Friday, February 4, 2011

Freaky Friday.

I have ran out of failure to success stories so that is the end of those for a while. If I run into in anymore then the failure to success blurbs will return.

Friend and frequent commenter Don has been in the middle of Storm 2011. Her husband, lovely known as The Shankster, has fallen a couple of times. He is doing OK but I imagine is in some pain. They were housebound for a while as trees kept crashing around them. If you want to read all about how they are dealing with Storm 2011 and see some stunning pictures check out her blog at:

Now on to Freaky Friday. Would you prefer a car made of metal or something less expensive? Check out the following article:

We always love a freaky story involving a dumb criminal, don't we? Enjoy.

Hope this is a good start to your weekend. Comment at will.


I was born in 1903 and died in 1988. Numbers are important today and you should alway go with four over three, two, or one. I was one of seven sons of a former United States senator who discovered the ruins of the ancient Incan city Machu Picchu in Peru. I served as a Vice-Consul in Marseille, France, during World War II. My mom was the heiress of a famous company. Before then I served in Kobe, Japan, as a civilian secretary in the United States Embassy. I worked part-time as a schoolteacher. I traveled to India and Egypt before returning to the United States to attend Harvard University. After obtaining my law degree I scored third in his class on the foreign service exam. When France fell to Hitler the French signed an armistice with Germany. In Article 19 of the document, the French agreed to "surrender on demand all Germans named by the German government in France." Civil and military police began to round up German and Jewish refugees who were marked for death by the Nazis. Several influential Europeans tried to lobby the American government to issue visas so that German and Jewish refugees could freely leave France to escape persecution. Anxious to limit immigration to the United States and to maintain good relations with the Vichy government, the State Department actively discouraged diplomats from helping refugees. I said bull and issued visas to help refugees escape France. Although I was supposed to only issue 200 visas I issued 2,000. I also sheltered Jews in my Marseilles home, and obtained forged identity papers to help Jews in their dangerous journeys across Europe. He worked with the French underground to smuggle Jews out of France into Franco's Spain or across the Mediterranean and even contributed to their expenses out of his own pocket. I helped pluck one writer from outside a prison camp and drove him to my home, insisting he dress as a woman to disguise himself for two months until he could escape. That rescue was part of an exhibition called ''Assignment Rescue." In 1941, the United States government abruptly pulled me from my position as Vice Consul and transferred me to Portugal and then Argentina. When I was in Argentina I helped to track Nazi war criminals in South America. In 1945, after being passed over for promotion I resigned from the United States Foreign Service. I did not speak much about my wartime activities. My own family had little knowledge of them until after my death. On June 27, 2002, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell presented a posthumous "Constructive Dissent" award to my children at an American Foreign Service Officers Association awards ceremony in Washington, DC. Do you know who Varian Fry is? If you do you will be able to answer the question to the fourth degree, Who Am I?


Pat said...

Saw Dona's pix. Wow, some storm. I forget where she lives, but I'm glad I don't live there right now. It must be very pretty when there's no storm, though. Lots of good wishes for the Shankster to feel better and not fall again!

Love the idea of non-petroleum plastics. Now if they can just make them biodegradeable... Not so sure about chicken feathers.

Love stupid criminal stories. This jerk was not only stealing jewelry, he was stealing their electricity. Glad he was stupid enough to leave his phone.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Dona lives in Indiana, near Indianapolis.

I picture a care being built that you buy in the morning and have for dinenr at night.

I'm glad the criminal got caught. Apparently they had been looking for this doofus for a while.


Lady DR said...

Good grief, Dona, what a mess! My brother in IL was giving me a bit of a description Wednesday and I've a friend in the Indianapolis area, but have heard little from here. Given your pix, I can see why. I sure hope the Shankster is okay. Yeah, it looks like you've got a lot of clean-up to do. I'm just glad, at least from what you posted, you didn't have major damage to the house. I also hope it's starting to warm a bit up there, so the ice melts and you can begin safely assessing what needs doing.

I like the idea of the new technology for cars and am all in favor of anything more "green." A mushroom car might be kind of interesting. The chicken feathers sound like they're a long way in the future.

As to the dumb burglar - hope he gets what he's got coming. I gotta tell you, plugging in my phone to charge it, while I cleared out jewelry and cash in the house, just would never have occurred to me.

dona said...

Thanks guys, and the Shankster fell again today!! Trying to get to the barn for saws to get the trees off the deck. But there is no moving well enough to even try to do that yet. We can't leave either, if we made it down the hill safely we couldn't make it back up at all. Everything is just solid ice.

I also think the idea of "Greener" cars is great. The idiot burglar is just idiot. I love hearing and watching about stories like this one.

William J. said...


I'm also in favor of more green, the chicken feathers do sound a little different and far off in the future.

Half the time I don't even remember to charge my cell phone in my own house let alone someone else's.


William J. said...

Hi Dona

Darn the Shankster, I hope he wasn't hurt any worse this time. Will you tell that doofus that if trys again to fix anything before the ice melts that I am going to fly back there and talk some sense into him. I plan on bringing my baseball bat.


Lady DR said...

Geez, Dona, tie the Shankster down with a bungie cord. If he doesn't stay put, until it's safe to walk, even off the patio, I shall have to come up there and He Doesn't Want Me to Have to Do That!

Ice is just not something one can deal with successfully, in my fifty-sixty years of experience in the Midwest, AK and SC. This is a time to Be Still. And I'm betting he doesn't use any kind of walking stick either! Only way we could get to the car on the road, after five days of being held hostage.

I'm sending a virtual 2X4 to knock him up alongside the head, should he decide to do anything else not well advised.

William J. said...

See Dona

The Shankster is going to have both DR & I after him. He better behave or we will be coming out there and making him cry Uncle.


dona said...

The Shankster says he looks forward to seeing you guys, but to leave all bats,clubs & 2x4's at home. :)

William J. said...

Lol Dona

I don't know, I think we will still come prepared.
