Thursday, May 29, 2008

Top Chef Plus Politics

First, Top Chef. It was quite enjoyable last night. Spike won the quickfire challenge but he had kind of an advantage having a family with a butcher background. Winning the quickfire challenge gave him advantage as he got to pick the ingredients from the kitchen of Tramonto's, Chicago chef Rick Tramato's restaurant. In true Spike's misguided fashion he picked the wrong ingredient, he picked scallops which were frozen. There just wasn't enough time for the scallops to thaw and be cooked properly. Stephanie, Antonia, and Richard were the top three and move on to the finals. Lisa and Spike were in the bottom two and Spike went packing. There has been several times this year, if memory serves me correctly, that the winner of the Quickfire Challenge was sent home. Stephanie was picked the best chef of the night. Tom C actually seemed nice tonight and maybe this is the start of him proving me wrong about my sexism claims about him. The final four includes three women and one quy. I'm picking Antonia to win but really want Stephanie to win. I just like her the best.

Now on to politics. What do you all thing about the explosive new book by former press secretary to the White House, Scott McClellan whom has said he was lied to and told lies at the press conference. He also was quoted as saying the Bush Administration sold the war and that they lied about their roles in the outing of Valerie Plame. McClellan goes all the way to back to the late 90s with President Bush. Bush has basically been very instrumental in his success.

I'm not surprised at the charges. They have been made my others in the administration before. I am surprised that the charges was made by someone so close to the President. I'm also not so sure that I'm not sure if I am disappointed in McClellan for betraying a friend, President Bush, or what it does to have these charges come out now. That kind of disloyalty usually bothers me.

So what do you think. Is McClellan telling the truth? Or is a disgruntled former employee trying to get his name back? Do you think it was appropriate to make these charges in the middle of the election season? Does someone so close to the President saying the war was a mistake help Obama and hurt McCain?

I'm curious as to what you all think.


h said...

I don't think the book will have any impact on anyone intelligent who was honestly considering voting for McCain. The people who will buy it and drool over the unsubstantiated charges wouldn't consider voting for McCain if it was revealed he could turn Water into cheap Gasoline.

William J. said...

Hello Troll

Welcome to the blog.

The attitude like I get from my conservative friends (there are no good liberals, no good Democrats) and the attitude like you state some people have about McCain has really lead to where we are now. The last sixteen years have just been so polarizing. It would be nice to create an atomsphere where everyone works together and listens to the other side.

Bev Sykes said...

It's a very strange situation. We watched McClellan spout all the rhetoric for so long and it's now fun to watch the White House spin doctors turn the tables on him.

I don't know if it's all true and I probably won't read the book, but I'd like to believe it's true and I'd hope it would affect McCain's chances for winning the election, but I suspect that the only people who really care are the talking heads and the people involved.

But it is fun watching the media circus and the squirming White House.

How is Karl Rove going to get them out of this one?

Bev Sykes said...

PS - very interesting after all your comments about mysogeny in the judging of Top Chef that 3 of the 4 finalists are women and a woman is almost certain to win it all.

William J. said...


Bev it is a strange situation and I knew the White House would come after him but was surprised at how mild their complaints were. A lot of the ones bashing McClellan are ex White House aides, Like Ari.

I won't read the book either, I already know the juicy parts. Tucker Carlson said this would all blower over within a week and probably wouldn't effect the elections at all.

I would love for Rove to get his due. He is just such an evil man.


William J. said...


Top Chef may not be sexist but my computer is, it hates men. This is the fourth time I've tried to type this message and got bumped each time.

The only thing I said about Top Chef being sexist was from Tom C. He did seem nicer this week and he need treat the women with a lot more respect than normal. Howver, just remember Stephanie won last week win Tom was gone and this week when Tom was more of a server than a tester.

I'm not so sure a woman will win. While I hope one does Richard also has a shot. Lisa is out of her league so that leaves it as two women against one man, really instead of three. If a woman wins I will send Tom a letter of apology.

Pat said...

Rats! I missed Top Chef! But I don't mind knowing who won and I can count on Bravo to show it a few dozen more times.

McClellan? I always wanted to smash his face in as I watched him lie and evade questions. So now he's telling the truth, and will probably make a bunch o' money on this book and the lecture circuit. It's Big News coming from him, but didn't everybody who was paying attention know all this already? It may be a teeny tack in McCain's political coffin, but not a really big nail.

David Dust said...

Top Chef and Politics...two of my favorite things!

CLICK HERE for DavidDust's Top Chef Chicago recap.


William J. said...

Hi David

Welcome to the blog. Top Chef and Politics are two of my favorite things also.


William J. said...


Ooops sorry, I should have done a spoiler! Bravo runs Top Chef more than I complain about being single.

As to McClellan nothing he said surprised me. I actually think the Publicans are toast this year. Dems have won a few elections replacing retired ones and have raised a lot more money than the Republicans for the first time in years. Signs of a landslide.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Troll. The Bush haters will believe every word. The Democrat haters will denounce. I think it is pretty disloyal to the President to publish this book during his term while the country is at war. Whether the war was a mistake or not, we are there. I believe the democrats will probably sweep the elections too. But they better be prepared to govern and I haven't seen too much evidence of that since they took control of Congress. As for them winning elections from traditonally republican seats, note that they are running conservative candidates in those districts not liberal ones. I think I might the lone conservative (note I said conservative not republican) in the crowd here. I hope I am still welcome. :)

William J. said...


Of course you are welcome here everyone is. There are other conservatives that post here, I think Lady DR is.

Everyone is welcome here.
