Saturday, September 18, 2010

Short & Odd

I didn't do much yesterday except relax and went to a movie. It was kind of nice not to have anything on the agenda. While next week gets a little busy this weekend isn't. Today all I am doing is taking Mom to lunch and watching football. I'm also relaxing on the blog today and just doing a short post. Short and odd. Like me.

Want to know what to do with those placemats that you no longer want to use at the table? Here is an article that will give you some ideas:

Do you like stale bread? Do you like stale bread so much that you would risk being fired over it?

When will it stop? How many crazy ideas for reality shows do we have to put up with before the people in charge of entertainment stop giving us these stupid shows. I'm crying uncle after reading about the following one that will actually be on air sometime soon:

What do you think of the ideas for placemats? How about the stale bread story? Personally, I think the ladies employer were idiots for firing her in the first place. How about reality shows? Got any ideas for some? You going to watch brides compete for plastic surgery. I'm not.

WHO AM I? Yesterday's answer was Maggie Kuhn?

I was a renowned high diver and stuntwoman who was born in 1946. When I was an infant I was stricken with measles, mumps, and scarlet fever in quick succession, leaving me deaf and with no balance. My mother taught me to read lips and speak and I never learned much sign language. I was mainstreamed in a hearing school by the age of eight, and graduated from high school with honors. I competed in high diving while in high school but a year after graduation I nearly died from spinal meningitis. Two years after my recovery I won diving championships. When I was too old to compete I married a hearing stuntman who trained me in his profession. Despite being just five feet three inches tall and weighing under 100 pounds I found work as a daredevil. I set a world record for land speed by reaching 412 mph in just 3.22 seconds. I retired in 1986 and moved to South Dakota. My whole life was a SILENT VICTORY. Since Brian and Colleen were my parents and Stockard was me, they can help you answer the question, Who Am I?


Mary Z said...

None of the so-called "reality shows" have anything whatsoever to do with real reality. We don't watch any of them. Give us a scripted show anytime.

Lady DR said...

Bill, I'm so glad you're having a realxed weekend! Finally.

Enjoyed the placemat article. Doubt I'll use any of the ideas, but cute. I've seen the tote bags made from place mats and some are quite nice. I did follow it to the velcro article and saw some interesting ideas there, as well.

The stale bread thing is ridiculous. Why should the woman not take it home? Perhaps she feeds the birds at a nearby pond/lake or has feral cats looking for additional food. I'd prefer the bread be used in some way, rather than just pitched.

As to reality shows. I am SO glad I don't watch TV. I think the plastic surgery thing is nuts and ill-conceived and could have some negative ramifications. I mean, the man obviously loved the woman Just As She Was, so what's he going to find, when he lifts the veil? I totally agree with Mary Z - reality shows have nothing to do with reality, from what I've heard described by the many who do watch them.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Pat said...

I'll pretty much go along with DR here. Loved the placemat article. Some really good ideas there. Not that I'm likely to do any of them, but they're very interesting.

And of course the woman should have the bread, for whatever purpose she wanted it. It's nonsense to even question that.

I do watch some of the competition shows, but "reality" in terms of watching the lives of people I wouldn't want to spend time with? No, I don't think so, and I'll be skipping the bride show.

William J. said...

Hi Mary Z

I admit to watching Dancing With The Stars and The Amazing Race but I do prefer scripted dramas most of the time.


William J. said...


I don't think I will use any of the placemat ideas either but it was fun reading about them.

I agree with you about the bread. There is a number of things she could do with it and why should the employer care anyhow, they aren't going to use it?

I never thought of what would happen if someone loved someone they way they were and then they changed themselves. That is just one more reason not to like the stupid reality show.

The weekend is going great. When mom and I were out for lunch cousin Dixie called. They really had a nice time here. The call made the weekend even better!


William J. said...

Hi Pat

The placemat article just seemed like more fun that practical.

I'd never want to work for an employer like the one in the stale bread article.

Like you I also watch some of the competition shows which I think is a much better description that reality!
