Saturday, October 24, 2009


OK, I decided to fess up about what may or may not change my life instead of waiting until tomorrow. It could be either crap or fact depending on whether or not it comes to fruition.

Today's question. Do you believe in Karma? According to my Mom and my sister I have amazing parking karma. I seldom have trouble finding parking spots. It has become so noticeable that both Mom and sister frequently comment on it. I've been to venues where there are thousands in attendance and found a parking spot right by the stadium. I've been to malls on their busiest days and found parking right by the store we were visiting. It just happens. Parking karma.

My sister believes in Karma. One of the reasons I am late posting today is that I was at Mom's giving her house a thorough cleaning. Nobody cleans like I do. I clean everything. I wanted Mom's house to shine when sister walks through the door tonight. Karama. Yes, sister and her husband are visiting from Utah tonight. They will be here until next Wednesday.

What led to their unexpected visit? According to my sister Karma. They sold their house in Utah a couple of months ago. They needed a little cash and that was the best way for them to get money. Her and her husband are marvelous at buying run down houses, fixing them up, and then selling them. There put an offer on a house in Utah that they were going to live in for a year or so, fix it up, and then sell it. The deal fell through. Sister decided that was a sign that they needed to move here. Therefore, the unexpected trip. They are coming up here to look at houses. They have decided if everything comes together they will move here.

Sure there are some drawbacks that I see to them moving here but the good things that I see are:

One. One of the things that has been bothering me a lot is what would happen with Mom if something happened that I landed in the hospital for a few days. If they move here that worry is subsided. We can be each other's support system.

Two. I can now have a life. If they move here I will no longer have an excuse not to travel once in a while or go to different classes.

Three: Shared duties with Mom. I will make sure sister and her husband get weekends off. The duty no longer falls mainly on me.

I'm an excited about the possibilities but I am not getting to up because if they change their minds or if something better comes along in Utah it will be a disappointment.

The questions for the day. Do you believe in Karma? Do you believe in what goes around comes around? Do you have any advise for me should sister and her husband move here?


Yesterday's answer: Julia Ward Howe


I was born in 1895 and although I was a teacher, a scientist, and a priest I am most noted for being higher than a kite and I would have popped a balloon at a recent news story. My dad was a noted surgeon and he and mom had nine of us including my twin, who died at age three. I received a masters degree in 1919 and my doctorate in 1942. I was elated to be part of the 1933 World's Fair during which I was hoping to be elevated to new heights thanks to Dow Chemical, Goodyear, Union Carbide and sponsors NBC and Chicago Daily News. The exhibition never happened. I took an undertaking that could lead to where human lungs have a hard time functioning and my vehicle was guided by a flammable gas. Forty-five thousand spectators came to see my efforts. I became famous as the first woman to reach stratosphere. Because of my experience I developed a frost free window. I later designed a vehicle made of cellophane. In 1943 I was briefly secretary at the housing section of the Minnesota Office of Civil Defense. In 1971, one year after the Episcopal Church admitted female deacons, I was ordained a deacon, and in 1974, under remarkable circumstances, I was ordained a priest when three retired priests ordained eleven of us women. I died of cancer at age 86. Among my many awards are being in the International Space Hall of Fame. Who Am I?


dona said...

Hey Bill, the news sounds great! I am so excited for you. I think if all falls through, things for you will be totally different.
You deserve it. Karma. Yes I believe.

William J. said...

Hi Dona

Thank you for your support! I really enjoy you and the Shankster's friendship.

Now if there is really big karma one of these weekends their will two winners of powerball, you and I?


Lady DR said...

Whew, I'm glad we didn't have to wait another day!

Yes, I believe in Karma. I share your parking karma, usually finding spaces close to my target. I do believe what comes around, goes around, although sometimes it seems to talke a long time (wry s).

I'm holding all kinds of good thoughts that Sis will find a house and move to Portland and the two of you will be able to share caring for your mom. It will relieve you of the "what if" questions, should you sprain an ankle or some such. It will also give you some free time you've not had for years, hopefully.

I do understand your... hesitation?... and questions I went through much of that, when the hope was Deb would move here. Advice? Only based on the "what ifs" I pictured. Set some ground rules and some boundaries. Try to maintain a caregiver who will be there nights. Determine who's doing what and why. Given you know the medical history and the doctors and all, does it make sense for you to continue being responsible for doctor visits or can you comfortably turn some of those over to Sis? Does it make sense for Sis to take over the groceries and some of the cleaning, the laundry? Can it be understood that you have certain obligations -- be that comedy classes or brunches with the guys or whatever -- that are sacred and Sis is in charge when you have commitments? Can you set up some way that you both have "free time" when the other is totally responsible, so you can run away from home and so can Sis for a few days? I don't know how comfortable any of that is for you, but I do know that if everyone is aware of the expectations and they're out on the table and up front, life's a lot easier than if people are making assumptions about each other's expectations of responsibility and involvement.

Here's hoping all works out well and they find a house in Portland they can "turn around" and you'll have some long and much needed assistance.


William J. said...


So the next get together we won't need to worry about parking!

Mom and I have already taked and we have decided to keep the caregiver. Sis being here will help here too.

I will responsible for the heart doctor and some other visits. I prefer to take her to the g.p. because sis has a habit of talking the whole time of the visit and mom doesn't get to answer questions. So I plan on doing a good share of the doctor visits. And I will still take mom out for lunch once or twice a week if I am not traveling. Sis and I have already talked, they want to take some weekends to travel so we will share that duty.

Thanks for the hugs.


Lady DR said...

Sounds to me like you've pretty well covered the issues I figured would come up with Deb and I, if we all were here. I hear you on the doctor visits and reasons. Plus, as I said, you have the history and know the docs.

I suspected you would continue the lunches and such, but if Sis can take over somes of the other duties, like groceries, helping with cleaning and shopping excursions, as well as be on call if the caregiver suddenly can't be there when you have a class, it would be a wonderful thing.

William J. said...


Sis will do the groceries and some of the errands. And I am already planning not only on classes but looking at short trips maybe turning into a long one.

And tax season sis is taking over from February on. So I will do only three jobs this tax season instead of four.


Pat said...

The questions for the day... No, I don't really believe in Karma. Though I do believe that the way you behave in life comes back to either haunt or help you sometimes.

I have good parking karma, too, at least when I'm driving my little group of friends around. But I think it's less my good karma than the gods punishing one friend of mine who is obsessed with parking, specifically for no money. She will start talking about where we should park before the car is even on its way, and it drives me nuts. I try to say, "Don't worry, I'll park somewhere, no problem", but that doesn't stop her.

I'm delighted that there's a chance your sis will move close by, and I'll keep fingers crossed that it works out. I think all DR's suggestions were good ones, and I see you've already made some decisions anyway. You're on the right track, and it should work well, assuming they find a house they like. Good vibes coming for that!!

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Your friend would annoy me also. Gosh with You, DR, and I parking shouldn't be a problem at any get together!

Thanks for the good vibes!!!
