The first seminar was on Estate and Trusts tax returns. The second seminar was about Social Security and Medicare. The following is what we play for:
Some states don't bother with taking attendance so you get the credit whether you sign the attendance sheet sent out the last hour of the seminar or not. Sign in you are good to go. Oregon is a lot more anal than that. You sign in in the morning and sign the attendance sheet in the afternoon.
The dinner at Nancie's went well. She is an excellent cook and I really liked her friends. There was another couple there and I was glad for that. It kind of gave us more to talk about. Right before her friends got there Nancie told me that Chris was her ex husband. That was kind of weird but he was really nice. They were married very young and only married for a couple of years. They were just to young. He and his new wife, also named Chris, have been married thirty years. They were really interesting to talk to because they are retired and traveling the world. I also found out that Nancie is an excellent painter. She has held her paintings and held show at several art galleries.
Looking for a gift for Fathers' Day or other occasions? Here is a good idea for one:
I kind of think that Anthony Weiner needs the kind of training mentioned in the following article:;_ylt=AuACHIg1eeaAsRAa22ONdkqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTV2djNjM242BGFzc2V0A3RpbWUvMjAxMTA2MTYvaHR0cGhlYWx0aGxhbmR0aW1lY29tMjAxMTA2MTZob3dicmFpbnRyYWluaW5nY2FuYm9vc3RpbnRlbGxpZ2VuY2V4aWRyc3NmdWxsaGVhbHRoc2NpeWFob28EY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM5BHBvcwM2BHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5faGVhZGxpbmVfbGlzdARzbGsDaG93YnJhaW50cmFp
I'm really looking forward to getting home tonight around eight and then start knocking of the items on my to do list tomorrow. There are only fifty-five items on my to do list.
Comment Away.
Tuesday's president was U.S. Grant. Today's president was quoted as saying. "To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generations of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny." He was born in 1882 and died in office in 1945. He said these awards as he accepted his party's nomination for a second time. These words were said as a reference to the economic depression going on at the time but would soon take on a new meaning. You really have enough information right now to know who this president is but if you need more form an attachment with the number 32. Which President Am I?
I'm glad for you that your seminars are over. Too bad Oregon wants to know who stayed.
Also glad your dinner at Nancie's was a success, though I didn't quite get what a "nothing couple" might be. So interesting that Nancie has remained friends with her long-ago husband. Is there anywhere online we might see her paintings?
I think I'll pass on the Anthony Weiner doll, but thanks anyway. I do hope that after his resignation today, we'll hear no more of his escapades. It's such a tragedy because apparently he was a very good congressman.
Yea on the end of the seminars. Sounds like Oregon's tough on making sure licensed professionals are up to date in their area of expertise.
So glad dinner at Nancy's went well and you enjoyed it. Nice she's remained friends with her ex. Sounds like both of them have matured and it's all been for the best.
Quite frankly, I'm appalled a company called "" would put out a Weiner doll, making him appear a hero. For some reason, that just rubs me the wrong way.
Hi Bill, I am glad you've got your seminars over with also. It always sounds like you go to a lot of them.
The dinner sounded great, although I think it would have been a bit awkward with an ex also.....but its nice that they remained friends....evidently that is all they were supposed to be.
I am glad you are still keeping in touch with Nancie, she sounds really nice.
Anyone else had a problem trying to comment? Today was the first time I could comment. When I click on the comment button to comment on a post, it will give me an error message saying I am not signed in or "allowed" to view blog. But then I can go back and view blog. This has went on since I last commented. But Today it let me through after several attempts...go figure. Just wondered if I was the only one.?
Dona - The comments have been working as they "should" for me for the last week or so. I did download some updates to Adobe and something else, so don't know if that was part of it or if they finally got the blog site fixed to work as it used to do.
When I teach a class, I keep track of attendance and you have to be sitting in class for 50 out of every 60 minutes to get credit. And every CPE course I've ever taken outside required me to sign out at the end.
Eight hours on that topic, really? I think I'd die and fall into the aisle!
Hi Pat
I am so happy there are no more seminars until December. Next week will be a little busy but after that my life goes back to normal. Calforinia society of CPAS doesn't take attendance so I thought maybe I should take my classes there sign in, in the morning and then go on vacation for a couple of days.
I think it is a positive that Nancie maintains a good relationship with her ex. I will ask her if she has some paintings online or I will have her email be some paintings.
Weiner was a very good congressman and it is sad that he ruined his career for stupid actions. And at the time his wife is pregnant.
Oregon makes it both harder to get the license and to keep than a lot of states. The CPA exam is four grading parts. You have to pass two parts to keep those scores and then go back and get the other two. So you can concentrate in two subjects. In most states you can get a zero in the parts you don't pass so you can ignore the parts when you study of the exam. Not true in Oregon you can pass two parts and keep them but only if you get 50 in the parts you don't pass so you can't ignore those parts.
I really liked Chris and Chris they were fun to talk to and having them took the conversation pressure off of me.
Actually it bothered me a lot that any company would take advantage of someone's else's misfortune.
Hi Dona
Our licensing is over a two year period. During that 24 months we have to go to ten seminars. Seven full day seminars and two four hour seminars. The four hour seminars are required seminars in ethics and technology. You have to take a minum of three and a half seminars in any twelve months. I take half of the requirements in each twelve month period.
I was glad Nancie didn't tell me the relationship until I got there that night because it would have caused a lot of worries before.
I had a lot of problems with Google until a couple of weeks ago and it has been good since then.
Have you tried a disk cleanup on your computer? Go to "control panel" then click on "system maintence." and then click on "open disk cleanup" A question will ask you if you want to clean up all users or just you, answer all. Then a box with "c:" will open. Click OK. After a minute or two another box will appear. Check every box on the left but especially internet history and hit ok. It will take about five minutes but it will get rid of what is causing you the trouble.
Hi Mary
You are a tough teacher.
Actually the subject could have gone longer. There was some pretty interesting stuff in there.
For example, when SS started the reason they picked 62 as a retirement was two fold. They wanted to encourage older people to retire to open of jobs for the youngens to help turn the recession around. The other reason was that the life expectancy at the time was 65. They only expected to have to pay out benefits to people for three or four years. We all got healthier and people often draw it for twenty years or more. One of the reasons the fund goes down faster then expected.
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