When Dona shared with us she was taking Zumba Classes there was a question, what is Zumba? Here is a video on You Tube that answers that question. It is nine minutes long and fun to watch but if you don't have that much time you will get an idea what it is half way through it. Everyone that I know that takes
Here is what Dona had to say about the quilts:
"The Blue Jean Rag Quilt is the first quilt I ever attempted. I made it for my first Grandson. I had saved all my maternity clothes and all of my only son's baby clothes. So this is made up of all my maternity jeans/my sons jeans/ and some jeans from my dad. The back side is Yellow Flannel from all the blankets I saved from when my son was a baby.
The second quilt and the one I finished a couple weeks back, was for my Daughter-in- law. She asked me to make her 12 year old one similar to the Jeans Quilt. She had several saved T-Shirts she wanted incorporated into it especially for the wording and the memories. The 12 year old is a boy and into Army colors or camouflage, so she wanted the backing of this color. This was hard. I took this one apart and resewed it a million times. I had no idea of what I was getting into. It was a total trial and error quilt and I didn't have the time or T-Shirts to make too many errors. Little did I know that T-Shirt material wasn't good for Ragging of a Rag quilt. But I did the best I could do. He loved it."
The amazing art work of Dona follows, you can click on the picture to enlarge it:
Now the off the shelf articles. I'm probably one of the few men that love the first article and think it is about time. I've never understood why it was so traumatic for men when women made more than they did. Seems selfish to me. The second artilc just boggles the mind, what is so offensive about the word boobs?
As always your comments about anything posted today or any day are greatly appreciated.
I was born in 1944 and could crush those weak contestants on Top Chef. I really should be on Top Chef Masters but I would win hands down. I graduated from Hippie U after transferring from Santa Barbara and received a degree in French Cultural Studies. During college I studied in France, where I learned to love the preparing and enjoying fresh, seasonal foods. I brought this style of cooking and eating back to California where I popularized the concept of market-fresh cooking with the local products. At age twenty-seven I opened my first restaurant which has become one of the most renowned restaurants in the world, consistently ranking as one of the world's fifty best restaurants. My restaurant was named for my favorite character in a trilogy of Marcel Pagnol films. I have been called the Mother of American food and have been cited as the most influential person in food in the past fity years. Besides cooking I have authored several books and am one of the most well-known food activists around the world. During college I worked on the congressional campaign of a man that was the icon of anti-Vietnam War politics. I was named Best Chef in America by the James Beard Foundation and was the first woman to win this award. I also won the lifetime achievement award given by the S. Pellegrino 50 Best Restaurants association. I was the third recipient of the annual award, and am the only female winner in the award’s history. In celebration of my restaurant’s 25th anniversary I founded a Foundation whose mission is to transform public education by using food to teach, nurture, and empower young people. I was married to a French Filmmaker and to an Italian Olive Oil importer. I have one daughter. If you don't know who I am by now maybe you should read THE ART OF SIMPLE FOOD and then answer the questions, Who Am I?
Cool quilts, Dona. I can only imagine how hard t-shirt material is to work with! Good work!
I'm glad at least some women are catching up with men in wages. We have a way to go, but we'll get there.
"I love boobies" is about the stupidest slogan I can imagine for a cancer fundraising effort. To me it's mildly amusing, but I know a lot of people would be offended by it, and they should certainly have known that.
Hi Pat
Now that women outnumber men in college I think equal pay will follow that and we may even see women earn more than men in our lifetime.
I don't know what is worse the cancer fundraising slogan or the people that banned the phrase from school, thereby calling attention to it.
Dona, lovely quilts. My favorite is the denimn -- I've got squares cut out and jeans to cut up, but I never thought of ragging the edges. I want to sew some of them together to make a jeans vest, besides the quilt or throw. If the day ever comes I decide to start the project(s), I'll probably come to you for instruction and advice, as I really like the look. You must have the patience of a saint, to have gone through all the efforts of doing the one with the tee shirts!
Bill, thanks for the video of the zumnba. Dona, I can see why you so enjoy it and suspect I would, too, as it really is a form of dance. Is it always done to what (to me) resembles tribal music? If we had a class here, I'd be real tempted to do that one day a week. It has a lot more arm motions than line dance.
I'm glad to see women catching up on wages, although I see there are still some large discrepancies, especially when it comes to women raising families, apparently.
As to the bracelets - I agree with Pat it's a pretty stupid slogan for a serious cause and I'm not surprised that schools, most of whom have instituted stricter dress codes, are having problems with it. What were the promotional folks thinking? I mean, there are a lot of other options...
I liked the first quilt the best.
This is what I found as a definition of Zumba "a fusion of Latin and International music that creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system." It does look fun and there were even a couple of guys there.
I'm just happy that women keep making strides.
While I agree with you and Pat about how stupid the bracelet slogan is I think the school should have just let it go instead of banning it.
Thanks Bill for putting up my pics & thanks for all the compliments! I like the Jeans one the best too. Patience? I have always been told I have it and I think I have to still have some to have survived 7 years here. As far as patience with the quilting? It helped as I had to sew on my bed using my computer chair. There were a lot of times when the sewing machine bounced off the bed when I was trying to sew too fast. :) Remember I live in one room here? uggh. DR, if you need help just holler I can send you a step by step pattern.
The Zumba, well on this video if you see the woman in the green shirt in the back? That's me. I had no idea of what to expect but the instructor told me as long as I kept moving its ok. :) My instructor doesn't use this particular music, she has all kinds, some Latin and will even ask you if you would like something current or older, and she will have a routine for it too. And our routines are not exactly like this, but as you see you do move everything,and yes the arms are moving constantly. Its really fun for me and the first thing that has helped me in a long time that I could actually do.(at least I try)
I agree with everybody here on the slogan, not just stupid but I think it is tacky. I think for a fundraiser they missed the ball on this one, or should I say boobie?
Hi Dona
No thank you, I love it when you share your creativity with us. It just is overwhelming for me that all of you that post here are so creative.
I am so tickled that you found and like Zumba because that can only improve both your mental and physical health. It is your comedy class.
The students do get the booby prize.
Dona, I can't imagine trying to run a sewing machine on a bed! Surely, you dad would let you use a table somewhere in the house? Just a little table in a corner of a room? Geez, I'm even more impressed, trying to picture you doing the quilting under the circumstances! I went back and looked and you not only try, you do very well. It's a neat form of exercise and anything that involves fun and music appeals to me.
Ok just have to post this for DR, I may have mislead you a bit. The Lady in Green in the Zumba class was NOT actually me/I only meant how it seemed she was totally lost most of the time and doing everything opposite or half-a!!ed, and that is how I am in my class. :)
About sewing on the bed? Well it was the only place I could use with a quilt they get so big, and you need room. I had in on my computer desk for a while, but with the monitor/printer and everything else I can fit on it as I have not much else to place my things on, it got to be too crowded for sewing. I used the dining room table for cutting, but didn't have a plug in for the sewing machine...trust me guys, this house is so old!! about one plug in in each room!!!! But thanks for the compliment!! I love those.
Dona, those are beautiful. How wonderful is it that, 1. you can make works of art, and 2. your daughter in law asked for it? My mother in law is long gone, but I still treasure the quilts she gave me for my babies, and one for my bed. I wish I knew how to do things like that that would last. I am a good mom, but not crafty in the slightest.
Mary, How sweet! Thanks so much. I really don't think I am all that crafty, but felt I did an ok job on the quilts. It is nice to have something that you can keep forever like that.
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