Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relationship Saturday

When General Douglas MacArthur applied for admission to West Point, he was turned down, not once but twice. But he tried a third time, was accepted and marched into the history books.

Louis Pasteur was only a mediocre pupil in undergraduate studies and ranked 15 out of 22 in chemistry.

Are married men more trustworthy than single men?

I understand the study and maybe some of its conclusions. A married man has to answer to his wife and if he is really in love with her he wouldn't want to embarrass her or put her at risk. However, I'm single and I think I behave pretty damn good. I don't remember recently robbing a bank or murdering anyone. To me good behavior comes from the man's heart not from the responsibility to his wife.

During the Christmas season you discover your spouse or significant other is cheating on you or you discover he or she isn't who they said they are but are notorious bank robber wanted by authorities in several states. Is Christmas the time to break up with him or her? According to the following article Christmas ranks second to spring time in the number of relationship breakups.

I get that the stress of the holidays, shopping, families merging, and out of control spending can lead to a breakup. I am just wondering what happens in the Spring that puts that time of the year first.

OK, you want to breakup with your honey but you don't have the courage. I have help for you:

It may just me but I think if you break up with someone you should suck it up and do it in person. They are owed that much, no?

OK, off to find someone to get together with so I can breakup with them before Christmas and have a happy holiday too. Your comments are appreciated.


Pat said...

If I found out my husband wasn't who I thought he was (and was a bank robber or worse) the time of year wouldn't matter to me.

I think relying on Facebook for any kind of overall human interactions is, well, flawed. I do remember some breakups when I was much, much younger that were speculated to be because the guy was too cheap to buy a good Christmas present.

Having a paid breaker-upper do your dirty work for you is tacky and cowardly.

Good luck on your search for someone to break up with. Better hurry if you want to do it at Christmas.

Lady DR said...

I think the report on married vs single men is seriously flawed, based on my own anecdotal observances and experience. I've know long-time single guys or divorced guys who were great and married guys who were real jerks. I think placing the "reason" on a man answering to his wife is just plain silly. If there was validity to that, why would we have so much domestic abuse/violence?

Given your two examples, I'd say as soon as you find out the spouse is cheating or a robber is the best time to break up (wry s). Why is Christmas a big time for break-ups? I think you're right about the stress that accompanies the season and the media myth that all is to be happy and bright, filled with large and loving family gatherings and so forth. When that doesn't happen or doesn't look like it's going to happen, if there are other flaws in the relationship, it's as good a reason as any to look at making the split. Still, like you, I'm wondering what the heck happens in the spring.

If you're going to break up with someone, do it personally. Even if personally is a written letter (not email), saying it's over. No, it's not going to be pleasant, but if you've truly had a relationship, you owe it to the other person to do it, not have some stranger let you know Susie doesn't want to see you anymore. One reason I say this is because there's always the chance the person being dumped has no idea why or what he/she has done wrong and it's only fair to be honest (as opposed to accusatory). There's also the chance that talking about it may be what's needed to put the relationship where it needs to be, if the two people are honest with each other and care enough to make some changes.

Nah, don't go looking for anyone now. If any of the reports hold any truth or pattern or whatever, you'll be in great shape to find a much larger market the first part of January (EG)

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I would also kick the spouse out to the curb if they were a bank robber or worse and it wouldn't matter what time of year it was.

I think Facebook and Internet relationships can be either good or bad just like offline relationships.

Breaking up with someone for buy to cheap of a Christmas gift is understandable but I don't know why they don't give a second chance and teach them the ways of the world.

I agree with you, a breakup service is tacky.

I'm getting close guess I will have to wait until next Christmas to breakup with someone.


William J. said...


I am with you on the study. To me it is a matter of an individual man's character not whether he is single or married. Most single men I know are as honest or more honest than most the married men I know.

Christmas is the number on time of the year for heart attacks which just shows how stressful the time of the year is. And do you spend Christmas with his or her family or create you own tradition. Someone is going to get left out and that is going to lead to arguments and hurt feelings.

I'm not so sure I endorse email or letter is a way to breakup unless you are living in a different city or country. Yes if you tell the person why you are breaking up with them it can help them in the future or can even clear up misunderstandings.

Ok, I will find someone in the spring and breakup with them next Christmas.


Pat said...

Bill, you misunderstood my too cheap example. The wisdom at the time was that the guy broke up with the girl because he didn't want to have to buy a gift. Just urban legend, most likely, and it would have to happen at Valentine's Day, too, if it were really that common.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I did misunderstand and I'm sorry but maybe you hit on the reason there are so many spring break ups!
