Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You're Fired

Don't worry, Pat this isn't a post about The Apprentice. Don't worry the rest of you I didn't get the fired. Just the opposite for me. They are giving me a lot more work. In a bit of really sad news one of the nicest women at work is taking treatments for cancer and isn't reacting well to the new treatments. She is off work until further notice. So please keep Julie in your prayers and good thoughts. She deserves better. Her work has been given to me on top of the work that I already have. I'm glad my bosses trust me with her work because she is one of the best.

Now Monday at work there was a situation that was really weird and a little stressful. I sit way in the back in the "warehouse", I am the only one sitting back there. I love it back there because it is peaceful and quiet. But what I really like about it is with the firm's paperless procedures there is a ton of copying and scanning and I'm just a few steps from the scanner and the copy machine. Saves me tons of time. Once in a great while, like yesterday sitting alone in the back comes with its drawbacks. The firm was getting complaints about the receptionist from clients that called the firm. The receptionist and the other temp by myself (a woman) really weren't getting along. The receptionist was having a hard time understanding that the other temp was mid level in the firm's organization chart and that she, the receptionist was the support staff. Now the receptionist always did what I asked and I never had a bit of trouble with her. Whenever I asked something she would do it right away. However, with the other temp she really didn't do what she was asked to do. The bosses met with the receptionist on Friday and told her she needed to improve. And that she needed to get along with the other temp and be nicer to clients on the phone. She reacted to the meeting badly. That left the bosses with no other choice but to fire her. Which they did late Monday afternoon. The receptionist came back to my desk to say good bye and ask for my phone number. While she was there the other temp walked into the room to make copies. WOW did a fight ensue.

The receptionist told her she was the C word. You know the one that can also be used to describe female privates. Told not to f'ing say a word to her. The temp said something back and the receptionist pretty much whatever she said didn't matter because she was already fired she was the C that got her fired. I just sat there stunned. I couldn't believe my ears. After a few minutes the receptionist walked out the back door. I have never seen a confrontation like that before any where at work. Looking back I questioned whether or not I should have stepped in the battle and calmed every one down. Maybe separate the two. So I am asking the readers and posters here what I should have done. How would you have handled it? Would a man interferring in a cat fight have better success than a woman peacemaker?

They hired a recptionist from a temp agency that started yesterday. She is really, really nice. She even complimented myon the cologne I wear, the one I bought for the comedy class. I was even wearing the day one, not the night one. Today it is the night one. Now if she just wouldn't call me sir.

People at work were concerned that the fight happened in front of me but like I told them it never hurts for a person to learn new words. I really liked the old receptionist but like I told my boss I pretty much like everybody, that if I new Jeffrey Dahmer I would just think he had a little eating disorder.

Hope today brings you nothing but happiness. I am waiting for your responses because I am really curious about what everyone thinks I should have done.


Pat said...

Thanks for holding off on Apprentice, but don't worry about spoiling it for me. It's sort of a guilty pleasure for me, and I can't say I like any of them, so it's the process that's kind of fun for me, not who wins.

Now as to the catfight, I think you were right to stay out of it. If it had become physical, then I'd say try to intervene, but words, even *really bad* words, don't call for interference. I can imagine the receptionist was royally PO'd to be fired because of a temp, but not being nice to clients is certainly grounds for removal, so probably she should take stock of her attitude (and her temper) before looking for another job.

If I had been there, I would probably have just looked on in wonderment and certainly would not have tried to make peace between two people who with any luck will never see each other again.

There. Feel better? [S]

dona said...

I agree with Pat. Don't really think there would have been much for you to do. Some just feel better to get stuff like that off their chest before they leave. Obviously the receptionist was sure it was all the temps fault.
I think you handled it well.

Mary said...

My first reaction is that I would have broken it up, but I'm the boss and couldn't just stand there and watch. In your position as a temp and co-worker, I probably would have been just as stunned as you were.

That reaction makes me think there were other issues going on long before you came to work there. How unprofessional. I wonder if she'll come looking for a job recommendation later?

Lady DR said...

I agree with the others. You did the smartest and best thing, staying quiet and keeping your head down. The receptionist appears to have an "attitude," from comments about clients and such and, since she didn't like the temp, for whatever reason, the poor woman turned out to be a real handy target. The whole thing had to be incredibly uncomfortable for you, unfortunately. I hope the receptionist gets some help with attitude and anger management or she's going to have trouble remaining employed about anywhere.

I'll definitely add Julia to my prayer list, Bill, and hope the treatments begin to work and the side effects fade.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

As a matter of fact I do feel better, I was feeling kind of like a wuss for not stepping in.

Thanks for holding off on Apprentice, but don't worry about spoiling it for me. It's sort of a guilty pleasure for me, and I can't say I like any of them, so it's the process that's kind of fun for me, not who wins.

The words were so bad that I can say I've never used one of them. F word yes, C word no. Good point about holding off unless it got physical and another good point about them never seeing each other again.


William J. said...

Hi Dona

Yes the receptionist did feel it was the temps fall. Thanks for saying I handled it well!


William J. said...

Hi Mary

I wonder as a boss is if you would want an employee to step in to the argument.

The temp started the same time I did. She was having trouble adjusting to the new procedures and was asking a lot more questions then I was. Depending on who you listen too, the fired receptionist said all her questions was interrupting her work.

I think she might use me as a reference.


William J. said...

Hi Dr

Thanks for putting my co-worker in your prayers, I know she appreciates it and I know I d.

Thanks for the support that I did the right thing.


Mary said...

Eeek! I don't think you want to be a reference!

And you ask a good question. Would I want an employee to step into a situation like that? Only if there were clients present, and in our office, there almost certainly would be. In that case, I would want her hustled out the door as quick as possible, by whoever was willing to do it. We had one guy call a client a horrible name once, in front of other clients, and he didn't even last the rest of day. You just can't let that stuff happen.

Sian said...

coming in late here - again. My reaction would be to see how the temp was faring in the barage. If she looked like she needed some rescuing I would probably step in somehow to break it up, to let the one being attacked escape. But if she looked like she could take it, I would probably stay out of it unless, as Mary said, it was in a more "public" place with clients around. In which case I would at least suggest they take the row somewhere less public.

But the receptionist had nothing to lose so I doubt much would have stopped her! And I certainly wouldn't give her a reference!! That one could really come back to haunt you!

William J. said...

Hi Mary

I'm not excited about being a reference but I go back and forth because I think everyone derserse a second chance.

No, if the fight would have happened in front of clients both of the women would have been gone before the fight was over.


William J. said...

Hi Sian

You are never to late on this blog. Post any time, any where. We just love to hear from you whenever you have time to post!

See I do think the receptionist had something lose, a recommendation. Her reputation.


Mary said...

Honestly, Bill? If I was looking to hire that woman, and you gave her a positive reference after what you saw? I would be furious if she pulled that again, and you knew and hadn't told me. Some people deserve at least a half-hearted reference. Some don't even get that much, and I'd count her in that. I am very thankful, these days, for a corporate policy that doesn't let me give references. Because the people who ask me are never the very best people I could give 100% to.

William J. said...

Hi Mary

Well of course if you were calling for a reference I'd be honest with you. As for others you can structure a reference that is honest but can still help the applicant. "She is a hard worker, that was put in a position where they didn't train her properly of the company's procedure. She might flourish in a different enviornment."
