Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cable Bills, Amazing Rescues, & Weird Tax Deductions

An update on my friends Mark and Sandra. She made it to UC San Diego Medical Center and exploratory surgery is planned for today. Your prayers vibes and good thoughts are working so keep them up.

How much would pay for a cable TV bill? If would pass out if I got the following bill:

Nothing better than an incredible rescue story for a Wednesday:

Even better for me than a good rescue story are outrageous things people try to deduct on their tax returns. And sometimes get away with it:

I did the tax return once for an exotic dancer and wrote off her breast implants because her income doubled (what does that say about us men?). I followed a court case that was one by the once famous Carol Doda that allowed the deduction.

What would you do if you got a several million dollar cable bill, were gardening and all of sudden disappeared, and what would you really like to deduct on your tax return? You can also comment on anything else you wish to.


I was born in 1897 and died in 1985 and like Monday's Who Am I was known for the theory of child development. I into a Jewish family in Sopron, a small town in western Hungary. My younger sister & I had a difficult childhood as a result of my parents' troubled marriage. Dad, however, encouraged me to excel in mathematics and other sciences. After studying art I switched to medical school. Three semesters later I began medical training at the University of Munich, but was forced to leave because of tensions toward Jews. At age 39 I married and due to Nazi's rose in power we moved to Britain and then on to the U.S. After receiving a New York medical license I set up private practice in a basement and began to build my clientele. I worked as a psychoanalyst with young disturbed children and co-founded the Masters Children’s Centre in Manhattan. If you learn about SEPARATION-INDIVIDUALISM you will be able to answer the question, Who Am I?


Lady DR said...

Just a quick note to let you know Mark and Sandra continue in my daily prayers and I hope the exploratory surgery will determine the problem AND a resolution.

William J. said...


I hope things are going well with you DR.

I just got word from Mark. Sandra passed away at 2:30 this afternoon.


Mary said...

I came in to make a smart comment about things I'd like to deduct, and saw your message. I'm so so sorry about your friend.

Pat said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Sandra, Bill. Condolences and healing vibes to all concerned.

William J. said...

Hi Mary

I would still love to see the smart comments about tax deductions and so would she!

And thank you.


William J. said...

Hi Pat

Thank you. I hope he gets some rest now. They were married a very long time and it is going to be an adjustment.
