Friday, September 10, 2010

Guy Talk.

After some whirlwind days today is going to be a piece of cake. No parties on the agenda just about six hours at mom. I slept in the morning and got up at five-thirty. Then I read three newspapers while having a relaxing breakfast. Now as soon as I finish this blog post it is off to Mom's and on the way drop off some information at the guys that bought my practice.

Today is guy talk. Want to know what we talk about when women aren't around? Women and Sports. My circle of friends never are demeaning to women because if a sexist comment comes one of the other guys will point out the errors of their ways. We also talk jobs, family, and what to get the wife or girl friend for their birthday or what to get them to get out of the dog house. Couches are really not all that good to sleep on. We also might talk about articles like I am sharing today.

We could talk about the following article:

Most of us would say we don't need no stinking shelter, come on guys suck it up and get over it and move on. What would you say about the article?

After reading the following article a lot of us would get right up and try to bust a move. Our goal would be to make John Travolta jealous. After a few minutes of busting moves we would end up putting Ben Gay on all our muscles and come to the stark reality we aren't going to attract women with our dancing. We are just going to have to rely on our charming personalities and references from our Moms & Parole officers. What attracts you? Should we put on our white outfit and make fools of ourselves on the dance floor or should we just approach it differently?

We also might talk about equipment. Big equipment will almost always make men cry. Check out the following article:

If you see a group of guys with a newspaper in hand and all of them are crying, chances are we reading an article about a young man with his sights set on big equipment. Would you hold it against a man for crying at such a touching article?

That is it for the day off to get in touch with my inner parenting because yes roles do reverse and I am now my Mom's parent. May this be a great day of all of you!

WHO AM I? Yesterday's answer Helen Caldicott.

Here is a new rule for the Who Am I of the day, if you had never heard of the before don't feel bad because most likely I've not heard of them either. Instead feel good that you have the research skills to answer the question!

Today's Woman In History That Most of Have Never Heard of:

I was born in 1952 and am now an Illustrator and Children's book author. My dad was a pharmacist, and Mom was an illustrator. I graduated from Tyler School of Art at Temple University. My first job in New York was as a paste-up artist and designer. I later worked as a book designer. After a sting doing illustrations for Xerox Education Publications at the age of twenty-three I started my own business devoting my time to illustration. Continuing my illustration work decided to try My hand at writing. My writings were said to have perspectives and points of departure that encouraged active thinking about ecology. I am currently residing in New York, continuing to work on writing and illustrating my books. If you don't know who I am by now try answering the question WHO'S SICK TODAY of find A RIVER RAN WILD and then you will be able to answer the question, Who Am I?


Lady DR said...

I think the idea of providing recently divorced men options for living and sorting things out is good. As you say, most guys would say suck it up, get over it, move on. That may sound good, but I suspect it leaves a lot of anger and bitterness and internal questioning. If the break-up was abrupt, there's the practical issue of finding and furnishing an apt, just for openers.

Dancers... when I was young, a guy's dancing would have been a point of attraction, given I love to dance. However, I soon learned that a good dancer isn't necessarily a good boyfriend or husband material. My first husband was a dancing fool; Himself breaks out in hives at the mention of a dance floor. Go figure. Personally, when it comes to dancing Trivolta's style does nothing for me. I like the smooth flow of ballroom dancing, regardless of what type of dance you're doing. Be warm, honest, caring, sincere, sharing and a good friend as well as lover and the girls will come. If you dance, that's a bonus.

Neat story about the little boy who got his day on the heavy equipment. Himself still looks with longing at the machines. If he had his way, he'd have a couple pieces of equipment in the back yard, believe me.

William J. said...


I guess I would be a lot more understanding if the article was about abused men. Then I think they should have a shelter and a support group to go to and mostly they now don't. But for a breakup I didn't see the need for support, after your post maybe I am reconsidering.

I am between your first husband and Himself, I'm not a great dancer but I don't break out in hives at the mention of it. I'm with you re Travolta's dancing which is why the article surprised me. I think there is nothing more romantic then a really good waltz or tango.

Now on to what I break out in hives at. Big equipment like fire trucks and cats etc. They just scare me.


Lady DR said...

To me, that's what was unclear about the article. I wasn't sure of the circumstances of the divorced men. Women can be as emotionally and physically abusive as men or having an affair and suddenly deciding it's time to "kick out" the old and go for the new. In either case, the men have to be as confused and disoriented as women in a similar situation and it does happen.

Dancing is a very individual thing, I think, a way of expressing what you're feeling or changing your feelings. (I can go to line dance grumpy and come out feeling right with the world, for instance). But, I prefer smoothness and maybe a bit of attitude (especially in LD) to showmanship.

Had to laugh at your comment on heavy equipment. I don't have any yen for it, but Himself drove it in his early years and seems to have developed some sort of yen for it. Doesn't affect me, one way or another. If I needed to use it and had some instruction, I'd probably do it.

Pat said...

I like the idea of the hostel deal for newly divorced men. That has to be really difficult, just to leave your home with no plan in effect.

As to the dancing study, well, DUH! Male or female dancing with some abandon is more interesting to watch and hence more attractive. Doesn't mean the guy is a great mate, but as far as it goes, I'd agree with the study.

I suspect any kid would enjoy running heavy equipment (actually I wouldn't mind a shot at it myself), but it's really nice that Cooper got the chance. Crying? Do you guys cry at card tricks, too? {g}

William J. said...


I wonder if one of the reasons men remarry faster than women is they really have no where to go after a divorce and are vulnerable.

Dancing is personal and is a way to express how your feeling. I prefer togetherness and teamwork to showmanship.

My dad was in the CCCs during WWII and drove a Cat, he actually helped build the original highway through the Black Hills of South Dakota. I just never inherited that gene and am fine if I go the rest of my life without having to drive any big equipment.


William J. said...

Hi Pat

Well, of course we cry at card tricks.

You and DR are convinving me the error of my ways but I think it is very rare for a man to not have any inkling that his marriage is in trouble and most should have a backup plan in place when they see the signs of a divorce coming.

I can't up but wonder how well you would do with U-turns if you were driving a fire truck or other big equipment.
