Monday, July 11, 2011

Dresses That Cover & Stories Not Covered.

"Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas. " Paula Poundstone

Only a couple articles today because the first one has a ton of information in it. The article is about the good stories that the regular media doesn't cover. Seven pieces of good news:

Do you think the media refuses to cover good stories? Or do you think the general public is at fault because the bad news gets higher ratings?

Next up is an article about some beautiful wedding dressings made out of some pretty unusual material:

I am pretty impressed with the dresses. You?

Comment Away.


"Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry." She was born in 1934. A prominent writer, feminist, and political figure, she founded many organizations and projects and has been the recipient of many awards and honors. She was a columnist for New York magazine and co-founded Ms. magazine. Working on an article for Huntington Hartford's Show magazine, she was employed as a Playboy Bunny at the New York Playboy Club. The article featured a photo of Steinem in Bunny uniform and detailed how women were treated at those clubs. Her experience as a Playboy Bunny was later made into the 1985 movie A Bunny's Tale. She later covered the George McGovern's presidential campaign. A radical feminist group, raised the question of whether she had continuing ties with the Central Intelligence Agency. Though she admitted to having worked for a CIA-financed foundation in the late 1950s and early 1960s, she denied any continuing involvement. She is a cancer survivor and the author of several works including DOING SIXTY AND SEVENTY & MOVING BEYOND WORDS. Who is the author of today's quote?


Pat said...

I didn't know that the Gulf was almost back to eco health. Or maybe not quite, as I read on. But I guess it's doing better than expected, which is good.

I did know the good news about HIV, and it's very good news indeed.

I didn't know the Antarctic ozone hole was shrinking. That's very good news, also. As is the news that traffic fatalities are "insanely low" and that teen pregnancy is at a record low. People get happier as they get older? Well, maybe. Or maybe not. Living longer is not necessarily a good thing, IMO, but I guess if you include "better" in the equation, it might be better than I think.

Interesting article, anyway. I don't think the media refuses to cover good stories. Most of those stories probably appeared somewhere or other, but of course if you get your news only from TV, their watchword is "If it bleeds, it leads". and you probably don't hear too much good news.

Great looking dresses! {g}

Lady DR said...

Great good news story. I do think the media tends to lean towards the negative stories, mostly because they're more sensational and, as Pat says, "blood leads." So does trauma and tribulation. It think the ratings things is a Catch-22. If the bulk of what you see is bad news, you pick the least of the bad news. If you have an even division of good/bad, I suspect the good would get the higher ratings. If that makes sense.

Thanks for sharing the good news.

The wedding dresses are unique and quite creative. I'd never thought of using toilet paper for a wedding gown (g).

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I knew the gulf was improving, I just didn't know how much. I too was aware of the improvements in HIV because of my blog research.

I was with you on Antartic ozone hole shrinking. I didn't even know that had a ozone hole. Traffic fatalities reduction has been big news here in Oregon. I've gotten happier in some areas as I get older and unhappy in other areas. Overall probably a little happier.

Mainstream media you are right about, if it bleeds it leads but the out of the mainstream and the smaller news agencies and blogs do cover the happy news.


William J. said...


The good news story was one of my favorites so far because it covered so much. I also think the mainstream media leans towards the negative. It does make sense and I think in today's society the good stores would get higher ratings.

Who would think of toilet paper in relation to wedding dresses? The creative mind fascinates me with what it comes up with.
