Saturday, March 5, 2011

Complaint Time.

The answer to yesterday's Who Am I was Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

Been kind of a different week. The car did get fixed. Then I did my corporate tax return this morning. I picture the IRS and The Ford Garage playing tug of war with my checkbook. I'm also starting to be bugged by something going on at work. Stealing a line from yesterday's blog entry, trying to train someone that is a know-it-all is like skiing uphill. I'm about ready to tell him the facts of life but I don't want to create discord at the office. He will ask me a question, which I will answer. Then one or two things happen. He will say he already knew the answer (then why in the hell did you ask me the question?" or he will say "That isn't right." (if you don't trust my answer then go ask someone whose answer you trust and leave me alone.) It also bothers me because there is the possibility it effects my pay. I get an hourly rate or one-third of the billings whichever is higher, if I spend time training him then the possibility of me exceeding my hourly rate is pretty small. OK, enough bitching. On to today's post:

Good idea or bad idea?

Since I may be in the market for a new car I liked the following report:

I already knew of what was in the article but not all of it.

I'm going to end with the story of a friendship:

I was surprised by some of the information in the sidebar of the article. Especially this one "Every day, about 18 Americans die from not receiving a vital organ. " That is just crying shame.

Comment away.


Lady DR said...

Bitch away, Bill. Sounds to me like you've got valid reason, all the way around. One, it's costing you time (money) and, two, the guy sounds like a real ingrate. Is there any way to avoid this guy?

Not sure on the private protection. I do know it seems the pirate thing is getting out of hand and something needs to be done. Not sure it's military responsibility, unless maybe for the countries where the pirates are so active. I could go either way on this one.

When I got to car cleaning, it was a Consumer Reports expose on cost of buying/owning a car. When I went to the final link, I got a blank page. Will try them again later today.

William J. said...


There is no way to avoid the guy since I sit next to him and the bosses asked me to train him. He is an ingrate. Give you an idea at lunch yesterday he said wasn't promoted at the city (where he worked before he came here) because he was a white straight male. He said it would have been better if he was gay. Then he told me he was on the school board in the city he lives and he was trying to convince everyone that if a student couldn't read the school shouldn't have to teach because most likely they were from the poor areas and had no hope.

I fixed the length one the last article. I couldn't fix the link on the second article so I changed my description in the blog post.


dona said...

Its a shame you can't just avoid the guy. I am sure the bosses asked you to train him given your expert knowledge. But sounds to me like it is going to be an uphill battle with him. I wouldn't let it go on too long before saying something to the bosses. Of course I am sure you don't want to do that either.
Hope it all takes care of itself sooner than later.

William J. said...

Hi Dona

Those picture on your blog are so damn adorable!

I would never go to the bosses, most likely what will happen is I will tell him the facts of life and he will go to the boss about me. That's fine. Then it will be fair game.


Pat said...

I know it's hard to do, but I'd advise you to give your annoying co-worker the answers you gave in your blog. My guess is that he will start to annoy someone else. Either that or he'll at least take your answers with appropriate thanks and no rebuttals.

Oh, wait, the bosses asked you to train him? And he sits right next to you? If he goes on this way, perhaps you should ask the bosses to have someone else train him. You could cite "personality conflict" or something if you didn't want to be specific. And for heaven's sake don't have lunch with him again, he sounds like a real jerk.

I like the idea of some kind of protection against pirates in those waters. Whether it's better to have a security force or to arm the ships will probably come down to cost, as most things do. Private yachts should simply stay out of those waters if at all possible. If not, they should probably be armed as well, though I'm not positive that's a good idea. It's a real problem.

Interesting story about the car ownership costs. Having just recently bought a used Civic, it's all academic to me but it'll be good information for you if you're in the market.

Amazing story about the kidney donation. I am in awe of people who do that sort of thing--donate an organ to a friend or even a stranger. I think I'm too selfish to do that. I'd donate to my daughter in an eyeblink if she was in need, but can't think of anyone else I'd give up an organ for.

Lady DR said...

Great story on the kidney transplant. Thanks for fixing the link I couldn't connect with.

Given your comments, I'd say give the guy a reality test and let him go to the boss and say he can't work with you. Your reputation is solid with the firm and they all like you, so the "root" of the problem should be pretty obvious to the PTB.

Lady DR said...

Oh, forgot to mention -- as to transplant donations, DMV in SC gives you the option, when you get your driver's license and anytime you renew, to list yourself as an organ donor. This goes into a statewide medical database. Ergo, when I pass, I've already given permission for them to "harvest" any organs that might be healthy and useful to anyone. I don't know how many states have this option. I think AK did, but I don't remember it being available in FL. I think it's a great way for people to give permission for their organs to be passed to someone in need, when they die.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

You know me so well. I told him yesterday that I can't do lunch anymore that I just have to much to do at home. And I've decided the next time he asks a question and disputes the answers I will give him those answers. My guess is has already annoyed several other people. I remember from last year that they give me the really difficult clients because "I was the only one that had the personality to deal with them." My guess is that is why nobody else was assigned to train him and most have been there as long or longer than I have.

I also like the idea of protection against the pirates because there are more and more instances of kidnappings not to mention the recent murder of four Americans.

I'm also in awe of people who give organs and I don't think I could do it for a stranger or a relative.
I don't think it is being selfish at all, it is knowing what you are comfortable with.


William J. said...


You are welcome about the link, I was actually trying to fix it before anyone visited the blog but you beat me to it.

Oregon does the same as S.C. they ask you not only when you get your license but when you renew it if you what to be a donor and then mark a box on your driver's license so if you are in an accident they can tranplant the organ pronto.

I am going to give it a couple of days and if he continues then I will tell him the facts of life. I think he knew I was upset the other day. So we will see.


Mary said...

I commented about your co-worker on facebook, but now what I'm reading here sounds like it's the same guy! We finally fired him, maybe he's made his way down to you! I can't believe there are two human beings who are so awful on this earth! Does he have the same last name as me? If so, get away fast, nothing good will come of hanging with him!


William J. said...

Hi Mary

Maybe he filed a name change, last name starts with P.

I'm not sure he will be back next year and I'm giving serious thought to not coming back.
