First up is Weight Watchers. A well known organization that helps people worldwide lose weight for both aesthetics and health reasons. I just shook my head in amazement when I read the following article:
Wouldn't you think that a dieting organization wouldn't have weight requirements as a provision of hiring? I also don't think the woman in the above article looks that bad, she looks pretty good to me. Not to mention the bad public relations for Weight Watchers to discriminate against overweight people. What do you think of the article?
Sometimes the lack of common sense cannot only be dangerous it can be fatal. It is bad enough that an obviously intelligent woman, a doctor, felt the need to not only check on her boyfriend but to try to get in his house by going down the chimney?
I really feel sad for the woman's family and friends who were left behind because the lack of this woman's common sense. What is you take on the article?
I hope there is common sense in your world today and in the future.
Yesterday's answer was Temple Grandin. Seen on the Emmys Telecast and mentioned on the blog yesterday during my summary of winners and losers.
I was born in 1960 and graduated from an Arts & Design high school and received a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from a college of Visual Arts. I also received a Master of Fine Arts when I moved out to the great state of California. After graduating I began a career as a documentary photographer. I became well known for incorporating images with words to create pieces that touch on gender, identity, and history. In 2007 The Whitney Museum featured my work to commemorate my twenty years in the business. My earliest work was as a documentary street photographer then I moved on to observations of race and society. I have explored various media and techniques, including two-dimensional photographs as well as silk screening my photographs on large felt panels, creating installations, or producing as video works. I was the first Black woman to participate at the Venice Biennale. In a recent video work I set two women side-by-side; a household servant from 1860 and a wealthy homeowner from 1960. I was quoted as saying; "I do not appear in any of my work. I think maybe there are elements to it and moments to it that I use from my own personal experience, but that, in and of itself, is not so important as what the work is trying to say about either the way we interpret experience or the way we interpret things about identity." If you do not know who I am yet think of that annoying CALL WAITING, the stunning NECKLINES, those moments during your life where there were GUARDED CONDITIONS, and I hope there were times when you got a square deal. I am married to a photographer and live with him in a with me one daughter. Click on one of my pieces to enlarge it. Who Am I?
The WW thing is just silly. She looks very nice at a size 12, and in fact, being just the tiniest bit hefty might be a better incentive for WW customers than a totally unattainable stick figure. Not to mention the story makes WW look really bad.
The chimney story is awful! But I thought I heard on radio that the sometime boyfriend was being arrested/held/questioned or something for murdering her, so maybe there's more to the story.
Hi Pat
I completely agree with you being a little hefty would be a good incentive for the customers of WW. Even being really overweight and going through the program with the customers would be good advertising. You just have to wonder why there wasn't someone at WW to say, just a minute here, this isn't right. Boggles the mind.
Gosh if her boyfriend was being arrested for attempted murder than that really makes it more idiotic that she was going down his chimney. Common sense would say to stay away from him.
I think the WW story is ridiculous. The gal is a size twelve, for goodness sake. How many women do we all know who are still a size 12? And she works out and, if the photo is anything to go by, she's an attractive, healthy person with no spare fat. I think WW is sending a very negative message to women who are overweight. Actually, I'd love to see this gal get credentials as a life coach and help others with not only weight loss but self-esteem and confidence. From what little I read, it sounds like she'd be good at that. And, yes, employers do base decisions on appearance, as much as credentials, in too many cases, I'm afraid.
The chimney story is, as Pat says, awful, but it raises a couple questions in my mind. The fact that the boyfriend left the house to avoid a confrontation and then she was found three days later by a house sitter? It sounds as if he knew she was coming down the chimney, so why didn't he call the cops or her office or a friend or someone, to get over there and get her out of the chimney? Okay, she was stupid (despite her intelligence) to pull such a stunt. It sounds pretty obvious the b/f wanted the relationship to remain "off." He was equally stupid not to have reported the incident or, at least, gotten someone to check on her. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, you can't fix stupid. Sigh.
I think we (Himself and I) use common sense most of the time, because it just makes life easier. However, I do have friends and acquaintances who don't seem to grasp the concept and I've watched it create crises after crises in their lives, minor, major and perceived. There is, somewhere, an obituary on the "death of common sense" floating around the net. It would be funny, if it didn't hold so much truth.
I thought the gal was very pretty. And it says a lot about her character that she isn't going to sue WW even though I think she should. WW is sending a negative message to women and they are also creating a negative impression of their company.
You raise good questions about the chimney story. Pat said in her message that the boyfriend might have been arrested which would explain why he didn't call or return to the house. As to friends or relatives not calling that is a real puzzle. Heck If I don't call or showup over an eight hour of time my sister or mom tracks me down.
I read that obit and like you thought it was to right on to be funny. I also have friends that use no common sense and often keep making the same mistake over and over again.
Maybe my take on the chimney story was an early report, and they thought he'd killed her and stuffed her up there. DR makes some good points, as usual. Very weird story.
Hi Pat
If I killed my girl friend I don't think I'd put her body in my chimney. Most likely a freezer downstairs or take it miles from my home and bury it. But not in my chimney.
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