Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Help & Royalty

Sorry for being late today. I was at Mom's last night and this morning kind of got away from me helping Mom get ready for her bridge club.

OK, posters and readers. Pat needs our help. Yesterday she wrote the following comment:

"A woman at my mother's facility occasionally goes inward and mutters to herself, "Hody, hody, hody" over and over. I have no idea where this comes from and can't ask the lady herself, as she's quite deaf and probably not even aware she's saying it when she does. Googling only produced a Czech song with a video of decorating eggs, but DR thought it might be a midwestern thing. Only other thing I can think of is "hodie" in Latin, which I think means "today". Anybody got any ideas?"

I know from the Who Am I's of the day that you out there are marvelous researchers. Can you use your research skills to help Pat out? Post your answers here.

On to another subject. You can read an interesting article here:


The article brings up the questions for the day. First, if you were working a normal job would you hide the fact that you were really a King or Queen? And what would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered that you were royalty?

My answers. I might or might not hide the fact that I was a King. I can see reasons for hiding it. People would treat you differently if they knew you were royalty. I can also see reasons for coming clean about being was royalty, it might help me get dates. If I woke up one day and found out I was royalty? I would immediately try to think of ways to use my new found title to help people and I would make every effort to keep my life as normal as possible.

Looking forward to your answers. My you be treated like royalty today!


Yesterday's Answer: Letitia "Lettie" Pate Whitehead Evans

I didn't really have time to do a Who Am I, so for today were are back to what do these three things have in common.

What do these three things have in common:

Mr. Mom, Tootsie, and Young Frankenstein. Besides being movies.

General Electric Theater, Death Valley Days, and The First Patsy Awards. Besides being television shows.

A ballon, a cork, a question.

Angel, Ribbon, Glass.

Monkey wrench, mason jar, & Morse Code.


Pat said...

Interesting dilemma, but I somehow doubt I'll have to face dealing with royal status anytime soon. I guess whether I announced it to the world would depend on whether it was a real title or just a figurehead one. If there was money involved, I'd probably grab it. If it was only notoriety, I'd probably duck it. If I knew I had some distant connection to royalty, I'd probably tell a few friends but wouldn't broadcast it. If I had to go be a real queen someplace, I'd first hope I could learn the language, and second that I could do some real good and not just be a figurehead. If the latter, I'd probably abdicate. {g}

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I love your answer. Although I am often a royal pain, I doubt if I will have to face being royalty any time soon either.


Lady DR said...

Thanks for another positive story, Bill. Really interesting. Can you imagine knowing and not being able to share, knowing you're royalty and working two jobs to support your family? Who knows who walks among us?

Hiding "my" royalty would depend on circumstances and it sounds as if he had good reason. Suddenly discovering I was royalty... interesting question, kind of like winning the lottery, depending on what I was royalty of (g). I suppose the first thing I'd do is discover what it meant, before admitting it. If I could do some good, especially if it came with piles of money and loyal subjects that would allow me to help "my" people, it would be tempting. If it meant all I got to do was play politics in a world where no one's word is their bond, not so much.

William J. said...


That is the part of the story that fascinated me, working two jobs when he really probably didn't hae to. And the other part was what you mentioned also, we just don't know who we are next to.

It is like winning the lottery but it may not come with money as much as it does opportunity to make money!


Mary said...

Pat, is she Catholic? There's lots of songs and prayers that say holy, holy, holy.

Pat said...

Interesting thought there, Mary. Lots of protestant songs that begin that way, too. Well, one I can think of, but I'm behind on my hymns these days. {g}

I doubt that's it, since she speaks quite clearly, but I'll doublecheck on whether she's religious in general. I haven't seen any evidence of it, but then I probably wouldn't, as I mostly see her just when mealtimes are finishing up.