Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Contests, Lunches, Men's Health Fairs

Acts of kindness to date, total forty-eight by twenty people. We have until Midnight Fathers' Day to complete fifty-two more acts of kindness. Dona so far has set the record!

Right now in the "what do these three things have in common" contest Kaye, Pat, and Mary Z are tied for the lead with perfect scores. Dona still has the chance to tie with them if she finds the answer to one more question. DR needs to find the answers to a couple of more questions. I am anxiously awaiting Connie's and others entries!

Oh and Kaye had a great idea. She thought it would be great if my Mom pulled the name out of the hat for the winning entry among those that are tied for first place! Because it is such a great idea, that is what we are going to do! My mom will choose the winning entry! That takes it out of my hands!

On the agenda today other than being at Mom's is lunch with a friend that I haven't seen for a while. It will be great to catch up with her. Speaking of kindness, kindness is her middle name! When I had that online date that went screwy (the one that I found out was married when she had a heart attack on a date), she helped out by visiting the lady in the hospital to take the visiting burden away from me. She attended my dad's memorial to support me even though she didn't know my dad. She does read the blog but doesn't post. It will be great to see how her job and her life in general are going!

Tomorrow I am going to a Men's Health Fair. It is one where they do seven tests, mostly to determine heart and stroke risks. Of course I am a little scared that they might find something but not knowing is probably more frightening. I have to fast for four hours before the tests, so that should be a piece of cake. Fasting has never been all that hard for me. However, since they file my medical records under "wuss" I would appreciate your prayers, good thoughts, vibes, four leaf clovers, and anything else you can think of to send my direction!

I don't know who is having more fun with the contest, the posters or me! I'm having a great time! The question for the day, are there any old friends that you haven't seen for a while that you would like to have lunch with?


Pat said...

That's a great idea -- having your mom pull the winner out of a hat. Fun for mom, no pressure on you. Good thinking!

There are tons of people I've lost contact with over the years. I'd love to have lunch with each and every one of them. Some might even rate a dinner. [g]

Sending lots of good vibes that you get a clean bill of health at the fair.

Lady DR said...

Kaye, what a great idea to have Bill's mom pull the name out of the hat!

Bill, I'm so glad to hear you reconnected with a friend and she sounds like a lovely person. Good on her for rescuing you from that fiasco (which I do recall!)

Yes, I can think of several I'd like reconnect and have lunch with. Unfortunately, most of them are a thousand miles away or so. However, my brother has encouraged me to at least give FaceBook a try, in terms of reconnecting, so when the dust settles I may do that. It would be nice just to chat and catch up.

Sending courage and good vibes for tomorrow's health fair. You're right, it's better to know than not, but they file my records under "wuss," right beside yours. Still, you've been taking much better care of yourself lately, which is a Good Thing, so I anticipate your reports will all be good. Do keep us posted, please.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

What I am going to do is to use scrabble letters, so each will be the same size, C = Connie K= Kaye P= Pat Z= Mary Z and M = Mary. And if DR and Dona get their second entry D for Dona, R for DR. Then mom will pull the letter out from dish that she can't see.

Dinner friends do rate higher!

Thanks for the good vibes.


William J. said...


N is a lovely person, I enjoyed the lunch.

Facebook has its problems but it is good to reconnect with friends. They have good searches to find frineds.

Thanks for the good vibes!! I will keep you posted!
