Where do you hide your money?
I don't hide my money, I don't have enough of it to worry about it. If I did have a lot of cash I'd hide it in the freezer so I could always have cold cash available. Seriously, when I win the lottery what I don't give away will be kept unsafely in banks. Where are you hiding your money? You can tell me, it will be our secret.
We all have been on job interviews. A lot of us here have conducted job interviews. I think it would be a safe bet that we wouldn't have said anything during the interviews to get a mention in the following article:
Time to confess. Have you ever done something really dumb during a job interview? Have you ever done anything dumb if you were conducting an interview? I can honestly say no to both questions.
Speaking of jobs there are a lot of people out there looking for work. There has been a few times that I had the trauma of looking for a job and during that time I was willing to look for help almost anywhere. Since I don't drink now, I'm not sure this is a place I would go for job hunting help:
What do you think? Good idea or bad idea? Would you imbibe in their services?
Hope this weekend is going well for you and will continue to be a great weekend for you!
WHO AM I? Yesterday's answer was Lynne Cherry.
I am a flying high engineer born in 1947. I am the middle of three sisters. I received my Bachelor of Degree from CSU, my Masters of Science in Microbial Ecology from Mormon State University and also received my Doctor in Civil Engineering from The State College in the State that Bill's sister moved from a little less than a year ago. I held graduate research, research psychologist and research engineer assignments in the Ecology Center and the State Water Research Laboratory at that university. My work included research on the productivity of the algal component of cold desert soil crusts in the Great Basin Desert. I was selected for a special occupation in 1980. My technical assignments have included flight software verification. I could be described as being out of this world twice and in space for over ten days. I was grounded becoming Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate in D.C. The words of Neil when he landed on the moon made me want to be a space cadet and while Ride Sally Ride had a song about her I didn't. If you don't know who I am by now check out STS-61-B Atlantis (Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, 1985) and that could help you answer the question, Who Am I?

We remember, the event and the people lost.
The only problem with stashing cash is that if you get "hit by a bus", none of your family will know where it's hidden. Somebody besides yourself needs to know. A friend once paid less than $1.00 for a book at a yard sale and later found a $100 bill in it. Good luck for him, but too bad for the previous owner. My friend would've returned it, but didn't remember where he'd gotten the book. One of our girls knows where our small "stash" is kept.
Hi Mary Z
Good to see you post. And I agree with you, someone besides yourself needs to know. Good advise.
Stashing cash - Having lived in Hurricane Country for over 12 years, I do keep cash in the house. It's in an envelope marked something else and kept in a a drawer in my office that contains nothing related to money.
Interviews - Some funny and some sad comments, both about the interviewers and interviewees. Back to, you can't fix stupid. I don't think I've done anything dumb in either case.
Job hunting - Actually, it may not be a bad idea, based on the short bit of information provided. Europeans tend to gather in pubs and often not for alcoholic beverages as much as social value. The fact two social workers are doing the "job bar" is interesting. If it's a popular pub, with a variety of clientele, seekers might actually make some interesting and positive networking connections.
Don't think I've done anything stupid in an interview, but you'd have
to ask the interviewers. The stories are funny, though. And so are
some of the money hiding places. Think I'll tell you where I hide my
little stash? Ha!
I like the idea of job seeking advice in a pub. Esp. since it
apparently also functions like a coffeehouse. I wonder if they make a
good latte.
The football game I am watching has a lightening break so I am taking the break to respond to messages. Oregon is playing Tennessee in MaryZ's country. A big lightening storm was coming so the refs took the players off the field then fifteen minutes later emptied the stadium. 100,000 people in the stadium what a nightmare emptying then letting everyone back in the stadium.
I always just keep my cash in my wallet. I don't keep extra cash around the house. I like what you do.
I loved the guy that got the call when he was in a bar and asked if could reschedule the interview because he was drunk. Pretty dumb.
I like your take on social workers in the bar, I'm just a little skeptical.
Hi Pat
Well shoot I thought you would give us a heads up on where you hide money!
Both you and DR like the idea of social workers giving free advise so obviously I'm going to re-think it. I was pretty negative about it.
I like what MaryZ says about hiding your money, if something happens to you what happens with the money? My Aunt did that, and when we moved her we found over $8,000 in cash hidden in the weirdest places. Luckily she needed it at the place where she went so it worked out ok.
For me, hmm, never have any left over to stash. But like Bill, I was sure hoping Pat would give us a heads up! :)
I do a lot of interviewing, and I could write a book about what not to do in interviews. First on the list is asking, how long until I can apply to move up to a better job?
Hi Dona
Thank goodness your found the eight grand in cash, can you imagine leaving that behind? I just made note to let everyone know where I hide my money. But I doubt if tthere is eight grand in pennies, which is all I've got hidden in a penny jar.
Hi Mary
Believe it or not when I was in my senior year in college the advisors were telling you that during a job interview if you were asked what job you wanted you were to answer either the president of the company or the interviewers job.
I didn't take their advise and I don't remember what I said but it must have worked because there was only one job I interviewed for that I didn't get.
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