Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bosses, Good Dudes, & Cars.

Susan Fauldi was the author of yesterday's quote.

Sister and brother in law are in and out of the house today with the new furniture so I may not get this posted until this afternoon. I am looking forward to new stuff. Now if I can afford new carpet.

Today let's start with stupid bosses:

Let's move from bad bosses to good college basketball players:

Have you ever given any thought to the message the color of your car sends to others? I haven't but apparently the author of the following article has:

Comment Away.


Got it done before the furniture moving crew made it back! Pictures tomorrow or Monday.


Pat said...

Congratulations on beating the moving crew! Looking forward to the pix.

What can you say about a stupid boss? Not much except I'm glad I don't work there. I wouldn't mind volunteering to stuff Tanner's Totes, though. That would be a rewarding job.

Too bad about all those white cars. I dislike white cars. When I rent a car, I always try to get them to give me something other than white, but I often fail at that. I'll accept just about any other color, though I certainly have preferences. My current Civic is a lovely blue.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

I beat the moving crew because I didn't check to make sure the links worked. First time I've done that.

I am with you about both the stupid jerk of a boss and with Tanner's Totes. I would also like to work on Tanner's Totes, it would be fun.

I don't like white cars for the same reason I don't like white carpets, they show the dirt to easy. I have a burgandy car now and a blue one before. The only white car I had was a Mustang.
