Tuesday, March 16, 2010

America In 2050?


Do you agree with the above article? I'm not sure I do. I think there will be a higher percentage of the population that is single and that will lead to less babies being born. I also think there will be the death of print journalism and your morning newspaper will be no more. Everything will be online.


Was it just a hug? Or was it a heartfelt support of an opponent?

Maybe it was just a hug but sometimes that is all it takes to show you love and support.

Your comments on the articles of the day are appreciated.


Lady DR said...

Like you, I'm not sure I agree with the first article. What are we going to do with, where are we going to put all these people? How many will babies and how many immigrants? What is this going to do to our infrastructure, as well educational and social services? We can't take care of the population we have now. We're paving over forests and farmland as fast as we can in many areas. I find it all a bit scary.

As to the second article - It sounds to me like heartfelt concern and compassion for another human being(s), who've been through dreadful times. I'm terribly proud of our your soccer team. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to see them giving the Haitian girls all the goodies they've collected?

Pat said...

I'm not sure I agree with the first article, either. I see the whole world as becoming over-populated, and while they're right that a country with a preponderance of oldsters is going to have a Big Problem, I think in general, the goal should be to reach stasis in world population. That is, each couple should reproduce themselves if they wish, but no more. The ever-growing population is, as DR says, putting too much strain on... well, just about everything, certainly natural resources.

You have to also look at who is doing the most reproducing, but that's a discussion for another day.

It was more than a hug, and I applaud the team for their work in gathering gift items for the Haitian girls. It must have felt like crap to be the winners in a shut-out that day.

William J. said...


I have no idea where we will put all these people no room in my trunk, mom is already there. Seriously, there is just so much living space and we are already almost maxed out. Like, you it does scare the heck out of me.


William J. said...

Hi Pat

I think we should look at ways to reduce the population. I would hate to see some kind of law like one child per family but maybe that is better than the alternative.

The kids didn't want to win and were surprised the Haiti team even showed up. I am so glad they handled it the way they did. I can't see a boys team handling it in such a classy manner.


William J. said...

Hi Again DR

I forgot to mention that I would love to pictures or a video of the gift giving, what a treasure that would be.
