Sunday, February 20, 2011

Short Update

Since my update is pretty short this week I am going to do a small regular post and then turn the blog over to you for your updates. When you work five days a week life gets pretty boring. It would be snooze time if I wrote about my life. Speaking of snoozing:

I've been called a character (lovingly) before among other things and there has been those few times when I was asked if I was from another planet. Now if someone asks if I am from another planet I have more homes to chose from.

Now my brief update. Five days of work. One lunch out with a co-worker, two lunches out with Mom, and one dinner out with the family. That's it. Next week five days of work, two lunches out with Mom, and one dinner out with the family - See a pattern?

Entertainment update is brief too. Amazing Race starts tonight. The blog is now yours. Fire away.


Lady DR said...

Interesting about the bears and how research could lead to a better way of dealing with patients who must go through periods of enforced inactivity.

The idea of the numbers of stars and planets and galaxies is a bit staggering. As to the question of why they've not contacted us - maybe for the same reason we've not contacted them?

Your week was more exciting than mine. Five days of work, four workouts at the pool, one afternoon of line dance, one dinner out with Himself and a ham friend. Throw in domestic duties and that's about it. Ho Hum.

William J. said...


The bear story, my reaction was basically why hadn't we thought about this before?

Do we really know if we haven't been contacted? I would imagine if we had it would be kept under wraps.

I'm elated that you are getting your workouts in the pool done and the line dance in! That isn't boring, that is exciting.


Pat said...

There are lots of people who think we've not only been contacted but that they currently walk among us. I think they are nuts, and that while there must surely be other life out there, it probably doesn't resemble us, and if they know much about us, they probably want to keep a low profile.

Plus it's just too darned FAR. When we talk about going to Mars, a relatively puny distance compared to these other planets, we talk about it maybe having to be a one-way trip. Are we sufficiently interesting for a trip worse than that? I hardly think so. Now a little radio signal would be a nice thing...

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I don't think they walk among us but I not going to call the people that believe that nuts, just different.

I am with you that the odds are that there is other life somewhere out there probably in a galazy far far away but if they are more advanced mentally than us maybe the could make to mars faster than us or to earth faster then we could make it to mars.

I dobut very much if it will be proven or disproved that there is other life before I live this earth.
