Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Random Thoughts & Complaints.

Today is 9-09-09, according to one report I read there are more weddings scheduled for today than any day since 7-07-07.

Barbara Padilla is so far ahead of the competition in her group on America's Got Talent it is absolutely pitiful. The other group has the Three Tenors from Texas and a couple of good cowboy singers and maybe the five sisters have a shot but I'm am betting the final two are Barbara Padilla and The Texas Tenors.

Top Chef is really boring this season but I am addicted so tonight at 10 PM, 9 PM Central time on Bravo I will tune into to watch who gets eliminated. Tonight the loser of the Quickfire Challenge also goes home.

Why do I have such a hard time spelling easy words when I can crank out the difficult words to spell with ease?

No rest for the wicked. There is a good chance that sister won't be here this Saturday like planned. Caregiver is going on a cruise. Bill goes from expecting a rest to a week of care giving. Yes, I'm tired. Tired of having my life planned by others. But that is the way life is. Sister probably sold her house in Utah, if the sale goes through they have two weeks to pack and move. That has to be really hard for them. They need to sell the house because with the economy the way it is he hasn't had a job for several years. They need the equity in their house to survive. I actually asked if I could bring Mom down to Utah and her and I would help any way we could. I can help pack, carry clothes, etc. Mom can pack dishes while sitting down and help in other ways. But sis says they have moved so many times in the last six years (10?) that they have it down to a science and I would be more help here with Mom. Sometimes your roles within families are defined for you. Sometimes your are happy with that role, sometimes you're not. My role is the rock, the only one that doesn't really need help. Or maybe I am beyond help?

"Do you ever wear jeans?" That is a question I was asked on a date. A second date. Yes, I improved to second date status. Maybe some day I will make it all the way to the third date! However, the jean question kind of stumped me. It wasn't an afternoon date, it wasn't a venue where jeans were appropriate. I've always been taught, evening date, long sleeve shirt, nice slacks. Used to be dress shoes but now, because I have some foot problems, I can get a way with a nice pair of athletic shoes. I mean women take a lot of effort to look nice for us, shouldn't we make some effort to dress to respect them? I was kind of surprised how many men we met that night obviously on a date that were in T-shirts and shorts or jeans. Just seems like a lack of respect. Are T-shirts and jeans the new suit and tie?

The other day, the light turned green, I started out and a Van raced through his solid red light and would have hit me if I hadn't slammed on the brakes. And he honked at me! It is a really good thing I don't believe in guns.

James Patterson just signed a book deal. A deal for eleven adult thrillers and six books for young adults by the end of 2012. Seventeen books in three years? I'm sorry but I am afraid the quality of his work will suffer. One of my author friends tells me it is impossible for him to write a book in less than a year. He thinks it takes that long to do appropriate research to make the story seem or be real.

Questions for the day? What quirk surprises you about your writing style? Has your role within your family been defined for you by someone else? Are you happy with that role? How would or did you want your dates to dress? Ever been tooling along in your car following the laws, doing everything according to Hoyle, almost get in an accident and have the driver at fault flip you off? Seventeen books in three years, a good thing or a bad thing?


Yesterday's answers: Died in plane crashes, The heart, Kenny Loggins, all have flights and all are North or South.



The Category is 2000 News.


After capturing less than 1% of the vote in 1996 he was again The Green Party's nominee for president in 2000.


On 8-9-2000, this company recalled 6.5 million of its tires.


This Fijian beat Tiger Woods by 6 strokes to win the 2000 masters.


A coach ride past cheering throngs was part of her 100th birthday celebration on 8-4-2000.


In June the leaders of North and South Korea met for talks in this capital of North Korea.


Pat said...

So sorry about your sister's backing out, and I know what it is to be tired of not being able to arrange your own life. Does that help? I thought not.

Questions for the day? Okay, here goes...

I'm not sure I have a writing style, except maybe to be too wordy sometimes, so can't think of any surprising quirks.

My role in the family has been defined by circumstance, as far as I can see. Am I happy with my role? As mom, yes. As daughter, not so much.

Dress for dates should be appropriate to the venue, but nowadays, un-holey jeans or khakis can go almost anywhere. Leave the t-shirt at home, though. And probably the shorts, too. Wear a decent shirt or a polo and maybe tote or wear a sportcoat in case the venue is a little more demanding than you expect. IMO, tie not required except for very special occasions.

I've been in every traffic situation you can name and encountered lots of idiots. Even got rear-ended by them a couple of times, and recently narrowly escaped being t-boned by a guy screaming through a red light.

James Patterson is a whore. I stopped reading the books he did with a co-writer after trying two of them. I'll still read his solo books, if there are any, but he's just raking in the dough and putting out trash these days. IMO.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I've always thought Richard North Patterson was a much better writer than James. Better prose, better stories, not quickly written. But he isn't near as well known. Maybe the new book deal will uncover James Patterson to be what he really is.

Actually it does help that you told me you know what it is like not to plan your own life. Misery loves company.

I think you are one of the least wordy writers I know.

Yes, you do have a duel family role, and you are now the mother to both!

Ties are even required for church now days so I guess I can leave them at home on dates.


Lady DR said...

People misspell easy words because they expect to know them and their thoughts are going faster than their fingers. I see it all the time in ms from folks who know how to spell. Don't know that I have a writing style quirk, beyond the tendency to babble if I get going on a subject.

I am so sorry to hear you're back to full time caregiver, when you were looking forward to a break. I fully understand your frustration at having your life decided by others. Like many here, been there, done that, don't like it. Even at a distance, I find it happening. Also understand about having your life defined by others and not always family, although that's most common. I guess I figure I'm somewhere between "rock" and "fixer." Dana will take care of it.Quite frankly, I think part of this comes from being self-employed, which means, to those with 9-5 jobs, you aren't employed and therefore have all the time in the world to deal with whatever issues come up. Do I like it? No. Am I trying to change it? I didn't while Mom was here, but am trying to do so now, with family and with others.

Good job on advancing to second dates (g). Bearing in mind I live in Upstate SC, jeans are pretty standard attire. I spend a great deal of time in them. They're acceptable for everything from attending classes to shopping to going out at night (depending on venue). They can be dressed up or down. Jeans with dress shoes or boots, a nice shirt and a sport coat or jean jacket for guys, a nice blouse or sweater and jacket (jean or dressy linen or whatever) for girls are pretty common "dress up" attire around here. Shorts not so much, especially after sundown, unless it's outdoor venue and hot and humid. Personally, if the jeans are well-fitting, clean, pressed and worn with other proper attire, I have no problem with them, but much of that is the culture in which I live, perphaps, and the fact that jeans, boots and a nice suede or corduroy jacket were considered proper office attire the first five years I lived in AK (before big city politicians took over). It was pretty standard wear for our governor, actually.

Don't even get me started on drivers, after being rear-ended twice in less than two years. And I think I've mentioned before that a red light here means speed up and go, not stop. I've been stopped at intersections and watched four or five cars run a red light. I don't even stick my nose out until I've checked to be sure the cars in cross lanes of traffic have all stopped.

As to Patterson. Pity. His early books were quite good.His later ones have been disappointing. Seventeen books in three years mean most of them are going to be ghostwritten and he's going to proofread them and maybe look to see if the "voice" is at least similar to his. I don't think any author, regardless of talent, can put out a book every two months and give the reader good quality and consistently good reads. I've written two books and ghost written several others and it doesn't happen in a couple months, even if you have someone else doing any necessary research, in my experience.

redwhistle said...

Hi Bill - did you get that book from Amazon I mentioned to you? Also, tomorrow night - Thursday I am going to a Writer's Group at the Lake Oswego Library. I know you're working on a book and this is critique and helpful information. If you're not caregiving, why don't you join in? I'm meeting a friend of mine there. It's a 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Lake Oswego Library Conference Room. Take care and sorry you're not in control of your life but congrats on the second date.

William J. said...


Thanks for the great explanation about misspelling easy words! I haven't noticed any quirks in your writing style, other than everything is perfect.

Like you I am the fixer too. I admire you for working to change your role.

My brother lives in Wyoming and jeans and a cowboy hate is formal attire. Maybe I should ease up a bit and try jeans, being old fashioned though I like the long sleeve shirt and slacks.

One book every two months would be an impossibility for any good write that I know.


William J. said...

Hi Red

Nice to see you. I did get the book but haven't had time to read it yet.

The writing group is something I am definitely interested in for a number of reasons. Does it meet monthly?

Tomorrow night I may not have a car. I am taking it in to the dealership this morning with a problem where they may have to keep the car overnight. All the darn lights in the car are coming on. Then I turn the car off and turn the car back off and the lights go off. Kind of a concern. Also caregiver isn't at mom's until after eight tonight so even with car it would be hard to get there.

I've actually been trying to find a writers' group. If it is a monthly thing would love to try it a couple of times. Let me know when the next one is.

By the way I've read your blog a couple of times and it is very impressive!


redwhistle said...

Hi Bill - Yes the group meets monthly - 2nd Thursday of the month. There's another one I am going to start going to and it also meets monthly the last Thursday of every month. It is put on by a publisher's group/writers who are looking for new book authors. This is the first month I will be attending both and will let you know. There's always something to learn plus you never know the contacts you will make.

Thanks for the nice comment on the blog...takes a lot of work!

If you need a ride or anything, I'm not that far away, let me know.

William J. said...

Hi Red

Thursday actually usually works out pretty well for me so I really am interested. So keep me posted.

Your blog is very informative and does show a ton of work!
