Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Baby

Nancie was supposed be over yesterday to give Mom a foot treatment but she came down with a monster cold. If hse is well enough she will be over tomorrow to work on Mom's fee and then maybe we are going to a movie tomorrow. We haven't been out for a while. Slow progress but maybe that is best.

First article up to do is just unbelievable:

I don't know if the next article is unbelievable but I wonder if it is necessary:;_ylt=AvMAlGVmS.Ft9xYRwsSnMyGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNocHFzMW1yBHBrZwM1ZjQ0OWEwYi04MzhjLTNjYTAtODc3Yi03MmNkNzk4YWU5Y2IEcG9zAzIEc2VjA1NlY3Rpb25MaXN0IEZQIEhlYWx0aAR2ZXIDMDA4ODM1MDAtYWM4MS0xMWUwLTllZmYtNmYwZGRjNWE3MGU0;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

What do you think about a man having several wives? Should it be legal?;_ylt=ApiVyV1Wru50wtg1W0_ULCOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNvczg5Z20zBHBrZwM5MjFkMzMyOS00ZDk5LTM3ZTMtOWFiMi1hMWE3MDI0ZDIyOTAEcG9zAzUEc2VjA1NlY3Rpb25MaXN0IEZQIEVudGVydGFpbm1lbnQEdmVyAzczYzdmY2MwLWFjOGMtMTFlMC1iNzZiLWE5ODU1M2VhYmExZQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

Comment Away.


Yesterday's quote was authored by Janis Joplin. "Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands." The quote was said by a president's wife. She has been an answer to a Who Am I of the day. She was born in 1744 and died in 1818. She advocated and modeled an expanded role for women in public affairs during the formative days of the United States. Her letters show her to have been a woman of keen intelligence, resourceful, competent, self-sufficient, willful, vivacious, and opinionated—a formidable force. Her writing reveals a dedication to principle, a commitment to rights for women and for African-Americans, fierce partisanship in matters of her husband's and her family's interest, and an irreverent sense of humor. She received no formal education. Like Barbara Bush she was a wife and a mother of a president. She was featured on a HBO series. If you know the number two, then you can answer the question, Who authored today's quote?


Pat said...

A 16 lb newborn? One word: OUCH!

My personal opinion is that warnings on booze bottles will be totally ineffective, but I suppose if it's part of a drive that stops even a few kids from drinking, it'll be a good thing.

I don't know about polygamy. Intellectually, I think people should be able to do what makes them happy, as long as nobody is hurt or forced into anything. But the main problems with polygamy as it is still practiced by some offshoots of the LDS Church are that young girls are forced into marrying older men who already have wives, and that many if not most of the wives subsequent to the first are supported on public welfare since they are not technically married under law.

So I guess what I think is that first, there should be free choice with nobody forced into anything, and second,that a man (or a woman) should be able to have as many spouses as they can comfortably support, including support for children from their unions. If they can't hack it financially, they should be prohibited from doing it, because I sure don't want to support it financially.

Lady DR said...

I'm trying to imagine a 16" baby and imagine what the mother must have gone through. Also, the impact the continued "increased" size of the child may have on expectations for him.

Will warnings help? I dunno. There are warnings on everything from booze and cigarettes to prescription medications and they don't seem to stop folks. Then again, if it makes a difference for even a few, it may be worth it.

Most men seem to think keeping one wife happy is more than a full time job (G). I don't understand the basis or rationale for polygamy.I agree with Pat that if a man can support multiple wives and offspring, then it's maybe his business. If I'm supporting the additional wives and offspring (through my tax dollars) I have a problem. I've also read articles that point out many of these marriages aren't in the best interest of the younger (sometimes very young) wives, which creates a concern for me. Since I don't share well, in certain circumstances, I'm not objective about multiple wives.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I just can't imagine that big of a baby.

I aslso thing the labeling on the booze is a waste of time and there is a risk that instead of reducing drinking among kids there may be a risk that it increases it. Teens like to pull things over on adults and authorities.

You stated how I think about polygamy perfectly. The abuse and forced marriages give me pause. If they can get around that then people should be free to do what they want to do.


William J. said...


Think of a ten pound bag of potatoes in a grocery store and then had a five pound bag to it and you will still be pound light of the baby.

All we have to do is think of the laws in states that ban talking on cell phones when driving. Then watch how many people still talk on their cell phone. That is how good warnings do.

I wouldn't want more than one wife. The basis of multiple wifes is shared duties. In a traditional marriage it seems like the wife gets most of the work.
