Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who Am I?

As a teen I marched in New York's Time Square shouting, "Stop the lynching." In the late 1950s and early 1960s I helped Martin Luther King, JR orchestrate the civil rights movement. I was on the platform just inches from king when he gave his "I Have A Dream" speach. I was referred to by activist C. Delores Tucker as the queen of the civil rights movement.

When I was named president of a Women's Organization in 1957 I was quoted as follows:

"I hope not to work this hard all the rest of my life, but whether it is the council, whether it is somewhere else, for the rest of my life, I will be working for equality, for justice, to eliminate racism, to build a better life for our families and our children."

I received the Presidential Medial for freedom. For my 90th birthday my friends rasied five million dollars to payoff the mortgage on the building of the organization that I was president of. The donors included Oprah.

I was born in Richmond, Va., and t moved to the Pittsburgh area when I was four. I earned bachelor's and master's degrees from New York University and did postgraduate work at Columbia University and the New York School of Social Work. (She had been turned away by Barnard College because it already had its quota of two black women.)

I am noted for the saying, "If the time is not ripe, we have to ripen the time."

Who Am I?


Lady DR said...

Dorothy Height, whom I'd never heard of. She sounds like quite a lady! Thanks for bringing her to my attention. I really do love your "who am I" quizzes, as I learn a whole lot from most of them.

How's the "new life" going? Well, I hope. Are you a member of the "Y"? What are you going to do there - weights, personal trainer, pool, treadmill?

Inquiring minds want to know.

William J. said...


I had never heard of her either but she died yesterday at age 98 and they had her obits in the paper.

Slow adjustment to the new life. Tomorrow is really going to be my first responsibility day. Staying at mom's tonight. I picked up the information to join the Y yesterday. Weights, walking, maybe swimming. Cardio workouts.
