Saturday, September 25, 2010


The answer to yesterday's question was the amazing Robin Roberts from Good Morning America.

I noticed this sign on a restaurant yesterday, "Unattended Children Will Be Given An Espresso And A Puppy."

That got me thinking about manners, one of my favorite subjects. Little did I know that today is the fiftieth anniversary of Emily Post's death. The following article states what manners she suggested fifty years ago and how those suggestions would work today:

I think from reading the article and the part about live performances I can guess what she would think about those idiots that use cell phones in movies and in public. The rules about dating and houses were kind of funny. I do love the phrase the article ends with: "never do anything that is unpleasant to others"

Do you remember Emily Post? According to the article "40 percent of 18-to-44-year-olds had no idea what Emily Post was known for." I remember her and Miss Manners quite well. What do you think of her rules? Would any of them improve today's society?

We all know that texting while driving is not only bad manners but also incredibly stupid and very dangerous. A young man is trying to do something about it. The fifteen year-old has invented a device which sends an automated reply to any texts drivers receive, letting the sender know that they are behind the wheel and will respond when they get off the road.

The young man is amazing. He invented a device that adults should have invented a long time ago. While the device may not keep drivers from texting it certainly can't hurt. I also think if someone sends a text message while driving and gets the automated message back it can only serve as a reminder that they shouldn't be texting while driving.

What do you think of the new device?

I'm off to see Wall Street the sequel or whatever it is called. As always you comments are appreciated.


Lady DR said...

Yup, Emily Post and Miss Manners both. And what a shame they aren't around today. It's all back to courtesy, which we've discussed here many times. I found the free online version of Posts's book (Pat, this is presented by the company you work with) and I actually plan on reading through it. In the introduction, I found an interesting quote from an English peer (I think he was):

"Selfishness is at the polar remove from the worldly manners of the old school, according to which, as Dr. Pusey wrote, *others were preferred to self, pain was given to no one, no one was neglected, deference was shown to the weak and the aged, and unconscious courtesy extended to all inferiors.*

Think about that. What would the world be like, if that concept alone was a guiding influence?

I'm really impressed by the teen race car drive and his app and his concerns about safe driving and trying to provide some guidance to other teens on life in general. This kid is one after my own heart, for a variety of reasons.

Great articles, Bill. Thanks for sharing.

William J. said...


I love your curiousity because I almost always learn from it. I love that you found the free online version of Post's book.

Common courtesy, so easy to say but so apparantly hard to implement. I love the quote and so many now need to hear that quote. The world would be a much better if that was our guiding influence.

The teen doesn't even have a driver's license yet he is already concerned about safety. Impressive.

Sometimes subjects for the blog are picked for my by the higher ups. From the restaurant quote to two really good articles.


Pat said...

Ah, DR, using Project Gutenberg, are you? Good!

Nice quote, and yes, it would be a good guiding influence.

I remember Emily Post only as a name associated with manners. Only heard of "Miss Manners" much later and never really knew who she was.

Love the teen's app. Anything that will stop people texting while driving, even in small increments, is just fine with me!

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I never heard of Project Gutenburg, you work for them?

The teen is amazing and I hope is app reduces texting while driving.


Lady DR said...

Bill, if you go the manners article, about a third of the way down, it says read online. Click the link and there's the entire volume. I'm going to go back and bookmark it, so I can get to it easily, as I think it would be fun to read the whole thing, in bits and pieces.

Yes, Pat, it's part of Project Gutenberg. Had to grin when I saw that at the top of the first page. For whatever reason, I didn't realize they made their books available, free, online.

William J. said...


Thank you! Pat shouldn't be hiding secrets from us, you just never know what that woman is up to! Usually something interesting and good.
