Do you think someone should be fired for posing for Playboy? What kind of judgment do you think a person uses by posing nude without getting the employer's permission?
After reading the following article weigh in with your opinion.|htmlws-sb-n|dl1|link6|
Normally I come down on the side of what a person does on their own time as long as it is legal is their own darn business. However, in this case I do think it would have been better judgment to ask the employer's permission before posing in Playboy. I do think firing is a little severe. I am really hoping administrative leave and a warning is as far as it goes
Now if the above lady ends up unemployed she will have a lot of time to drink coffee. According to the following article that can be really healthy.;_ylt=Am7u5YW_3C0mlCOlwN4Lau6s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTRiOW9hbDJ1BGFzc2V0A2xpdmVzY2llbmNlLzIwMTAwNjIyL2NvZmZlZXNteXN0ZXJpb3VzYmVuZWZpdHNtb3VudARjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzkEcG9zAzYEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNjb2ZmZWVzbXlzdGU
Are you going to start drinking more coffee now? And will it be right after you pose for Playboy?
Yesterday's answer: Idawalley Zorada Lewis
I was the illegitimate daughter of a schoolteacher who married my father. I was born in 1820 and died in 1887 I was a Swede whose voice brought me fame. My nickname incorporated my Country and the last name of a nurse. I sang soprano across Europe. I was invited to America by a circus man where I gave ninety-three large-scale concerts. I earned $250,000 from these concerts. When I returned to Europe I became a philanthropist, and professor of singing. I sang from a very early age. My Mom ran a day school for girls out of her home. When I was nine I was overheard singing by the maid of the main dancer of the local Opera. The maid was astounded by my extraordinary voice and returned the next day with the ballet dancer, who arranged an audition and who helped me get accepted at the Royal Theater School. My first stage performance was at age 10. I became famous even though I fought stage fright my entire career. I had many men after me, including Hans Christian Anderson, but my only marriage was at age thirty-one. We had three children together. Most of the 1840s I spent in Germany. In 1847 we gave my first London performance in front of the Queen. Mendelssohn was pleased. His premature death that year devastated me. I once gave a free concert to raise money to open a twenty bed infirmary for sick children named after me. After visiting Paris I became the only female member of a classical Germany fraternity. When the circus man mortgaged all his property and called in all his favors to bring me to America, he said. "A visit from such a woman who regards her artistic powers as a gift from Heaven and who helps the afflicted and distressed will be a blessing to America." The circus man made a cool half of million on my concerts and I garnered a quarter million. One of my concerts helped build a church in Chicago. After my second visit to America I returned to Europe and ceased my professional singing career but continued to perform in a number of oratorios, concerts, and choruses, with a particular interest in Bach. Even though I only performed on the East Coast of America a town in California is named after me. Not to mention a Polka being named after me. Elvis, not that Elvis, wrote an opera about me. Who Am I?
Normally, I come down on the same side as you about what people do on their own time, but I do think it's somehow out of keeping for a police officer to pose nude for a Playboy site. She says she wants to be an undercover officer--I'd say she's blown that possibility now. Asking permission would have been fruitless, as they'd almost certainly have said no way. But having said all that, I'd hope they don't fire her for it.
As to the coffee, all I can say is that I'm delighted with all these new reports about its beneficial qualities, since I am a serious coffeeholic.
Hi Pat
She did blow all undercover opportunities, which is kind of sad.
And we are both coffee junkies!!
Finally, I think I'm back and into a routine!
As to the cop, I think it was a poor choice on her part and that her superiors raised some good points, particularly on how the nude photos could impact her interaction with prisoners.
Good news on the coffee. I don't drink near as much as I used to, but I get in at least three cups each morning.
Now, please catch me up on all I've missed. Bill, how's your mom? Any reports from Bro and sis and the cousins? Dona, what's going on with all your tests and the Shanksters? Pat, did you get the caregiver issues sorted out? I feel like I've been gone a long, long time.
Mom is doing good. She is resting today and tomorrow as am I. We had a really busy week.
Cousin Lavellie is Arizona at the Mayo Clinic. Cousin J, is living life the best he can. Brother's test came back normal. He has two more tests to undergo. Brother's wife is still undergoing tests but they think the twtitching might have something to do with her thyroid.
That is it from my front.
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