Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eliot Spitzer

Was a recent idol of mine now he has fallen into the world of crime and temptation.

Why was he a recent idol of yours truly? I really respected the way he went after Wall Street thugs. The accounting profession took a real hit with the Enron and Arthur Anderson fiasco. The reason the "public" was in the designation Certified Public Accountant was that when accounting firms audited and prepared financial statements on publically traded companies they were by law to represent the "public" and not the client. By representing the public instead of the client there was meant to be a level of assurance for investors that when they bought stock in those companies they were relying on accurate financial statements instead for financial statements that were basically company propaganda. Along comes Enron with Arthur Anderson who neglated their duties to the public by going along with whatever Enron wanted to do. People lost fortunes due to that neglect. The public accounting profession went from one of the most admired professions to one of the most tolerated professions. The Enron scandal also resulted in the Sarbanes-Oaxley Act that put additional restraints on accountants. When Spitzer went after the Wall Street thugs he was helping to restore the public's faith in our profession.

Now my idol, Gov. Spitzer, has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel last month. Client 9 was captured by the wiretap confirming plans to have a woman travel from New York to Washington, D.C. where he had reserved a hotel room. Client 9 was indentified as Spitzer. The cost of the day? $4,300.

The questions that I have are the same as many others have, Why do otherwise smart, sucessful people do such risky thnings? Where is their ethics? Why can't they do the right thing? Does having power make them think they will never be caught? To say I am stunned at the politician who campaigned as a model of moral rectitude is anything but is an understatement. Stunned and disappointed.

Another question that I have is why in the world is his wife standing by him at the press conference where Spitzer addresses his fall from grace. OK, I admit that I am extremely naive and idealistic but if you are in love with a woman why in the world would you want her to publically face that kind of embarrassment? If I loved a woman I would want to save her from that embarrassment and keep her from the press conference. I blew it, I need to face it and address it myself without bringing the woman I love into the story. I'd be spending my time begging for forgiveness instead of begging her to stand beside me.

On one of the blogs I go to most days they are discussing why the wife would be there. Here is the link: http://satellitesistersblog.blogspot.com/ . It is under the subject line Julie: First Lady's Desk. Interesting post and comments, check it out.

May this be a scandal free day for all of you!


Pat said...

All the questions you pose are perfectly reasonable questions. But this one, I think, is closest to the mark:
"Does having power make them think they will never be caught?"
I do think that in positions of power, some men get the idea that they are invincible, and that makes them stupid.
As to the wife's presence, I've often wondered why the wives stand there as their husbands do their mea culpas. I suppose since these press conferences come so quickly that they're still in shock and don't know what else to do, being good political wives. It seems to be the established thing to do, and I can't remember any where the wife was not present, whatever she may have done afterward.

Mary Z said...

Boy, I'm glad we were watching basketball games, and not TV news. We didn't even see a newspaper over the weekend. So we didn't get the 24/7 on this scandal. We'll just wait to read about it in Newsweek (or not) when it's been digested a bit.

We're safely at home now - an 8-hour interstate drive. I did relent and let John do some of the driving this time, though - but only in a no-traffic area.

William J. said...

Hi, Pat

Hope your ankle is improving and you will be running a foot race before you know it. Also did you know it was Chuck's birthday yesterday? They had a entire segment about it on the liberal station here.

I wish with men that obtained power that they would use in a good and ethical way instead of thinking they were invincible.

I don't remember a time either when a wife wasn't at a press conference except maybe Larry Craig but I am not even sure he is married. I would tell my wife to stay away rather than to embarass her.


William J. said...

Mary Z

Congratulations to the Lady Mochs!
I read about the basketball on your blog.

How did John do on the trip? Any side effects from his surgery?

I couldn't exist a day without reading a newspaper.


Mary Z said...

We don't like not seeing a paper either, but USAToday doesn't come out on the weekend, and all the Charleston papers were gone by the time we got to the newspaper-box.

John did well, once he learned the hard way that he couldn't clap. So he had to just yell. And he was VERY bored on the long drive when he was the passenger. I did let him drive a couple of times for a total of about 1.5 hours, but only in areas with no traffic. I told him he should learn how to knit so he could do that while I drive...that's what I do! LOL

William J. said...

Mary Z

I'm glad John had a fairly easy trip and maybe John could listen to a book on tape. That might be more acceptable to him then knitting.


Pat said...

Hi again, Bill. The ankle seems fine so far. I see the doc again for a pro opinion on Friday, and it's only 3 weeks after that before I can try walking, if things go according to plan (crossing fingers).

No, I didn't know about Chuck's b'day... pretty close to mine, actually. But I wouldn't have sent him anything anyway.

I've seen clips recently of Larry Craig's mea culpa speech, and you're right, no wife present. He is married, though, and I believe they're still together.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has an Achilles Heel.....Some people engage in risky activities, some take drugs, drink or eat too much and get pudgy.....The people that were after Spitzer are the worst kind of human beings around...Thieves and hypocrites without any morals or conscience....They went after him for revenge and for political reasons...(Spitzer endorsed Senator Clinton) There were even rumours about him for VP or cabinet position if Clinton won...THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO.HMMM.....Read between the lines of everything.....Those folks are all Republicans and they want MCCAIN to win.....

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I'm glad the ankie seems fine and I will look forward to an upate on the ankle after you see the doctor. Bet you can hardlye wait for the three weeks to be here. I will have both my fingers and toes crossed that things are either going according to plan or better than planned.

Back on Spitzer I wonder if there has even been a case where a woman went off the mark and her husband was at the press conference standing beside her?


William J. said...

Hi Lisa

I completely agree that going after Spitzer was politically motivated. A always ask the question, who benefits from his resignation?

However, Sptizer was in charge of enforcing the law that he was breaking at the same time he was enforcing it. Had he been acting in an honorable and ethical manner the people after him couldn't of done anything. While I agree that the people going after him for political reasons are the scum of the earth the bottom line is Spitzer gave them the ammunition they needed. That makes him not only unethical but stupid in my book.


Anonymous said...

Hey bill...Yes, he was stupid..Like I said, some people with cancer still smoke, people who have diabetes and heart disease still eat too much fat and sugar and don't exercise.....I think we all do self destructive things at some point in our lives...Can probably say there are no exceptions in this case.......Everyone does self destructive things at one time or another...It's how they act in the aftermath that really proves what kind of person they really are.

William J. said...

Hi Lisa

I agree that we all do self-destructive things and that part I understand. But to me I see a difference between a cancer patient smoking, diabetics eating to much fat and a man in charge with enforcing the law breaking it. The first the only ones hurt are themselves, the later the public suffers. He had just closed down several prostitution rings at the same time he was giving other ones business. I can forgive his self-destructive weakness I am just having a hard time getting by the hyprocricy of the great NY city crime enforcer participating in the same crime that he is trying to close down.

I've often been self-destructive in my life and can understand and forvige that. I, however, when been entrused with the trust of my clients have never been unethical. I am having a hard forgiving someone entrusted with the public's faith and trust being someone they didn't vote for.
