Friday, October 3, 2008

The VP Debate

I usually don't talk politics on my blog because we all have our opinions and nothing I say will change anyone's opinion, however, the VP debate was such a cultural moment in this election cycle that it would be remiss of me if I didn't comment on it.

Eight years ago I switched my registration from Independent to Democrat and this election my bias has increased to the point that the only Republican that I want to see get four more years is Jack Abramoff. Despite that bias I thought Governor Palin did very well. However, so did Biden. I don't know who won the debate between them because they didn't really debate each other. Biden debated McCann. Palin debated her performance of the last three weeks. Using that as a benchmark, they both won.

I don't think that the debate will change anyone's mind. If you were an Obama supporter before the debate, you were still one after it. If you were a McCain supporter before the debate, you were still one after it.

Before the debate there was a lot of talk radio spin that Gwen Ifill would be biased against Palin because of a pro Obama book that she wrote that is due to be released on inaugaration day. Many thought she should recuse herself as moderator. I think this was a case of to much protest because Ifill was pretty even handed in her questions.

I do hope know that Palin will become more visible so that we can learn more about her. She did well enough last night that they shouldn't shelter her anymore. I have several differences of opinions with her but I'd still like to learn more about her. I don't think I could ever vote for a ticket that had on it someone that when she was a Mayor signed into law a law that required rape victims to pay for their rape kits. However, let's get to know this lady. She may some day be president.

What is your take on the debate? I don't care if you are a Palin supporter or a Biden supporter but I am asking that you be polite to each other in your comments. If we disagree let us disagree respectfully and politely!


Mary Z said...

I laughed aloud at your comment "the only person you wanted to get four more years was Abramoff". What a hoot!

We don't usually watch debates, but we did watch this one. I think the Republicans are thrilled that Palin didn't implode; and the Democrats are disappointed that Palin didn't implode.

She still can't pronounce "noo-cyoo-lar". IMHO, she didn't show much in the way of substance.

But, as you say, this debate wasn't going to change anybody's mind. Frankly, I'm amazed that there's ANYBODY out there who's undecided.

Pat said...

Okay, I'll go first. No, second, I see mary z. is already here. Palin did better than anybody expected. She had a couple of brief deer-in-the-headlights pauses as she decided which of her memorized talking points she should deliver instead of actually answering a question, but she delivered them well, proved she's a good memorizer and that she can talk fast and not overrun the clock. Perhaps it's because I went in not liking her, but after a while, I found her voice and manner grating, but that's just me.

I thought Biden did very well. He stayed focused, mostly answered the questions asked, and treated Palin with respect.

Some people think Gwen Ifill did well, some people think she was too easy on both of them. I guess I could go with either assessment and don't feel too strongly about either, though I'd have loved for her to make Palin answer the actual questions. Ifill had broken her ankle only days before, so I had some sympathy for her as a recent fellow ankle crip.

I don't really want to know any more about Palin. But I wish someone would teach her how to pronounce "nuclear". Four more years of "nucular" is way more than I can take.

Lady DR said...

I don't "do" politics, for a variety of reasons. I did watch the debate and wasn't sure what to expect, particularly after the spins you mentioned on Ifill's upcoming book.

Like you, I don't think there was a win/lose in the debate. I still didn't hear a lot of answers, but maybe we all got a better "feel" for the two candidates.

I grinned at and agree with you that they didn't debate each other. More like they debated against the opposite party's presidential candidate.

I thought the debate was well done, Ifill had good questions and did very well as moderator.

William J. said...

Hi Mary Z

I think everyone watched the VP debate. Noo-cyoo-lar is bothersome to a lot of people!


William J. said...

Hi Pat

At first her Smirk got to me but I got used to it as the debate went on.

Now that you mention it Ifill was pretty easy on them as she didn't ask any follow-up questions.


William J. said...

Hi Dr

A lot of people that normally don't do politics listened to the VP debate. Some out of curiousity, some out wanting to watch a train wreck, and some because they just wanted to learn more.


Anonymous said...

HI Bill - I am a conservative and I love Sarah. I think she did well. I can't imagine the pressure she has been under since being picked to be the VP nominee. She and her family have been trashed from coast to coast and she is still standing. I find her impressive and she has bright future no matter the outcome of this election. One point to note, she did not sign anything that rape victims had to pay for their exams. This was already on the books in AK and it was repealed under her. In addition, there was this law on the books in several other states that has been recently repealed.
I don't believe Gwen Ifel should have been the moderator. I believe she is a Barack Obama supporter and since she has made that known, she is not impartial. If the shoe was on the other foot and the moderator was someone seen to be sympathetic to the republicans I think there would have been a cry for them to step down.
One last thing, I don't understand why everyone gets up in arms about the pronunciation of nuclear. I never have.

William J. said...

Hi Kim

Nice to have an opposing view.

Truthfully, I wouldn't have minded if someone favorable to the Republicans had been the moderator. There is a tendency sometimes for people to overcompensate if they are accused of bias and be harder on the person that they are supposed to favor.

I don't think Gwen did that last night. She really was kind of easy on both. For instance, she never asked one followup question.

I admire you standing behind your beliefs!

We can always respectfully agree to disagree!

Thanks again for posting a respectful conservative side!

Bev Sykes said...

I have to correct one thing you said in your entry, Bill--and that Kim alluded to. Gwen Ifill is NOT writing a "pro-Obama" book. She is writing a book about the increasing role of African Americans in politics and she says she has not written the Obama chapter yet because she doesn't know how it all ends.

As for being pro Obama or not, I can't believe any commentator hasn't already made up his or her mind about the candidate they support, but so far I haven't seen any indication from either of the debate moderators that would indicate a personal bias. I think they have been very professional about it.

As for how I feel about the debate, I agree with you 100%. Palin did better than anybody expected her to, so did Biden. And, as you said, if you liked Palin, you still liked her after the debate; if you liked Biden, you still liked him after the debate and I would be very surprised if anybody's mind was changed by that debate.

Bev Sykes said...

P.S. I also think it's very difficult for a moderator to ask a follow-up question when you have one debater who states flat out that she's only going to talk about what she wants to talk about and not answer questions she doesn't want to answer. (wink-wink)

William J. said...

Hi Bev

The title of Ifill's book gives the impression that it is pro-Obama
but you are right nobody but the author, the editor, and the publisher really knows if it is pro-Obama or not since it hasn't been read by anyone but those just mentioned.

I still think Ifill could have asked a couple of backup questons and even call her on her statement that she is going to talk about what she wants to talk about. Even a simple "please follow the rules of the debate" would have been a nice response to that statement.
