Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Friday

And you all know what that means! My favorite day of the week, Update Day!! Today's update falls on Friday the 13th so besides giving you the advise of telling me everything that is going on in your life right now I am going to give you the advise to not walk under ladders, don't let a black cat walk in front of you, walk on the same side of posts as the people you are with, find a four leaf clover, and find a penny and pick it up and the rest of the day you will have good look.

OK. Tell me how you are doing caring for your elderly parent. Tell me about any special events that you have coming up. Tell me what is important to you today. Tell me about your children and what they are up to. If you want to tell me about what is going on your job, shoot. And if you have been reading the blog for a while and haven't posted, we sure would love to meet you and learn about you and what brought you here. Or if you just found the blog please also introduce yourself and let us know about you. This is the blog posters' and readers' day. Post about anything you damn well please!

Been a good week. Sis came last Saturday and has taken over the care of Mom. It is really nice to be able to enjoy my lunches and alsoto go home right after work. I have went to dinner with the group twice. Last night and last Sunday. In a way while I am glad to have the break but I do miss the time with Mom. I took yesterday off from the regular job to work on some of my own clients and because the guys that bought my business needed me at an appointment yesterday. I really enjoyed yesterday.
Tomorrow I meet with the guys that bought my business early in the morning. Then sis, her husband, mom, and I are going to the Casino for lunch! Last time I went to the casino I won nineteen hundred smackers. I'm looking forward to it. Sunday I am working on two corporate returns and with some good luck go to a movie. There is just barely over a month to go until tax season ends! Yea! Wow summarazing my week it sure appears it was boring! All I did was work and complain!



Lady DR said...

I'd say you had a pretty interesting week, with some enjoyable times, from time off to meeting with guys you like and respect to dinners out.

I'm transitioning from full-time care giver, finally, at least for the moment. Lots of calls to cancel medical appointments, with Mom's delayed return. Met the new manager of her apartment and the new maintenance man (they've not had one for six months), so waiting to see if things happen. Picked up the necessary paperwork to be done, if she's going to either renew the lease or be there for a couple months after June 1st. Don't know yet and it's finally ceased to bother me. Minor crises with property in IL, which I delegated that to my brother. But, the day-to-day pressure is off and, for the moment, I'm actually starting to relax and accept that I can't do anything from here and Deb is perfectly capable of coping.

Went to the guitar jam group I'd not attended for almost a year and discovered they've moved to all electric, blues ala Eric Clapton and hard rock. I'll not be going back. Not my thing. 'Sides, they're moving the jam to Wednesday and no way I'd give up line dance for that! Have had the week off from teaching, as it's spring break, so it's really been a slow week and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Working on a ms that needs a lot of polishing and reorganizing, but is basically well-written has added to the pluses.

Now, if the weather would just straighten out -- went from a record high of 84 on Wednesday to forties and rain today and for the forseeable forecast. Humpf!Trees are budding, daffies and hyacinth and wild onions and crocus blooming. I have hope.

Lady DR said...

Bill, this goes back to a message you posted maybe a week ago. I hope it's okay to post this here. Our unemployment rate just went to double digits, the song just hit the airwaves about three days ago. If this isn't appropriate, please delete it, okay?

I don't know how many of you are country music fans. However, John Rich just released a new song. Like a lot of good country, it has a message. It's called "Shuttin' Detroit Down." If you go to YouTube and type that into the search field, you'll (currently) get a video of him at a radio station, before the record was cut, explaining how/why he wrote the song and then him singing it with only guitar accompaniment. I think it's worth a listen. Like so much country music, it tells a story. The radio video also says a bit about him and why he wrote it.

William J. said...

Hi Dr

I'm glad you are transitioning away from the full-time caregiving business but if it works the way it has with me as soon as the transition is complete you will be back in the caregiving business!

I am glad you aren't letting the indecision bother you, that is very healthy.

I love it when you talk about the jam group. However, sorry the music wasn't to your liking (or mine either). I prefer the old blues guitar stuff. I wouldn't classify Clapton as real blues. Line dance just sounds like so much more fun.
week off from teaching, as it's

The weather here is it is freaking March and we had snow last Monday and ice on our windows every day this week but two.


William J. said...


We have very few rules on this blog, I think the only rule is you can't say the word whining. Other than that you can post anything any where on this blog. Doesn't matter. Anything you got to share, share it anywhere!

I love the song and even if I didn't I wouldn't delete it. Censorship is not really to my liking.


Lady DR said...

Only time will tell where the care giving issues are going, so I'm just moving ahead as if this is kind of the way it will be. If not, I've had enough practice to transition back pretty quickly, I think (wry s).

Yes, the jam group was a disappointment, but I'd suspected it was time to move on, even if I do it on my own. I'm into country, pop, standards, old-time rock and roll. If the YesterYukes weren't 35 miles away, I'd join them (g).

Glad you liked the song and think it's worth sharing. I've heard the newly recorded version on the radio and it's still got pretty low-key background.

Unknown said...

No setbacks, thank goodness, although dad has bad days alternating with good. Bad meaning he's uncooperative, refuses to be fed, tries to kick off the special pillow that has to be in between his legs that holds his hips just so.

Also, it's a general orthopaedic ward (and staff, however patient) and is ill-equipped to deal with cranky elderly patients. He gets moved to a step-down facility next week, maybe as early as Monday, for rehab. He's been there before, after his double bypass a couple of years ago, and may do better there.

It's my mum I feel for, who has to bear the brunt of his worse days. She is at the hospital most of the day, everyday. She just looks so forlorn everytime I leave after a visit. We've taken to bringing her a packed meal, just so we know she's eating properly. My husband did say that we're really visiting her, and not dad (who sometimes is fast asleep and doesnt even know we've been by). It's true. Everytime dad lands up in hospital, I really have two to look after, him and mum.

William J. said...

Hi Dr

I think all of us here are becoming good at transitioning!


William J. said...

Hi Snug

Thanks for reporting in, we all have been really wondering how your dad was doing. I'm really glad there were no setbacks. I would guess whenever there is a medical problems good and bad days alternating is normal.

I do hope your dad settles down in the new place because being uncooperative is only going to delay the healing process.

Hugs to your mom. Tell her people from all over the world are rooting for her and care about her.

How hard it must be for you to have two parents to worry about, thank God for good husands to support you!

Please let us know how things are going, when your dad goes to rehab, and how you and all your family are doing.


Pat said...

So, Bill, how did you do at the casino? If I'd ever won $1900, or even $190, I'd be eager to go back, but I'm probably too quick to say I've lost what I can afford and then just quit.

Not much to update on as far as mom's condition. It remains about the same -- daffy but pretty healthy. Since she got kicked out of Hospice, I'm still trying to arrange new insurance for her. Secure Horizons has pretty much dropped the ball. They were going to send me stuff, and it's been 2 weeks and nothing yet. So the search continues...

One fairly exciting thing happened. Hospice had said they'd probably just transfer mom's wheelchair and hospital bed over to Medicare and would let me know what was happening. But they dropped the ball somewhere, too, and some people showed up out of the blue to pick up both last week. Fortunately, Las Casitas had an extra bed and wheelchair, so she didn't have to sleep or sit on the floor, but it was pretty darned annoying for all that. In the end, the wheelchair is a little better. It seems a bit lower to the ground, so she's sitting straighter and can still get her feet on the floor, which is how she wheels the chair around (she hasn't figured out to use the big wheel and probably never will). And to me, the bed is more comfy than the hospital one was. It doesn't have rails, but putting the w/chair and the walker next to it should keep her from the floor long enough for a caregiver to get to her if she wakes in the night. If? When. She always wakes in the night. Several times, which is why I have a motion detector in her room and an overnight private caregiver.

I got her tax papers back, and wonder of wonders, this year she's getting a refund! Because I've been spending so much of her money for her care, no doubt. The refund will be eaten up by the first estimated tax payment in April, but still, it's nice not to owe for once.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

We ended up not going to the casino as brother in law came down with the same virus mom and I had. We were going to go today but that got way layed because my brother unexpectedly showed up here from Wyoming and there is a get together for everyone at four today. Now it is on the agenda for tomorrow but I have my doubts.

What a pain in the ass the transition has been away from Hospice. I am glad that the bed and wheelchair are more comfortable than the older one. Maybe you will be able to get just a railing to add to the bed instead of a whole new bed for your mom.

Yea to the tax refunds with the economy being so bad a lot of retired folks are getting refunds because their dividends and other retirement income is way down!

Me I don't know yet because I have to wait on two k-1's.


Lady DR said...

Hi, Snug - So glad to hear there've been no setbacks and your dad is doing well. I Mom and my aunt are any indication, the older you get, the more cranky you get regarding any health issues and, especially, surgery, where I suspect they feel tied down and dependent.

I'm so glad you're there for your mom. She's trying to care for your dad and I suspect gives little thought to her own needs, if she's camped out at the hospital most of the time. Taking her a packed mealis a great idea. Some hospitals provide great food for visitors and caregivers who are there all day, but such is not always the case.

I'll join you in hoping your dad does better when he goes to the rehab facility. Since he's familiar with it and somewhat familiar with the drill and expectations, he may be more comfortable in that environment, hopefully.

Hang in there. I hear you on taking care of both parents at a time like this, when you're worried about your mom, as well as your dad. Please give Mom a gentle hug from me and let her know I've added to her my prayer list of care givers. Sounds like she needs all the strength and patience possible, just as you do.

Lady DR said...

Honestly, Pat, this transfer out of hospice has been one fiasco after another and it sounds like most of it is them not following through. I can't imagine just pulling a wheelchair and bed out from under a patient in your mom's condition! At least, from what you say, there were some positive ramifications, with a better wheelchair and more comfortable bed and it sounds like you've resolved the getting-out-of-bed issue, at least temporarily. Bill's suggestion that a rail might be added to the bed may be worth checking into, if she's going to get to keep the bed.

Nice she's getting a refund, but I suspect the lowered interest rates and losses in income and dividend revenues and decreased values of investments have contributed as much as medical expenses, unfortunately. Still, at this point, I think most folks will take what they can get, in terms of any bright spot in financial issues!