Sunday, July 12, 2009

Going With The Flow, Playing It By Ear

The answers to yesterday's millionaire and a new game, Jeopardy, appears at the end of today’s blog entry. After some of your comments I’ve decided that the next two weeks I am going to go with the flow. I am also going play it by ear. Just exist and be ready for anything and everything! I actually started going with the flow yesterday. I am really appreciating my sister's efforts in getting mom to Utah and her willingness to take Mom for a couple of weeks.

Sis and her husband are a little short on funds due to his job loss and some mutual fund hits. I’m not doing all the great financially but am a lot better off then they are. I wanted to do a couple of things to make their trip both more enjoyable and less costly. I also wanted to do it in a such a way that they wouldn’t feel like I am giving them a handout. I got to thinking, that sister’s birthday is a couple of weeks away. so why can’t I give her some gifts early?

I thought a book on tape would help pass the time in the car, maybe it would make the trip more enjoyable. I wanted to select a book that Brother-in-law, Sister, and Mom would all like. B-I-l isn’t going to be enthralled with romance, the ladies aren’t going to be enthralled with man violent mysteries. The book I chose was TEN BIG ONES by Janet Evonovich. Should keep the ladies entertained with the two hot guys and R entertained with the cars blowing up. Last night we had dinner with T & B who wanted to say good-bye to Mom before she left. I gave the book to sister after dinner, together with a funny birthday card. She loved it!

Then to make the trip less expensive for them I got them a Best Western travel card. Usually when sister comes to visit they drive the distance from Salt Lake to here in one day, there is no motel expense. With mom the doctor advised breaking the trip up into two days which created an extra expense for sister. I found out where they were staying in Boise and did a gift card for the hotel there. Tonight is the bon voyage dinner for Mom. This is when I will give sister a serious birthday card together with the travel card.

I know it sounds weird but doing these two little things made me fell a part of the trip, made me feel better about Mom going, and helped with the doubts.

The answers to millionaire. It was really close but Pat and DR tied for first, Connie and Dona tied for second.

The Liberty Bell has a crack in it. The wives in THE STEPFORD WIVES were robots. Velma is the name of the girl with glasses in “Scoobydoo Where Are You?". And The Island of Bermuda is East of all the states mentioned but due East of South Carolina.

Today we will play Jeopardy. Like Millionaire I haven’t decided whether or not to include Jeopardy in the contest starting August 1, but if I do it will be similar in form to today’s game. Like Millionaire, I used the computer version of Jeopardy for the questions. And like the Millionaire taking me numerous times to get to the 32,000 level, it took me several times to accumulate enough money to get to the Final Jeopardy part of Jeopardy!

Here are the rules. I give the answer, you give the question. And your answers have to in the form of a question. There are five regular questions and one final jeopardy question. The regular questions will each have a point value. You don’t have to answer any question, you can skip a question if you so desire. If you get the question right you get the point value, if you get the question wrong the point value is subtracted from your score, if you skip the question you don’t get the point value nor is the point value subtracted from your score. I will designate one of the questions as “Double Jeopardy”, this question you can skip, or if you decide to answer it you can choose to receive the regular points for the question or double the regular points for the question. Again if you miss the question, the point total you chose will be subtracted from the score.

After the five regular questions, you will be given a final jeopardy question. You can choose the amount of points you want to win or lose, any where from 1 to 6,000 points.

OK. Let’s Play Jeopardy! Remember to structure you answers in the form of questions.

Category is Four.

400 Points:

With this feature a motor vehicle’s power can be transmitted to both axles.

800 Points:

After liberation form the Nazi forces in 1945, this nation declared its government the Fourth Republic.

1200 Points:

It’s a unit of four inches used in measuring the height of a horse.

1600 or 3200 Points, Double Jeopardy:

Alcacus, Arion, Sappho, & Terpander were the 4 ports of this island.

2000 Points:

From the Greek for “four faces”, it is a geometric solid with four faces.


Derived from the Latin for “to walk”, this word is often printed backwards to be seen in rear-view mirrors.

So do you like to go with the flow or play it by ear?


Lady DR said...

I think "going with the flow" and "playing it by ear" pretty much mesh together and I'm glad to hear that's your plan. You are really a sweetheart to get the book on tape and the gift card and tao be able to give them as birthday gifts to your sister. How could anyone not enjoy Evanovich?

And, yes, I understand your wanting to make the trip easier, less costly and feel involved. It's why I'm giving Mom her prayer shawl just before she leaves and plan to have goodies to pack in a cooler for them to snack on as they drive. And I'm going to copy off all the pages of our "exits" book for their route (soon as I have it), so they'll know where not only gas stations and restaurants are, but local attractions they may want to vist.

Take a deep breath, my friend, know all will be well and set out tomorrow to enjoy your respite.

dona said...

I think its great you getting the gifts for your sister. Such a nice thing to do. I don't care what you do with your 2 weeks of freedom, but I think after you get up in the morning you surely will get over the worry...just a enough to find time to have some you time.

As for Jeopardy...hmmmf I never was good at that game..but will try my best.....guess I will go with the flow and play it by ear.


William J. said...

Hi Dr

I would love to see a picture of the shawl once you have completed it!

Evonovich makes me laugh out loud. Especially Grandma and Lulu


William J. said...

Hi Dona

You did great at Jeopardy


Pat said...

Bill, great ideas for gifts for Sis and Mom! Very thoughtful and practical. They'll be thrilled, I'm sure.

DR, you, too. Lovely ideas for the trip, and I know she'll love the shawl, not to mention the edible goodies. I never heard of an "exits" book, but what a great thing to have for a trip.

Some of those Jeopardy questions were challenging, to say the least!

William J. said...

Hi Pat

They were very appreciative. They took off at nine this morning. But they forgot something so I am heading out to mail it so it will get to Utah when they arrive.

Other than that I've been enjoying the day!!
