Saturday, October 30, 2010

Slow Saturday.

This has been a slow day. I've had a really hard time getting going today. I'm usually up and on the move doing things by five in the morning. This morning I didn't even finish the newspaper until nine. Therefore, you are getting the groggy me today. If there are typos and poor wording just remember I am writing this in my sleep.

On sleepy days it always helps to start with a good story:

I would really like to wakeup by five tonight so I can watch the Oregon Ducks vs. The USC Trojans football game. Sometimes a little reality on a sleepy day can wake you right up:

If that doesn't work getting mad at the way things are in the world can do the job:

That's all for the day. Your comments are appreciated.


Answers to yesterday's Who Am I were Lian Dolan and Prospect Park Media. The owner of Prospect is Colleen Dunn Bates who is a breast cancer survivor. Before you decide if you want to purchase Helen Of Pasadena you can read the first chapter here:


Pat said...

Okay, first I'll admit that I'm feeling very grumpy this evening. However, I can't find fault with the first story, which is very nice, and good for those kids. I wish I could buy their produce.

But then we come to the second story, of the woman who was repeatedly abused, got away, improved her life for five years and then was idiot enough to go back to her abuser. Things were bad enough that she sent away their children, which is just the frosting on the cake of my contempt for her. I find the statement from the prosecutor: ""She is one of the more remarkable victims that I've ever worked with. She's got an incredible strength of character and a very uncommon resolve" to be ridiculous. It would give anyone resolve to have half your nose bitten off, but even then, she "wavered". Can't say I admire her at all.

The story about the abuse of public funds in all these bailouts only makes me grumpier. Mad at the banks and mad at all the people who bought more than they could afford and are now crying for help. Okay, people who lost jobs they thought were secure are in a different category, but there are too many of the former to be sorry for everyone.

Grump, grump!

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Sorry for the late response. I know you aren't a sports fan but I think the University of Oregon is having a very special season so my mission is watch every play of every game of theirs this year. That's were I was last night.

I don't think you are grumpy I think you pegged the articles. It was refreshing to read about the teens.

It was awful to read about the woman for many reasons. I know the article was written to point out that even intelligent women are abused and even informed women are. But it frustrated me more than it did inform me. How did she know he was homeless? The only way is if he violated a restraining order or if she was keeping tabs on him. A person bites my nose off I don't give a damn if he or she is homeless, they live on the streets for the rest of their lives for all I care.

And the abuse of public funds, I would take away all the charters of all the banks that were involved and put them out of business. Maybe turn them over to Warren Buffet and let him run them.


Lady DR said...

I really like the article on the kids, gardening and selling at the farmer's market. What a positive way to learn a number of useful life skills.

The abused woman appears to be long on being in love and real short on common sense, practicality and survival instincts. Yes, I understand about control issues and the women often feeling they've somehow "asked for and deserve" the punishment, and they're embarrassed to admit what's going on, but two things strike me in this case. First, the fact that she actually went looking for guy and took him in and, second, that she sent her kids away to protect them and stayed herself. Add to all this her degree in criminal justice and the whole thing screams "Get this woman in treatment," because there's something missing in her mental/emotional processes.

The info on the banks is basically infuriating, from the banking industry stats to the attitude of the panel administering (I use the term loosely) the bailouts to the number of homeowners kicked out of the program to the fact that the panel pretty much blew off a realistic solution presented by an individual with sound reasoning and a solid background, given his listed credentials. I'm not buying the idea the banks would fail, if they had to write down the home loans to current values. They're pulling in a ton of money on credit card interest, for one thing. Now, they might have to tighten their belts, CEOs might have to take pay cuts and give up bonuses, but, somehow, that doesn't bring tears to my eyes. I don't know how you winnow out the speculators and those who were convinced they could afford more than reality dictates from those who are losing their homes because of the economic downturn and job layoffs, but there must be a way, if there's any validity to the paperwork surrounding the loans.

Now, I need to go do an attitude adjustment for the rest of the day.

William J. said...


I should have stopped with the article on the kids!

I completely agree with you about the woman being short on common sense and that her story strikes at the need for counseling.

The part about the panel blowing off a realistic solution bothered me the most about the banking story. How awful that the CEOs have to take a pay cut. Dripping with sarcasm that remark is.


Pat said...

As you well know, Bill, I have zero interest in football. But I happened to see part of that game last night because it was on the big screen when I went to visit mom. Specifically, I saw the touchdown where the Oregon player had the ball in his arms and rolled over the line. He clearly had it controlled, so I was glad they gave them the touchdown. And for your sake, I'm glad they won. {g}

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I'm going to try to convince you to become a Duck fan! One of the interesting side effects is Oregon's mascot was based on Donald Duck and Disney gave the U of O rights to him. Last year they releived the Ducks of paying royalties. Now what happens after every Duck touchdown he has to do pushup that match the points. First the Ducks score seven points then immediately after the TD he does seven pushups, then when the score again fourteen pushups, after the Ducks scored the final TD he did 53 pushups which to amounting to him doing over four hundred pushups. The first game of the year the Ducks scored 73.

The catch you watched last night was the best play of the game. I'm glad the won two because before the game three USC players were quoted as saying:

"The Ducks aren't any good, they are overrated."

"The Ducks aren't any good, they only have two good players."

"The Ducks offense is just a gimmick."
