Friday, May 20, 2011

Seminar In Orbit.

Today I am off to an all day accounting seminar. Learning how to use Outlook and Excel. Those are what they use in the firm that I work at and I just though it would be beneficial to hone my skills on programs I know little about.

A couple of days ago we talked about planets rotating backwards. Now comes a new discovery about planets:

Speaking of exciting discoveries did you ever wonder what some of the signs of a bipolar disorder was? Wonder no more:

I am closing with an article I found astonishing:
Fire Away.


"I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." He said these words at a banquet at the White House honoring forty-nine Nobel Prize winners. Some of the winners in attendance were Pearl Buck and Linus Pauling. I was born in 1917 and died in 1963. The year of death alone is enough for you to figure out who I am. It was Camelot before then. My brother suffered the same fate I suffered in office while he was running for the office. He is also one of Bill's idols. My wife was almost as famous as I was and after death separated us went Greek. Which president am I?


Pat said...

I saw an article about the "wandering" planets yesterday. So odd. They seemed to think that they had no star to orbit. And they're BIG!.

Bipolar disorder seems to not be something I have to worry about. {g} Nor, thank heavens is the prospect of having to do "sex work" to make ends meet. Some of the numbers are surprising, since the idea of doing that is so very far from anything I ever considered.

Have as good a time as possible on your seminar. At least it's only one day and about something you'll find useful.

Lady DR said...

The more we learn about planets, stars and the like, the more fascinating the universe becomes.

Interesting article on bipolar disorder. I knew it was "under-diagnosed," as are anxiety, panic and other disorders, because you can't do definitive tests for a diagnosis. It's a very unsettling disorder. I have a couple friends who have it. Fortunately, between medication and knowing the signs of, especially, the manic period, help them deal with it pretty well, but it's a case of constant personal evaluation and vigilance.

Actually, I didn't find the last article all that surprising in some ways, perhaps because I've read other research with the same results. The actual prostitution, yes, that surprised me. However, the erotic dancing, even stripping, not so much. It's been going on for forty years, at least. College costs are incredibly high and scholarships difficult to attain. In many majors, the homework, research and required "lab" time for courses of study I'd never thought of as having "labs" leave the students little time for sleep, let alone work. There *are* clubs where the owners do care about their dancers, know many of them are college students, do not allow prostitution as part of the deal. The pay is very good and the tips are usually high, just to sit and share a drink and let the guy talk, from what I learned in talking with some of these college students at parties, way back in my younger and wilder days.

Is it exploitation of sex? Probably. OTOH, many/most of these young women are very intelligent, have no interest in sex for the sake of sex, somehow find out which environments are safe and protected. I suspect they figure someone is going to get paid big bucks to dance around a pole, swagger across a stage, drop major pieces of apparel, and it may as well be them, to finance their education, if they can do so without compromising their personal principles. I suspect we might be quite surprised at how many accountants, nurses, analysts and such financed their education (g). I do remember a young pastor in our church in AK admitting, to make a point in a sermon, that he'd financed part of his theological education as a bouncer in a bar.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Some people are more worried about the wandering planets hitting earth than they are the world ending Saturday.

I sometimes think I have Bipolar disorder but I don't have any symptons mentioned in the article.

The sex trade thing is also not only far from anything I considered but far removed from the life I lived.

I survived the seminar but I am not sure I learned anything useful.


William J. said...


The planets are not only fascinating they are a little frigtening at times.

Bi-polar and panic attacks both are under disagnosed. I think panic attacks people just don't want to admit they have them.

I represented some exotic dancers against the IRS and got to know several of them. They were often those that got pregnant at a young age, the father deserted them, and the only way they could support themselves was dancing. I do think in this case it is exploitation in many levels and as a society we could to a better jod educating these ladies.

Some of the ladies I represented were in college and in one case law school. One interesting thing is a new club opened up and a church group led by one minister protested its opening by picketing
the club on a daily in front of the club. While the minister was protesting, I was representing his daughter in a IRS case and she was dancing at one of the most well known exotic clubs in Portland.


I suspect we might be quite surprised at how many accountants, nurses, analysts and such financed their education (g). I do remember a young pastor in our church in AK admitting, to make a point in a sermon, that he'd financed part of his theological education as a bouncer in a bar.