literary and commercial value of my work. I got the letter back and made a book out of it that was rejected by all publishers I sent the work to. You most likely have heard of the three blind mice but have you heard of THE TALE OF TWO BAD MICE? Learn of them and you can answer the question, Who Am I?


Pat said...

I did love that first story. I'm glad the homeowner had so much amusement out of it. Funny 911 call! The other one, from the perp, was pretty funny, too. I loved the dispatcher's incredulity when she said, "YOU broke into a house?"

I guess I'm glad they are giving us women our own day, but I wouldn't have even known about it if it weren't for your blog.

I'm glad the talent search won't be conducted on TV, that's all I have to say about that.

Lady DR said...

Glad you had a nice dinner out with friends. Interesting, your take on the problem employee. If he's got a memory issues, should he really be doing taxes and such? I'd be a bit nervous about having him do mine.

The story on the break-in was entertaining. I couldn't believe how cool the woman was, how in control. I keep trying to picture the trespasser, caught in the shower and facing what he figured were two big dogs and the possibility of a gun. You just can't fix stupid.

I also liked the fact that women's efforts provided benefits for men, which is often not recognized. I do think we still have a ways to go in the equality/equity issues in several areas. Like you, I think we just need to be treated equally, but I'm afraid we've still a way to go in a lot of areas.

The Ripley -- I think I'll give that one a miss.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I though the 911 call was hilarious and the best was the operator's reaction. I'd like the homeowner.

I'm hope others that read the blog learned of the special day for women. I do think they should get a day to celebrate history since they got short changed in schools and most of us didn't know of so many that broke ground for others.

I will also give Ripley a pass.


William J. said...


The friends are really special people.

I think the tax returns he does are safe because of the review policy at the firm. Several people review the return before it goes out the door. And I think the memory comes and goes. But it is why he asks things two or three times.

The woman was a lot more cool than I would have been, I would have been really angry at the intruder.

We are anywhere near true equality there is still to much of a wage gap.

That means all of us are passing on Ripley!
