Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

At Mom's all day today. Then tomorrow my brother and his wife are visiting Oregon for the weekend. Their visits are tough. It is always nice to see my brother but I really don't care if I ever see his wife. I think my brother made an agreement with his wife to never go to bed angry and he has been awake for over forty years.

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

Comment Away. I may not respond until late tonight or first thing in the morning.


Elisabeth Kubler-Ross authored yesterday's quote. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." - was said by a woman that was featured previously on the blog as an answer to a Who Am I. She was born in 1822 and died in 1913. She was an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and a Union spy during the American Civil War. After escaping from slavery, into which she was born, she made thirteen missions to rescue more than 70 slaves using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. She later helped John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harpers Ferry, and in the post-war era struggled for women's suffrage. Have you ever heard of a WOMAN CALLED MOSES? Or have you heard of THE QUEST FOR FREEDOM. If you have you can tell me who authored today's quote.


Lady DR said...

Good for the boy scout. While he did "disobey orders" about a buddy, he may not have been able to find one. But he did have the skills and the common sense to use them. I like happy endings.

The woman and the bathtub? Not enough information for me to decide what the deal may have been there. I've seen the step-in bath tubs and can't quite figure out how she got stuck in one. The $50K lawsuit sounds high, but if she spent 3 days in the hospital and 3 months in a nursing home, it won't even cover her co-pay, I suspect. Like I said, not enough information.

The ugly pretty well calls a spade a spade and was kind of what I was trying to say in the post in S16. Congress has a lot of power (way too much, IMHO) and they've been abusing it for some time, on both sides of the political lines. Until we somehow find a means to force congresscritters to act on behalf of their constituents, instead of on behalf of their war chests and personal and political gain, I don't see a lot of hope for positive movement, be it economic or social. It's all discouraging.

William J. said...


I love happy endings and the boys actions contributed to that, me thinks he is a better man than I am.

I read in another article about the woman in the bathtub. That she pulled on a cord installed by the company she is suing. The cord came down the ceiling and when she pulled it partially opened the door that came out of the ceiling and she was stuck in the door,

I agree Congress has to much power and most of the time they spend trying to getre-elected on six year term would cure that. I wouldn't limit the number of terms just the number of consecutive terms as zeoi. They couldn came back and run the third election after they ran the first time.